Sunday, November 18, 2012

To My Grandmothers of Various Greats

So I'm writing this post on Monday instead of Sunday because I was soooo tired Sunday, and Monday..well I do highlights of conference -which you will see as Monday's post once I'm done writing this.
In any case.
FHE was S. U. P. E. R.

I mean...I thought it was going to start out lame...
because it was FHE..and they said to bring our laptops.

FHE. Church. Laptops.
Yah...I figured we were doing something with family history.
Especially if it's indexing.
I would think that was tedious.
....Though I shouldn't be calling it boring.. Y_Y;; Heh. I haven't really gotten into it yet.
Mostly...because I totally don't understand the different family history sites...or something any case I've just met with frustration.
So I wasn't looking forward to FHE.
I even considered ditching...
but since I've missed like the last four or five...alot of FHE's I figured I'd go be social.
Plus my roommate LaKai said that they weren't indexing.
(she went over first.)
Sooo I grabbed my laptop and went over.

We did do a family related thing.
But one that's like super cool.

It's a site that will show you a 'fan' of your family history, from both sides of the family back six generations and if you click on the sixth generation name then it will take you to a different website that shows you further generations into the past.

The place is called
Family Fan.

You can google it. Family Fan Chart is the name.
Or click on this link that will take you there. :) 

You then click on the Log In button.

...I think there might be a page that asks if you're LDS or not...and will tell you which Log In to use.
But if you are LDS you use your username and password that you would use for
In any case,
once you get yourself logged in.
You can then click on 'create'
And you will get a link asking you if you want to open/save a document.
You can click on Open.
And walla!
A page in adobe will open up with a fan of your maternal and paternal sides and what family history has been done for them.

It's not totally I'm not quite sure what 'family tree' sight it pulls from...but depending on the sight some of the family history may not have been put into that particular website, so it will show up blank on the fan.

That's what happened for my Grandpa Dirchi's side. I know his family history has been done....but it shows up blank on the least for me, maybe it won't for other family members. I've heard that it can be a little glitchy.

In any case.
I found this to be
I mean I know where my ancestors come from.....but I never knew names before.
And there are lots of interesting names!
And if you click on the name, then it will (if it's working right) open up a page that tells you where they were born, died, baptized..etc.
It's amazing!

But the most amazing my grandmothers.
You see, my mom told me that I was named after four great grandmother's
Three are greats. and one is a great great.
Looking at the fan.
I discovered that there are 16 grandmothers with differing number of greats in my family!
Ten on my mom's side.
Six on my dad's side...or at least my dad's mom's side as my dad's dad's side is blank.
So there's a possibility I'm named after more grandmother's there as well.

It's just super cool!
We have a familial name! My name!

I hope you take the time to check it out. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I guess I was kinda obsessing over the Warm Bodies movie/book as I dreamt about what happens after the events of the book and how they're putting the world back together and such.


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