Sunday, November 20, 2011

To Do For Me and To Do For Others

Sunday is always an interesting day for me.
For while in church, I'll have a million thoughts run through my head.
Some of them might be related to stories I'm planning on writing in the future,
Others may be 'connetive thoughts' that keeps me engaged in the lesson being taught or the talk being spoken during the meetings where I can say "Oh yah! I've done that too!" and I'll stay engaged.
And finally others...will be thoughts on things I can do.
the Do part is rather vague. However it usually ends up in two categories. What can I do for myself? and what can I do for others?
The do for myself usually ends up being a "To Do" list where I plan how I will spend the rest of my day after I'm done with church.
The other part of the Dos are just thoughts that connect to others. Like "I should call my mom and see if she wants to go see a movie with me." -I want to go see Breaking Dawn, and most of my friends and the rest of my family...isn't that into Twlight. Well they the "Lets go make fun of it sense" but I just want to go see it because I actually like the books. (I like Harry Potter as well. Yes I like both series. So there! :P lol.) -Anyway back on topic. Other thoughts are "I should visit so and so and return that CD, or I should clean up the apartment for my sister, like start laundry. Or we should go visit so and so. Invite so and so to this thing, Tell so and so who is struggling that I can help them out."
Most of the time I only follow through on a couple of ideas from The Do for me and the Do for others list. Okay Do for Me usually has more done then Do for Others.
Yet, I think that I'm going to try and act out more often on the "Do for others" list.
Because I'm getting tired of feeling guilty for not acting out on these thoughts I get in church.
I do get them for a reason after all.
I should act upon them,
and stop acting upon what I want to do. What I need to do.
What I need/want to do will get done in time.
But perhaps with the other individual...this is a one time opportunity that is being missed.
Or maybe the window is only open for so long. that would be a better use of phrasing. :)
lol I hope that I can do better....
We'll see how determined (*coughstubborncough*) I am in doing or not doing this in the future. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
I think it started out with my sister losing a baby tooth she's had for a while and getting a replacement tooth to replace it.
But then...I was eating something, and my front tooth got another chip in it. Same spot as the one I chipped last time, but it was bigger. like a third of my tooth was gone, and it had another chip to the right of i looked rather freaky. And to make matters worse, the tooth after the tooth after the tooth I chipped...was loose. and It kept getting looser and looser and then it FELL OUT!
And it seemed like the teeth were having a party because like three more of them fell out of the left side of my mouth.
My mom said it was because my bottom eye tooth had been rubbing between the two teeth above it, which basically made everything weaker....evil eye looked like a sharp shark's tooth. It was odd...and I went to show my dad that I'd lost like 5 seemed like everytime I looked at my hands which were holding the teeth there were more of them. And I could feel the gaps and spaces where my teeth had been..
Well my dad basically looked at them and said "Oh...that's too bad."
And I was like "WELL FIX IT!!"
He didn't really care though. :(

----This was a freaky enough dream that I woke up briefly and checked my teeth to make sure that they were still there before falling back asleep-----

My family had just moved into a big new house. I was part of a huge family...five or And we basically all had our bedrooms in the attic. We weren't happy there. Mostly because we never really saw our dad. He was always off building or inventing something and we were miserable.
Well my dad decided to sell the house....and there was this family...with spoiled rotten kids who were coming in to check it out and buy the house...which I wasn't happy about because I was actually liking the house, and my siblings and I were playing a rather tense game of "don't let the other family see us!" It was bad if they did...anyway we were up in the attic and I wanted to get down to the floor below us...quickly so I went searching for a secret passage or something.
And I found one!
I opened up the lid to a box...and there was a chair sitting inside of it. And when I removed the chair...(it was like a mini elevator thing for food) I could get down!
Well that was exciting enough that I began searching all over the house for more secret passageways that my dad may have built.
I had to hurry quickly though because we were loading up the car and moving up.
So I went searching.
And I kept finding things.
Rooms that I hadn't been into. The house apparently went on alot further then I had ever dreamed it would go on for I found rooms and within those rooms were passageways or stairways or other ways to get to another room one level down or one level across....
Oh man, I was having the time of my life exploring.
Because oddly enough...though I felt like I was going down many levels.
The rooms remained naturally lit with light...
And there was alot of green grass everywhere we were in the middle of rolling green hills.
It was cool!
And then I got to a point where it was a hallway with lots of doors leading off of it.
And when I looked in...
There were family in it!
Like my family...extended family from my Mom's side.
Kelly and one of her older brothers, and the winder family and other mom's side family people.
And I couldn't believe that my dad was actually considering selling this place because everything was SO COOL!! Plus...he was giving other family members a home.
Though they had a strict 'no animals in the house' policy...which the winder kids had trouble keeping...somewhat, they' looked like Chance off of Homeward Bound kept getting into the house...its name was Bruce, they had another dog named Frodo as well...but Bruce left a big yellow spot on the carpet that my mom demanded get cleaned out immediately.
And I ended up outside, marveling at how awesome my dad was at designing this place....

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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