Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Day In Review -December 29th

Monday, December 29th 2008

-Spent the day on the computer watching the final season of Yugioh G/X. Strange how one can waste a day watching a moving screen. One of these days I need to do something more productive. A Strange occurrence happened today. My Roommate Ali called me out of the blue asking about a lesson I gave in FHE about a talk I heard from Elder Bednar. lol that put me on the spot. It was after all like 2 or 3 months ago. She also wanted another thought mom sent me, one day about M&M candy and how it works with Christ's story. I guess she was planning an FHE thing since it is Monday after all.

Tuesday, December 29th 2009

-Spent the day lazing about the house with the exception of when I went out in the snow to get the mail and to go get Meralto. Had another nightly chat with Kikay that went on for a couple of hours. :) Such fun.

Wednesday, December 29th 2010

-Spent the morning writing, tried to go see the 1:40 Rapunzel movie but Kikay and Meralto didn't take into account the rainstorm, so when we went to get tickets they were sold out. So we ended up going in the snow to the 4:20 movie. :) It was good. I liked it. :) lol driving in the snow home took some time, but we all arrived safely home. Kikay and I had a small snowball fight, before we watched Toy Story 3 with the parents. Cas randomly called to ask if our relationship was still in the friendship stage because his guy friend wanted to know and cas wanted to make sure he hadn't missed anything. I told him we were still just friends. I hope that he wasn't hoping for a different answer...because I don't want anything more than friendship with him.

Thursday, December 29th 2011

-Daddoo woke me up this morning before 9 so that I could get ready before Aunt A and her family arrived. Surprisingly Aunt G showed up at our doorstep with my cousin Autumn the oldest girl out of our new cousins. She'd gone with Kailea to a new years eve dance. Aunt A and family arrived about 9:30 but we didn't leave until 10 am for Thanksgiving point to go see the Dinosaur Art Museum. We ended up taking four of my cousins in our car. It was only Daddoo and I who went with them as Mother Dearest was at work, Meralto was working on his Eagle Project, and Kikay's eyes were bugging her so she stayed home. The museum itself was a bit crowded. I hadn't been there since 4 years ago when I moved to college for the first time. Today for some reason, there were a lot of children. Young children with their parents at the museum. I ran into my old Sunday School teachers the Hibberts there. Last time I saw them they'd just barely had twin boys. Now the boys are 5 and they have a 2 year old girl and another 8 month year old boy. lol I'd forgotten that the husband was so tall. I remember when we used to have parties in his huge house with giant balls. It was a fun time. He recognized me first, I hadn't really been paying attention to the other people, there was a family taking pictures near the T-Rex display that I needed to make my way around them. It was his family lol he approached me and said. "Don't I know you?" I turned and saw this tall guy, but his face looked familiar so I agreed that he looked familiar too. My first thought was that I must know him from Institute but when we exchanged names and he said Hibbert, it clicked that he was my Sunday School teacher. :) I talked with him and Char for a bit before we went our separate ways. After the museum we went to Chuck-a-rama for lunch. I talked with Cous Ben for a little bit there then Daddoo took Josh and Hannah to Rusty Coin to look at...what else? Coins. I walked over to Mom's work to hang out with her until Daddoo was done with the coin shop, then he picked us up and we dropped off the cousins at My Aunt L's house and visited for a little bit. I took Kikay to her 5:45 appointment to the eye doctor to see what was wrong with her left eye. She had calica conjentivitius...I think its also called a staff infection? Where her eyes got irritated and is attacking itself. WE were able to get her a prescription for that. I dropped her off at home and dashed to the Bountiful Theatre to see the 7:10 showing of TinTin. I was a bit late in meeting Tay for the movie because the people at the Drug Store moved rather slow and insisted on giving directions. I enjoyed being with Tay, but I didn't like the TinTin movie. While it had a plot...it was rather stilted. I felt like I was dropped in the middle of the movie where it meandered around a bit then ended before the last act. I didn't like it. Came home and got my confirmation email that I would be taking the Test (interpreting test) in January. :S AHHH!! -I sent in the application a couple of days ago -27th. Ahh!! I'm not sure if I should take the mock test before the actual test or not. :S (Didn't take the mock test. Didn't pass the test either. >.< boo.)

Saturday, December 29th 2012

-I didn't wake up to more snow on the road today, but it was hard to convince myself to get out of my nice warm bed to go to work. I did cats, birds & small pets first then reptiles. I pulled out the guinea pigs on the floor -technically a day early because they arrived a day late, but we had customers coming in to see/buy them today because they were told we'd have them Saturday. I also cleaned out a cage that had held dumbo rats to make room for some hamsters as we wont' have rats again for a week and its rather pointless to have an empty cage when animals can come out onto the thought, though I wish we had bigger hamsters. We put out six robos instead as they were one of the older ones we had from like two weeks ago and there were six while all the others had three hamsters so the robos could use the space. We tried to make six, seven, but the single robo started fighting with the others. :( I don't think singles will do well at all ever. If we'd had two introduced to another group then it might do better. So only six. I did crickets and fed the fish and cleaned out the dead and bagged the small crickets before the morning meeting. I didn't hear the morning meeting report as a woman came in wanting two guinea pigs right as the store opened. I helped a couple customers as well as two girls who were rather fun to talk to. lol I wish I could see them again. They seem fun. I spent the rest of my shift basically cleaning algae out of the fish tanks. I drove straight from work to Walmart to get food and notebooks to write my story ideas in. :D Unfortunately I dropped my juice in the hallway and the jug cracked. (o.O you wouldn't think that would happen but it did.) Who knew that could happen. I managed to save most of the juice and pour it in my other tamipco juice jug. I also took out the garbage and did some more dishes. >.< Kah still hasn't done hers. I halfway wonder if she lived by herself if the kitchen would still be a pigsty of dishes in the sink, leftover food and empty boxes all over. :S cus she does that here and its getting annoying. I also texted Kikay as I noticed yesterday that a three legged frog in back still was alive when I thought he'd died like a week ago. Heh was up for adoption and I didn't want him to stay in that tank so I asked if she wanted a three  legged frog. She said "YES!" and promptly added "I shall name him Legolas." (Leg-o-less.) lol I was like don't name him until I get him home! lol just in case the frog wasn't there. I asked Reth first if it was okay. She said yes and tried to find me more gimpy frogs to take, but I said I only wanted that one. Brought him home and he's happily in his tank with frogs Tiana and Horatio. (I saved Legolas's life as my coworker accidentally over treated the tank with meds he was in a day or so later and killed everything else in the tank. :S) I took a shower and a nap and spent the rest of the day relaxing and I wrote a little in one of my new notebooks. I wish I could write more, but its 11 and I have to go to bed. >.< Boo. I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow. :(

Sunday, December 29th 2013

-I ended up sleeping on the couch last night because I didn't feel like moving. I got up and ready to go to church. Ended up coughing through the sacrament, but I survived. Mirleki was kind enough to drop by some chicken noodle soup for me and we talked for a couple of hours. :) Afterwards I watched the Lone Ranger and am about to head for bed. Hopefully to fell better in the morning.

Monday, December 29th 2014

Ugh. My sore throat has progressed onto a cold today. >.< I have that annoying stuffy/runny nose thing going on, but at least the soreness of my throat has faded. The sick symptoms only seem to be a hassle when I actually sit down. It seems like if I'm up and moving, everything works a little more smoothly. Doesn't mean, I feel the best, but its less of a nuisance which was good considering I had work today. I did pretty well only feeling a bit off after about 1 pm. Still, Sirch and I were able to get the department open with hardly any customers in sight. Mostly because it was snowing outside hard enough to deter most of our foot traffic until later in the day when it stopped. I spent nearly 2 hours putting up price stickers in my dept hardly getting interrupted. Definitely a nice slow day for me. I don't expect the same for tomorrow as I will be opening by myself. Hopefully I manage to keep my cold on the down low so I don't have to be too miserable while working. :) At least I was able to grab some Zupas soup today. I'll probably do so again tomorrow. Took a 3 hour nap and hung out for the rest of the day with a shower added in to help clear my lungs.

Tuesday, December 29th 2015

-Its so weird to go through these journal entries and notice a trend in things that happen on the same day each year. I'm currently sick with the same sort of cold symptoms as the last two years. lol. Stuffy/runny nose. I guess its just the season to get sick for me. In any case. I managed to get myself out of bed for work this morning. Though I wanted nothing more than to go back to bed and stay there for the rest of the week. I went into work and did the Back Room Bedding changes today as my coworker didn't come in until an hour before the store opened and that's not enough time to do the bedding changes. So I had her open the rest of the department while I worked on the back rooms. Managed to get them done before the store opened! Ha! Then I spent some time cleaning up our room behind the fish tanks before I set to working on our Cricket Shipment. We got a double load in today because our next shipment would be on New Years Eve and they're not sending us them that day. It took me most of the rest of my shift to play with the bugs and get them all sorted as I had to refill like 50 cricket boxes with fresh crickets, and wait out the new shipment of crickets to see if the frozen things would come back to life. It wasn't that busy today as it ended up snowing later on, so customers didn't really come in which was great because for the first time in what feels like forever I was able to get all my opening tasks done before I left! Huzzah! I liked that it was slower so that I didn't have to expend as much energy. :) I came home from work and took a brief nap before me, Jess, and Tay went and saw The Good Dinosaur at the other Mall than our usual one as it was the only nearby place showing it after 2pm.  We got there late....due to some drama in the other roomies' lives so the tickets were mostly sold out by the time we showed up. Which meant we were up front on like the second row. It wasn't that bad of a view. I really loved seeing the Good Dinosaur. :) Its a cute movie. Great colors, great story. Loved it. ^^ Came home long enough for me to get into my car and go grab some Zupas and Jamba Juice to get some more Chicken Enchilada Chili and Vitamin C fruits into my system. Hopefully I can beat this cold before the weekend. Came home to eat it and have been resting the rest of the day. :) Probably going to go take some Nyquil soon to help me sleep.

Y_Y So weird...
This is my last "Day in Review" for the year. It's been quite a journey and a lot of fun to see what I've been up to in the past. ^^
Here's to hoping that this upcoming year is full of more Adventures!!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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