I feel like I'm back in High School again.
Well you see the other day I went to the eye doctor.
Basically for my yearly checkup.
But...I'd also noticed that the vision in my left eye has been a bit...weak. Not able to focus as well as the right eye has.
It turns out...I have some cornea swelling....something irritated the eye.
Both eyes actually, but the left is worse then the right...the right is slight.
But the end result was....some antibiotic eyedrops....and no contacts for a week. :S
So for a week...I get to wear my glasses.
I haven't worn them since my Senior Year of High school.
As I finally convinced myself to get contacts halfway through the year.
I've barely worn them since. Like once in a blue moon.
Frankly...I'd kinda forgotten I even had glasses available to me to wear.
Luckily...my vision hasn't changed much in the six years since I've updated my prescription for the lenses. Unfortunately the left eye lense...is a smidge weaker then what my left eye needs now, but the right is the same.
And since I've been able to tell that the swelling has gone down...as my left eye can focus...
It's not that problematic...
Unless I want to look at something far away.
Then everything seems a bit blurry.
Ugh...but I've forgotten how annoying glasses are.
For one thing it's hard to keep them clear...
Especially since working at Starsmet I deal with lots of different things...cleaning stuff, water, fur...
I feel like I'm constantly having to wipe the lenses....and it doesn't help that they had a couple of scratches to begin with.
I find it more annoying that my eyes don't really....focus.
Sure the glasses help...but my hand keeps reaching up to the frames to adjust them to get them feeling more comfortable on my face, or to try and see clearer.
Yah...I definitely don't miss these.
Surprisingly I've gotten pretty used to wearing them again...they didn't feel odd on my face after a couple of hours...plus it saves me some time in the morning when getting ready...
But otherwise...I'm counting down the days until I can put my contacts back in.
Then I won't have to adjust frames, or clean lenses, or innumerable other things you have to do with glasses.
I'm sure I'll probably spend a couple of days after I get my contacts back in adjusting the frames that are no longer there lol.
Just like when I first got them in High School. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream....involved work in some way...idr more then that.
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