Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Whatcha Doin' Stomach?

I hate it when my body begins to act weird.
Because I don't know if its acting weird from a solvable problem.
Like it needs more sleep, more food, more water, less stress....
Or if I'm actually getting sick...and need basically the same things lol.

Today for example was one of those iffy days.
Because basically everyone around me is getting sick.
So I can only assume its a matter of time before I catch one of the twenty different things going around.

I'd just got done scrubbing every. single. fish tank on our fish wall.
Why did I scrub like 100 tanks in an hour and a half?
Because work has been crazy enough that we haven't had the opportunity to actually scrub our section of tanks for the past few days.
And with our DM coming in like...tomorrow...
It was super important to get the department to look presentable.
When I had a spare moment.
I set out to scrub them all as they were beginning to look dingy with algae growth.

And as I finished the tanks...
My stomach began to act weird...
It was one of those 'I'm trying to eat myself" sort of squeezing feelings.
Muscles reacting? Stomach reacting?
Who knows?
Its one of those feelings where I could be getting sick or I was just hungry.
It seems to be more of the former rather than the later unfortunately.
Because I did grab food to see if that would help me feel better.
It helped...but the problem didn't go away.
So I'm probably suffering from some sort of stomach bug...
Where if I stand up for too long I start to get that 'squeezing/eating' sensation.
I hope its just a temporary thing,
And that I can get through work alright.
Because with so many of my other coworkers getting sick right now...
I can't afford to call in myself.
Or we'd be severely short handed on the one day when we really need to be at full staff so that the DM still gets a good impression of our store still.

Thankfully some Soda and Chips seems to be helping to settle the uneasy stomach...for now. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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