Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Extended Time

Everything is about Time.
Do I have Time to do this?
Where is my 'free' time?
When will my time be mine again?

I probably have stated this before recently
(my tired brain makes it hard to remember at the moment)
but I have basically been putting my shoulder to the wheel....
and walking 50 miles everyday.
lol its actually surprising that somehow I manage to get things done...
that throughout all my procrastinating, and distractions, and institute stuff, and other things that take up those precious hours of the day, and alot of the night...it gets done.

Today, I was a bit...tense...more so then usual.
I had stayed up til 2am working on homework after waking up at 6am yesterday, and ran around campus like a crazy person going to classes and the like.
So...today I started out....pretty close on empty.
Since I had to get up early to finish homework I couldn't do last night because my brain melted.
Well...I basically started out running again.
And amidst the twelve other things I needed to do...
I dropped by the stake offices in the Institute -having rushed up there from class, and changed into church clothes- to get set apart as Publicity CoChair for the Institute.

And...wow....it was a cool 'setting apart/ blessing.'
I felt so relaxed afterwards. Like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
The main thing I remember about the blessing....was that President N...
talked about Time.
I hadn't really said much about my hectic schedule.
How I never feel like I have time for...well myself...time for most things.
I had said that I had a class at 3 I needed to get to...it was 230...but that was about all I had mentioned.

Still, I was blessed, to be able to have enough time to get everything done, to have my time extended when it was needed so that I could get everything done, but that I shouldn't expect it to happen all the time. There will be times when I won't have 'extra time' found somewhere, but that will be the moment when I'm supposed to learn and grow from not having enough time.
Basically, I was left with the impression of "I have time."
Even though my life is crazy hectic "I have time."
I will be able to find ways to make everything fit into my 'time' whether things will go quicker then expected, or it will seem like my time has...become longer...that time is passing by more slowly so that I can get everything done.
It was very cool, and very comforting to get another 'witness' that I am being looked out after, that Christ knows what I'm going through and that I can get help from them.
It was amazing, after the blessing I felt light. Almost like a feather. I was totally relaxed. It was awesome :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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