Friday, January 25, 2013

A Tangled Kiss

You know how you think a project is going to take so much time.....and it takes way longer?
Yah, that's how this project was.
I thought I could get this done easy peasy....
Only the clips and music were failing to match up for like the last thirty seconds.
Totally annoying.
But I figured it out!
So here comes the final version!
The Song: Kiss the Girl
The Movie: Tangled
Did you like it?
I hope you did. :) lol.
So what brought this back on again?
Well...I realized that I hadn't made a music video in a looooonnnnggggg while.
Mostly because I couldn't find any songs that matched with the movie clips I'd gathered.
And...Google/Tumblr changed something about their layout and it took me a bit how to figure out what I needed to do to actually save the clips.
Which I did! ^^;;; Proud of myself for that lol.
Heh....I planned on having this whole epic story about how I managed to mesh Kiss the Girl with Tangled....but I'm failing at remembering right now. :S
In any case....I'm pretty sure the song came first.
As something in the words sparked something else.
Okay, so I can't listen to this song without remembering a ward talent show we did like....three years ago? Four years ago?
I had contributed to the show by volunteering to sign and juggle (not at the same time)
And for fun, I dressed up as like...this demon clown. With a big green Afro wig.
Well...the whole getup was extremely hot, so after I did like my five minutes of 'talent' I quickly changed.
Only to have a quartet of their talent want to Serenade the 'clown girl'
So I stuck the wig back on my head and went and sat up in front of everyone.
Soooo Embarrassing.
For...they sang this song.
Kiss the Girl.
And at one point....a guy stepped forward to kiss me.
Innocent and embarrassed little me reacted instinctively,
and I scooted my chair back.
Dude! Don't know you! You're not planting one on me!
lol. O.o
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened had I allowed that to happen.......who knows.
In any case...that memory remains forever tied in with the song....
Though not really in the Tangled movie. I do admit my favorite part is when it goes Flynn Ariel, Flynn. lol. :)
I kinda halfway consider this movie a movie of....encouragement.
Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
And Flynn is like. No! No! No!
haha ^^ Tis a fun dynamic -probably influenced by that Talent Show Memory. lol.
There is something fun about finding the right song with the right movies. lol even with this newest addition I look at what I created and say "Did I really make this? Surely somebody else did!" Yah...I hardly believe that it was me who slaved hours upon hours to get everything done.
It's always such a celebratory dance when I piece everything together and publish it on Youtube.
Did everything I hope to accomplish during the movie work out?!?!?
....Not totally. But close enough.
As my video making system is old, so I can't sync music and clips together. No, I'm messing with clips on my computer and hitting play on my Ipod to listen to the song, and sometimes the clips go too quickly or too slow...yah, it's an adventure lol.
Full of fun when you place a clip just so and the song matches the clip!
i.e. The clip of Mother Gothal laughing. The music does a little 'ha ha' type sound at the same moment!
Or Maximus raising his eyebrow to Flynn right as the song says "Whoa Whoa" lol. Unintentional but totally awesome!
Again I hope you enjoyed watching the movie!
For I totally had fun creating it! :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi

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