I love doing random things. :D
Especially if it helps someone else out and/or brightens their day :D
Because then it brightens my day too. ^^
So what random thing did I do today?
Over at TMtP they had blogged last night,
that something was going to be happening on TV this morning in my area.
And they wanted somebody if they were willing to get up that early,
to video taped what happened. lol and that we'd know it when we saw it on TV
Well....I didn't wake up on time.
That's what happens when you try to wake up earlier then normal...and after only three or four hours of sleep.
No, I woke up when there was only 15 minutes to go.
:( Sadness.
But I figured....I would try anyway!
I turned on the TV to see if anything would happen in the last 15 minutes.
Well it did! ^^
Remix was singing! They were advertising their Remix Vocal Academy :D
So I recorded it!
And after nearly an hour of tense staring at my computer screen waiting for the video to load
I had it! :D
I sent the email to TMtP telling them where they could find the video.
And walla!
.....nothing happened aaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllll day long.
I wasn't too worried though.
(Okay I was paranoid that the video hadn't gone through....that the address was wrong or something...)
But I knew the blog posts...usually showed up near evening time. Sometimes earlier most of the time eveningish.
And it did!
And I got 48,000 TMtP points! (like Who's Line is it Anyway...the points don't matter haha )
So now... totally I have 107,010 points :D hehe ^^ Soo exciting.
I have no idea why.
I guess it's like a gold star.
Good job! Gold star for you!
Except it's now "Good Job! X#ofpoints For you!"
Plus they mentioned me by name on their blog and their newest spin off blog! :)
You can read that here:
and here: (They posted the video I took here. hehe yah for being helpful!!)
I'm glad I can be so easily entertained/ made happy.
After all it's small things that make a person's day most days. ^^
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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