Friday, November 2, 2012

The Right Time of Need

I'm getting the hint.
Do. Not. Try. To. Stay. Later. At. Work.

As it's happened for the third time now.

I mentioned before how I had an attack of a coughing fit at the very end of my shift at work right? One that made it sound like I was trying to puke.
It's least one other time that I remember.
Again, at the end of my shift.

It's so weird.
I keep thinking "Oh I can do this one more thing before I can clock out, it won't be that long."
And then
I get a coughing attack that sends me into the back and soon after onward home.

That didn't happen today.

No today...
was a bit odd.
You see. I had to go into work at 5am.
Which is...kinda pointless for a Friday,
as I don't have to do bedding changes.
We were done with all the pet openings like 45 minutes before Starsmet even opened.
Which would have been fine...
except...the fish weren't there.
Friday is Fish day, where we get in new fish.
And that can take some time...especially for me since I don't quite know the names of all the fish yet, though I do have the general area of where I think they should be down.
Because we have to look at the tags (which is hard when some bags don't have tags) then look at the list and mark how many fish are in that bag and if any are dead before finding the tank they belong in and sticking the bag in there to acclimate to the temperatures of the water in the bag and in the tank to the same temperature. I've heard that we can get fish four boxes high by four boxes wide.
I haven't seen that yet lol.
We had three rows today.
But...they didn't get the fish to us til about 45 minutes before I got off my shift...and it was a 7 hour shift.
Since the store is open to customers, it can take us up to two hours or more to get all the fish into the tanks.
And my partner left an hour after me...I don't know if she got done with the fish or not or if the next worker coming in had to finish it.
In any case.
She went on lunch break right before I clocked out, so I was by myself with the fish for the last part of my shift...actually past my shift as she didn't get back til like 15mins after I was supposed to leave.
In any case.
Customers did come in to get crickets and fish.
I had nearly finished the second row by the time my partner got back.
I just had two more bags to get out of a box and then another box.
I saw my partner come back.
Had the thought that I could leave now.
but brushed it aside.
I wanted to finish the last two bags of the second to last box on that second row first.
As I was searching for the names of the fish so I could mark that we got them.
I felt something....wet.
I've been getting over being sick, so I thought it was the typical runny nose.
My hands were full and sniffing didn't seem to help, so I did a quick brush against my shirt to get it off....and saw red.
I'd given myself a bloody nose!

And wouldn't you know it....
It happened at the very end of my shift.
I don't even know how I gave myself one...perhaps it was moving back and forth and up and down too quickly? No idea.

Needless to say... >.< I didn't finish with those last two bags of fish.
I had to tell my partner to do them, while I went to treat my nose and go clock out.

Okay self imposed curfew...leave when its time, not when I'm done....

I have a feeling something like this will happen again lol...I'm stubborn like that...I like to have things done before I leave.

But on a brighter note.
As I was driving to Institute after clocking out to get to the Institute Devotional.
I saw an older man huffing and puffing walking quickly with a cane and a huge suitcase like bag up the hill from the school.
I had the thought "I should help him."
Initially ignored it, but decided to follow that prompting.
He was heading to the bus stop, trying to get to his bus.
And it was like...thirty seconds up the road at the car.
Another two or three minutes if you walk.
But the poor guy was breathing so heavily I offered him a ride.
He accepted it.
And we got across from the bus stop, and I saw the bus -his bus- coming up the road.
So I pulled out right in front of it and stopped just as it stopped at the bus stop. Luckily someone else was there waiting so the bus needed to stop.
The guy got out of the car and signaled the bus driver to wait.
Got his stuff, and got on the bus.
I don't think he would have made it to the bus stop if I hadn't stopped.
As it showed up 30secs later.
And he still had to walk like 2 minutes to get to the stop rushing as he was.
I'm grateful I was able to get him to his bus on time.
Late from work, late to the devotional, but on time to help a guy in need. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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