Monday, November 28, 2011

Another Ring Finger Post

So today, 
after having needed to take the bandage protecting my poor finger off because the bandage got wet and I didn't have a replacement nearby, and I didn't want to wear a wet bandage for four hours before I could go home and after being paranoid that I would totally damage that nail more by accident....
I discovered that it doesn't hurt as much as it has been hurting the last few days.
It feels more tight then anything, and I think that's because its been wearing a bandage for the past three days almost constantly.

I've noticed that my finger is still...very timid.
It tends to hang back out of the way when I do stuff.
The past couple of days I've been using my pinky and middle finger to type.
And its taking me a bit to get my ring finger to take its role again on the keyboard.
Because surprisingly other fingers have adjusted to needing to take over for my ring finger.
And they're not anxious to give back that control.
lol it doesn't hep that my ring finger at first wasn't willing to take back control.
But due to alot of writing based homework assignments.
My ring finger is falling back into the groove of things.
Though occasionally the other finger will slip in and type a letter its not supposed to. :)

It feels very odd to be using that finger again though.
I'll need to adjust back to being able to use it.

Slowly...I may still not do some things for a while until the nail recovers from its trauma. opening things. or grabbing things. I'll have to see.

But for now my ring finger is back on typing duty. :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Kikay and I had travelled to this different world....similar to ours, but different.
We were in a school....building place
and we were sorting through books.
But then...we had to go back to our own place.
So we went sneaking through the shelves to the secret doorway that we weren't supposed to show anyone.
However, one of our friends from that world followed us and begged us to let her come with us.
After a bit of debate...I think we gave our okay.
But the woman wasn't who she seemed.
Suddenly a pendant Kikay was wearing activated...and somehow the girl took over Kikay...making Kikay disappear entirely...sending her to some other place.
-I think we just let loose an evil we weren't supposed to.
I went dashing away through the hallways to avoid this evil person and to try and find a way in all the shelves to get my sister back...

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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