Friday, April 25, 2014

The Laptop Saga

So there I was, last night, mourning the fact that my new laptop was out on its lonesome, on a quest to replace a faulty hard drive. I'd been told that this quest would take two weeks to complete. And this...was the end of week one.
So, on a whim, I decided to check in on my laptop and see where in the country it was.
As last time I was somewhere in Kentucky.

Imagine my surprise when I saw that it had been checked in, fixed, and shipped out.
()_() Huh? Already!
When would it arrive then?!
Luckily there was this tracking number that I could click on.
And it told me.

That my laptop was sitting like twelve yards away from me in the office!
My laptop was already back and waiting for me!
Only...when I found out this was late at night.
Meaning, the office was closed.
*sniff* SOOO CLOOOSE yet soooo FAAAR!
I would have to wait until the morning to go claim my laptop back into my possession.

Ah, sooo hard to fall asleep. But somehow I managed.
I even managed to wait until a little after the office opened to go down and claim my prize.

Only....I didn't claim it. :(
I went into the office, and there was a girl there at the desk.
Two other people came in about the same time as me, and to be kind, and show I wasn't in a hurry....I let them go first.
And then my turn.

"Hi, I'm here to see if I got a package in."
"Okay, do you have your slip of paper?" (They leave slips of paper in our mailbox to say "Hey, you have a package! Come get it.)
"No, There wasn't anything in the mailbox." (I'd checked before I went over.)
"Then, it's probably not here."
"No, it is. The shipping order said it arrived yesterday. Signed for and everything."
I could tell she was in one of those frazzled 'I really don't want to go look as I'm busy with twelve other things!' moods. But she went in back to look anyway.
Came back empty handed. "What was the name again?"
"I'm sorry, there are no packages in our back room."
LIES! I mean. "You sure? It had to be signed for."
"I don't know, I don't usually deal with the mail, I'll have to look into it later." (ha yah right.) "and see what our mail guy did with it if it came in. If you could leave your name and info here, I'll get back to you."
Hmm. Somehow I doubted that she would get back to me today. And knowing that my laptop was there. I WASN'T GOING TO WAIT THREE DAYS FOR THEM TO FINALLY DECIDE THAT I ACTUALLY HAD MAIL!
After all, today is Friday. Who knows if mail is delivered on Saturday (I can never tell.) and Sunday, no go. Which meant Monday at the earliest. And if it was actually at the office sitting in back there was no way I was going to wait that long if it was sooo close to me.

But I did have to wait.
I had a game plan.
I mean, I didn't believe that the package wasn't there. It had been signed for. It was there. And I highly doubted that as the girl said "it may have been placed in a different mail slot."
O.o I think she was talking about the slip of paper. Which I'm like. "Why do you need that if the BOX with a LAPTOP in it, couldn't fit in the little mail box and it's here in the office!"

Yet, decided to just double check. I called the UPS store, and they gave me a number that allowed me to actually figure out that the package had in fact been delivered and signed for at my office (and not a UPS office).
That phone call turned into a bit of a hassle in of itself as the woman on the phone wanted to launch an inquiry and I was like "No, you don't need to now, I'm guessing the girl didn't know where to look, I'll check again a little later and see if its there, if its not I'll call back."
She insisted she send the inquiry anyways, telling me that I could always call back and cancel it at anytime.
Whatever floats your boat I suppose. Just let me stop talking to you so I don't feel like we're constantly misunderstanding each other. >.>

So game plan.
I would need to return to the office today.
But I didn't want to deal with the same girl again. As I highly doubted I would get my package without my little slip of paper if she was there.
Which meant, I would need to return later in the day. Like six hours later.
As I figured that the woman's shift couldn't last aaaallll day long so there would be a replacement there.
Plus I had other things that needed to get done today. And if I played my cards right, I would be able to elongate it to the time I planned to try again.

So, off I went.
And then I came back...a bit early -I checked the mail box to find no slip of paper-
And went back up to my apt to wait a little longer.
In the waiting time, I decided to change my look. Maybe a different impression would help me get my package. I mean, T-shirt and Jeans hadn't helped me the first time around.
So, with freshly washed hair, and a nicer shirt, a little while later I finally returned to the mailbox. Still no slip, and went on to the office.
There, I found two new people.
And a pile of fresh mail sitting on the desk.
So politely I asked if I could pick up a package that was delivered yesterday for me.
The new girl did a quick search through the pile, and didn't see it. I repeated that it had come in yesterday morning. So the guy went into the back to check for me.

And guess what.
Back he came with the package in hand!
HALLELUJAH! *angelic chorus*
And guess what? Definitely was too big to fit in a mail box. It was a huge package, awkward to carry.
I left, triumphant. Just as the girl from this morning returned to the desk.
Ha! I avoided her! Yay.
But seriously? She couldn't find this huge thing?!!?
Admittedly the sticker with my name on it was rather small, so if she just glanced really quick, she wouldn't have realized it was for me.
But There it was. Waiting.

I managed, somehow to walk calmly back to my apartment, but once inside.
I couldn't hold it in.
Anxious fingers tore at the box.
And there, wrapped up all shiny and safe.


*tears* It was here! It was here! AND A WEEK EARLIER THAN EXPECTED!!
I literally danced around my living room in my excitement.
No more old laptop and being tethered to the wall.
Here it was, my new laptop!

And really, it was new.
As, with a new hard drive, anything that had been set up before I sent it in...was gone.
So I had to reinstall a bunch of things.
Reconnect with the internet, redownload Microsoft Office (Shout out to the guy who helped me figure out how to do that!) (Shout out to me hoarding stuff so I was able to redownload it!)
Get my games back,
and finally get my Itunes redownloaded.

TADA! Everything is back to basically normal. ^^
(and yes, I called back the UPS people to cancel that inquiry, totally again more work than I thought necessary but whatever.)

I'm sooo HAPPY! Definitely a bright spot to my week!! :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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