I understood how the Confederates felt when they lost the civil war.
Half the nation is on your side...
but not enough of the right half of the nation I suppose.
At least not where most of the 'votes' are.
To let your side get in control.
lol I look at the map of who got what state.
And land wise, it totally looks like Romney won the election.
Yet population wise...where most of the electoral votes are...Obama got the more populous areas.
Personally, I think the vote was sooo close.
That it's not really fair to choose a President from the results.
As from what I saw...the states were pretty divided.
Most percentages were 50%/40% ranges.
Like R55% - D45%
Or R 51% - D49%
They're like super close.
I would think that there needs to be a set difference between the two parties.
Like you need to be 5% ahead of the other candidate to get the state's electoral votes.
Otherwise...it seems like the populations are evenly divided with less then 5% of a difference.
And I recognize that 1% of the population of the state could be like 10,000 people or something.
I just think the percentage difference could be...more of an issue.
I don't know...I would say "throw out the states that are 'too close to call"
But this election...I don't think we'd have that many states 'still in play' if the 'too close to call' thing happened.
The nation seriously was and is divided.
lol I think that we should just make them both presidents.
Romney would be in charge of fiances and getting us back out of debt.
And Obama...would be in charge of the other things...like LaKai said "Making people feel good." lol.
Who knows.
I just find it surprising that Florida...a state that seems to have been in the lime light like the last 4 elections....barely got a blip in the newscast. They were the last state to put their votes in...and all the maps I look at...still have the state unshaded. It's neither blue or red. Possibly because it doesn't matter any more since Obama won...but it's bugging me that it doesn't have a color.
I can't finish my map. >.<
My family has this tradition of coloring in a map of the united states when the elections happen.
Some years is more frustrating then others.
As states have flip flopped and some states are a nice dark purple by the end.
I did this one on paint..and literally painted in the states as doing the paint bucket feature in paint didn't just color in the whole state...lol that's what I get for copy/pasting a map into paint I suppose.
Anywho. Florida hasn't got a color....yet. Hopefully it eventually gets a color. Last I checked the stats Obama was 50% and Romney had 49%...which only adds to 99% who knows. I just want to color in the state lol.
What's funny is that this year I voted for Romney.
And here I am trying to think of ways that would have let Romney be president.
Yet four years ago I voted for Obama.
And the 2008 map looks like this:
Scroll up and down between the two...
And what do you notice?
They're like EXACTLY the SAME.
Indiana and North Carolina ended up switching colors.
And Florida has a color.
But otherwise...the states are shaded the same.
Funny how four years ago I was happy that Obama won and I didn't think more about the states.
And now, that Obama won again and I didn't vote for him this time....
It totally seems unfair.
Ha. The difference between winning and losing. ^^;;
In any case...
It seems like the country is divided still.
Half of us wanted a Democrat.
the other half wanted a Republican.
Here's to another four years!
May the force be with President Obama.
And that he can he'll be able to reach out to the people who voted against him.
That he will listen to what the people and congress have to say.
That congress, the house, and the president will stop blocking each other and compromise and work together.
And hopefully America will get back into the swing of things, so that things nationwide and worldwide will improve once more. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Update: Florida has chosen Obama. Just barely. 50% to Romney's 49.1% or whatever. So the Map is Complete!
The Dream
I was trick or treating and went to the house where my Cousin Mandie lived. There was a sign on her door that basically said "Don't disturb us baby sleeping candy is right here take one." And she had left a giant cauldron of 'candy' but because her husband is in the military, they get alot of free stuff. And they'd left the free stuff to be taken. Like Itouches among other things. So I grabbed an Itouch with 40GBs and left. I met up with some friends in the dark at a group of tables. Cooper was there and he saw my new Itouch and asked where I got it. I said "I'll show you." so we went back to cousin mandie's home but the cauldron of goodies was gone. I was trying to figure out what to do then when my friends...went up to the door..and rang the doorbell. ()_() I was like "NOOO!! Don'---too late." I was super annoyed. Couldn't they read the sign saying "Do not ring the doorbell?" but when i looked at the sign...it had a whole bunch of terms and agreements...but didn't say "don't ring the doorbell, baby is sleeping." like it had the first time. Well...the door slammed open and Aaron, the husband of another one of my cousins opened the door and looked really...super annoyed. He yelled at us. "What the ____ do you think you're doing!? Can't you guys _____ read?" We entered like whipped puppies cus we wanted the items as he stomped around the place swearing some more. -It's super weird to have someone swear in my dreams...that never happens.- Especially from that particular cousin in law...I don't think he ever swears. In any case we were trying to say that we hadn't done anything wrong as the sign hadn't said that we couldn't ring the doorbell and this older woman was agreeing with us....
When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
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