Wednesday, April 9, 2014

An Awesome Sequel

The general rule of thumb has always been that the "Sequel is never as good as the Original."
It always seems like the second movie tries too hard. And goes over the top of having 'too much' of something. Too much fighting, too much forced humor, too much explosions, basically the movie isn't balanced in all the different attributes that make up a good movie. A good plot, great characters, a few fight scenes, maybe an love interest, some humor. It's all around balanced.
Second movies...aren't balanced. There's like a lack of plot. Or the characters seem stiff....
But, there are exceptions to this rule.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Is one of those.
Guys. It's amazing.
If possible, it's even better then the original. Like seriously.
It really doesn't seem like a sequel at all. That's how good it is.
Don't worry I won't be giving spoilers,
But seriously, this movie will have you laughing, crying, gasping, totally all around Feels.
The Characters are alive in this story. They have personality, they got skills, they have tons of surprises. Everyone is awesome.
But really, my love for Captain America has really grown in this movie. Because seriously, you can see his skills! He's not just a soldier guys, he's a super soldier! He's more then flinging the shield around. He's able to do what the 'normal' guy can't. I mean, compared to the rest of the Avengers, you're like "Oh, and then there's Captain America and his shield." But no. This movie. THIS MOVIE proves why he's on the team. Not because he's a good leader, not because he's the 'first avenger' it's because he really is a super hero. Not afraid to stand up for his beliefs and then fight for them.
But he's not all about the fight. He genuinely cares. He will go the extra mile to help out a friend even at his own expense, it's awesome to see on the big screen.

Seriously. Go see it.

I want to say so much more, but that would be spoiler heaven.

lol Really. Please, for me. Thanks. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was driving home from some place trying to Get to Happy Valley, though I was really on my way up North to my hometown, but I wasn't quite sure where I was. I knew the road, but I didn't know what exit I needed to take. I was passing by a place called "Echo" and realized I might have missed my exit. And then there was a second exit that came by so quickly I didn't realize it was another potential exit until I passed it. So I pulled off on a third exit so that I could look at my GPS and figure out how to actually get to my destination, when my friend Hayley and Jon Schmidt pulled up to offer me a ride home. And I was like "I can't, I have early morning work tomorrow, I need to have my car with me. I'm looking up directions." And Hayley was like "That's not the fast way." And at that point I was like "I don't care, I need to just get there."

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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