Monday, May 21, 2012

Passing Around the Lock

It's always an adventure when I venture into the Institute.
Something usually happens there.
Usually not what I was expecting :) lol.
Today...I ran into Brother CS.
Okay I didn't run into him, I went by to visit him.
and he had this Itouch that looked rather beaten up.
A cracked screen, pieces of the main part missing.
But he was trying to figure out how to find out who it belonged to so he could return it.
Only problem?
It was locked.
And obviously he didn't know the passcode to get into it.
So the search to figure out who the owner was...seemed like a dead end. was an Itouch.
I have an Itouch.
I haven't locked mine.
But I do know a couple of tricks to get into the ipod without unlocking it. one. lol
you see if you press the...button on the bottom twice.
You can have a couple of things come up.
One of the things are the music buttons. Play, go back, go forward.
But there is also a camera that comes up as well.
And if you hit the camera can access the camera and the pictures it holds.
Thinking on it now...I bet at that point I could have hit cancel and gotten into the rest of the ipod.
I can do that with my own Itouch, but as the other one was locked...idk.
Looking through this person's pictures...
It reminded me of that conference talk given a couple of conferences ago.
It was by Elder Cook. And talked about some adult leaders who found a purse left after a dance, and how the contents of the purse told a lot about the girl.
Well...looking at the pictures, it was a similar thought.
What could we tell from this person from the pictures they took?
It was fun :)
I hope Brother CS finds the owner.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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