Have you ever lost yourself in a book?
Insomuch that when the last page is turned, the story doesn't end?
That it's pages stay with you as you go about your day,
The best example would probably be Harry Potter.
Walking around, maybe seeing a crazily dressed person walking by,
perhaps you think to yourself -that guy has to be a wizard! They never know how to dress as Muggles!
Yah, the feeling that the book is...more of a history book, or something actually happening now even though the work itself is fiction. In any case...it feels real to you and you can see/connect things within the pages to the real world.
Where am I going with this?
I had the weirdest experience walking into work this morning.
You have to understand...I hadn't walked into the building for two days.
I would have said not since Saturday Morning when I had my shift....
But I returned that night to help a friend get a Hamster.
In any case, Sunday and Monday I was work free.
How did it all start?
I was making my rounds Saturday Morning, feeding all the animals and such.
I was at the Small Pets area.
Giving the hamsters, rats, mice, and guinea pigs fresh water and more food.
When I noticed a commotion on the lower level.
Where two Short-Haired Syrian Hamsters were housed.
They were fighting.
O.o Oddly enough, without any sound. Usually when the others -Russians, Winters, and Robos- fight...they emit these high pitched squeaks of distress.Not these guys.
I separated them.
But they went for each other again...well one male went for the other.
So I rescued that victim male, taking him out of the cage.
His fur was wet and I figured he'd been nipped.
I figured I'd finish feeding the others first before taking him into Iso.
And then...while showing him to another coworker,
I noticed that there was a lot of red.
His back feet were bleeding.
The attacker had gone for the feet!
For some reason that resonated with me.
I mean...how is the hamster supposed to walk if the pads of his feet are cut up and bleeding.
It would be hard for the wounds to heal if you constantly have to walk on them.
Unlike the back and face where wounds usually occur and heal without too much trouble.
Safe by himself in Iso...
I still worried about the guy. Bleeding and such. Luckily the bleeding did stop and the wounds are scabbed over now,
but they weren't when my shift ended.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I ended up having a longer shift that day as I switched the ending of my shift with a coworker who wanted to leave earlier. So I ended up getting an extra hour of work, but that meant that I now needed to take a lunch break along with a 15 min break.
I took my lunch break first and there where the pieces all fell into place.
You could say that little Hamster with his hurt feet was the...cornerstone to the whole building.
As I had had an idea in the back of my mind involving a petstore getting robbed.
But I didn't have the....idk emotional tie, to actually inspire me to write the story.
Until this hamster came into my life.
Everything lined up.
I was on break. I'd just put the hamster in Iso. I had a pad of paper and time.
So for like the first time, I didn't just sit there and think and imagine what I would write.
I opened up the notebook to a blank page and began to write.
I've been lost in that world ever since.
lol. I came home from work and wrote.
Hardly paid attention in church at all, avidly writing, continuing the story in my notebook.
And spent most of Monday lost in the world as well.
I've immersed myself into the story.
It's been soo.....Awesome! And that fails to describe it.
I'm like on an emotional high. In a constant stage of excitement.
Butterflies in the stomach, heart pounding.
It's like that "YAAAAAHOOOOOO!!!" Type of feeling!
It's the best feeling in the world, and I don't have to artificially prolong the feeling by constantly thinking about the story in my head.
No, it's so much easier to keep this excitement going as I'm writing, immersed in the events of my characters.
I can barely focus on anything else.
It's like the feeling I've gotten when I have to set down a book I'm reading, at a really really good part and leave for a bit. I may have the book out of sight, but it isn't out of mind. I can't stop thinking about it, wondering what will happen next. lol literally I'm like shaking to find out what happens next.
This is the same.
It's taken alot of effort just to write my blogs the past couple of days as I don't want to go to bed. And even harder to actually go to bed on time so I can get enough sleep for work.
lol I guess I'm lucky my responsible side is stubborner then my writing side, otherwise I would be up all night writing and suffer during work lol.
>.> I'm not sure how long that will last.
Soooo much fun! I've never gone this long in writing before. Usually it's a write one day...and never come back to it sort of thing.
Yet I keep returning to this.
I want to get the story done.
I know it's in it's rough draft form right now, but I want to write the ending before going back and expanding, adding in things I've discovered along the way, and switching scenes and characters around as I've found the flow of things.
Back to the point I hinted at at the beginning of this post lol. ^^;;
You now know that I have been lost in my world of writing for nearly three days.
Without going to work.
At a pet store.
Then today...
I literally felt like I stepped into the world of my story coming into work this morning.
lol It felt so real that I looked around expecting to see the store set up as it is in my story.
And felt the lack. As the petstore in the story is waaaaayyy different then the petstore in real life.
Yet....I expected to see the people in the story there. Walking around. They weren't. Still thought I should though lol.
And since I based many of the animals in my story off actual animals still in the store....at least I got to see them. ^^ Especially my hamster friend back in Iso. The Inspiration for the whole thing.
Wow, just wow.
Back to writing! :D
>.> And then to bed...grrr stubborn responsibility. >.<
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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