Friday, November 18, 2011


In my head.
I laid down.
Seems rather anti climactic.
But the result was rather dramatic.
Because it was rather bothersome.

What was it?
I plugged up my ear.
Soooo SOOOO Annoying!
Especially when you can't get it to go away!

I think it's because I'm slightly sick.
But for some reason the past week or so when I've laid down on my left side.
My ear ends up getting plugged up.

>.< Go away!!
lol so for the past week my ear has felt...a bit under the weather just because it doesn't feel totally clear.
Today I took a nap...and woke up with my ear plugged.
I think I irritated that ear by trying to clear it.
But it is finally clear again!
But now it aches from the clearing.
(it involved heat, water, and pressure)

Still...its odd to have half your head clogged up.
Things sound different.
It was a different perspective.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I had come through a portal that was filled with water and I was running up a narrow canyon place, needing to do something real quick in this world, to save a life before having to make my way back into my own world, though I was worried about going through the portal because the tide was rising...

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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