Saturday, April 19, 2014

Not Enough Time

I should never attempt to drive home on my lunch break ever again.

Because I'm always late getting back to work.
And that bugs me.
I hate being late.

But really, it shouldn't be this way.
Drive home, grab something real quick, drive back Plenty of time.
I mean, come on, on good days it only takes like 10 minutes to get to work!
And with half an hour to kill, I really should have 20 minutes to drive, and 10 minutes to relax.

Not so.

Because Every. Single. Time.

I get stuck behind the slowest people on earth.
The guys who must be sightseeing their way through Happy Valley, as they insist on doing everything at super slow speeds! Like 10mph BELOW the speed limit.
That of course, causes back ups. Traffic gets slower and lights happen like every three cars.....short cuts end up being long cuts....
and wouldn't you know it. It takes 20 minutes to get to my destination, two minutes to run up  a ton of stairs to grab what I needed and dash back down to my car, and then 12 minutes to get back to work.

Totally frustrating.
Which is why I've only attempted this twice.
Really, I should learn by now.
If I ever want to get home by a certain isn't going to happen.

....though maybe if I tried to do this trek when it's not the lunch or dinner hour.....maybe I'll have more success....hmmm......

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves!
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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