Monday, May 28, 2012

Night Time Whisker Drama

Have you ever just sat outside and watched events happen?
At night? sure seems like my home neighborhood is active.
Cars driving every which way passing by our house.
I suppose that's because everybody is getting back from the holiday weekend now that I think on it.
But that general observation of cars passing by every now and then...
Was just background noise to the events happening in my yard.

You see...
My dog....discovered Dove's Kitten.
Dove's kitten?
Dove...has a kitten?
Well yes. ^^
Dove is a black cat that I six years ago.
We named her after the dove chocolate and not the bird :P
She was the runt of a litter of eight  I tamed while in high school.
(I've probably mentioned her before. :))
And it wasn't eight of the same litter I suppose.
But two litters of four that the mother was nursing at the same time.
She was and still is pretty small compared to her litter mates...
as well as to her kittens.
I would guess that she's about as long as a football.
And her kittens when they become adults, dwarf her.
She's so tiny ^^
And cute.
And an awesome mother.
As awesome as a mother can be when raising kittens in the outside world.
It hasn't been easy for her, but she persists.

Well...this evening...I got distracted.
In one of those. "must stay outside" distracted things.
You see my dog Pepper....was barking up a storm outside my window.
And I couldn't see why she would be over in that corner of the yard.
Sooo I went to investigate.
There in the corner of the yard.
Was a cute little black and white kitten ^^

Well...Pepper found it!
I had known for like a month that Dove had a kitten around, but I had been unable to find it.
She doesn't always keep them in our yard.
And I'd been unsuccessful...
but tonight.
I think Dove brought her kitten up to the front yard.
I think she may be trying to wean it, since we feed her and Drifter in the front yard.

Sooo much fun and its soo cute!
I had to do a bit of juggling, convincing Dove I wasn't a big evil attacker, getting the dogs away, making sure Drifter didn't attack the kitten either.
But I was finally able to just sit down and watch her with her kitten.
As they wandered about through the roses, concrete, grass, and cacti.
The kitten is soo cute!! ^^
I was content to watch them.
Drifter was content to stay near me.
And the kitten was content to stay near the fence.
As Dove wandered back and forth between us eating food.
But then...out of the night.
This creepy demon looking black and white face appeared!
Right next to where the little kitten was!
What was it?
Another cat.
It's possibly Jag....he's a kitten I tamed four...ish years ago. He was in the litter before Drifter.
But I haven't seen him in forever...not since like two years ago...possibly three.
The markings look the same from what I remember.
And...unfortunately if it is Jag...he's gone completely wild. :(
He appeared though!
Skittish as anything.
Looking to get some of the cat food.
He disappeared from sight.
Then Drifter took off hoping the fence and disappearing into the backyard.
Just as Jag appeared from the other side coming through the rose bushes.
That cat can sure be sneaky.
I was worried. Jag showed up as the kitten and Dove were in plain sight!
But no seemed like he was only after food and he left after eating, showing very little interest in the furball nearby me.
I thought for sure there was going to be a fight with the kitten caught up in the middle of it.

Who knew so much could happen in a cat's life?
Older brother. Older older brother. Kitten. Mother.
All very territorial.
All wanting food.
All wanting to survive.
It was intense.

And then I happened to look up and see this creepy looking yellow white spider on the chair next to me and Whooosh!
I was back inside away from the creepy crawlies.
Luckily I only noticed the spider after the drama was over. lol.
I wish I could stay outside all night just to watch more of it.
And watch the kitten move about.
Because I probably won't see it in the morning. :(
At least I was able to see the darling fuzzball once.
Sooo cute!!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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