Sunday, December 4th 2005
-Today I had to go to BYC (Bishop Youth Counsel) So that we could talk about people who aren't very active. Then I went to church. It was interesting in Sunday School our Teachers Dave and Char planned a party for Sat the 10th. Its going to be fun! While we were in Sunday School my parents came back home and hid the Christmas Presents they had bought yesterday. I don't care what everybody says. I think Santa Claus is real!
Thursday, December 4th 2008
-I had an interesting conversation with my ASL teacher today during my 2 hour break. I had told her I had a knack for signing a sentence while listening to the next sentence I was supposed to be signing -We got on this topic because she asked what I wanted to do with ASL and I told her I wanted to be an interpreter- She said that was a good talent to have and then asked if I liked learning and I said yes. She told me that, that is a good thing because the more you know about things the less likely you are to have no idea what you're signing about if you're asked to interpret. I thought that was cool. I wonder if she thinks I'm going to do well in ASL now. After all she said I've done pretty well on my sign song considering I picked a hard song to sign. After that I ran into a couple more ASL teachers and had a signed conversation with them. That was fun, I understood/got the gist of what they were saying. After my ASL classes Rainy was kind enough to give me a ride up to Michaels (store.) so I could buy clay because I loaned her a book/video earlier today. So I got my clay for my sculpture final project and as I was standing in the check out line the old lady in front of me was kind enough to give me a coupon for 40% off what I bought for which I was extremely grateful because since I went crazy buying Christmas lights yesterday I'm down to like $50 in my bank account. :S I had like $40ish in cash as well....but my cash dwindled because I had to buy clay and pay utilities...and yah...things are tight. :S And with everything going on...I'm basically screwed buying gifts for friends for Christmas. :( I'll probably have to do some homemade gifts. Hopefully nothing major comes up :S I just need to survive until the 19th when I go home for Christmas. After the store I returned home to work on my art project then went to the "Home coming" basketball game. >.< We lost. I left to go to the ward volleyball where our team won! yay! Now we get to play on Sat @9am >.< Joy. No sleeping in for me. :P Need to do history homework for tomorrow. Agh! Oops. Procrastinating again.
Friday, December 4th 2009
-For some reason I keep thinking the date is a day later than it actually is lol. Strange. Guess I want Christmas to come sooner lol. Today was alright, I ended up only have 2 classes today. V&D was 'cancelled' because people were performing a matinee this morning. Philo and Bio were boring. Got to go to the last devotional of the year, it was good and I got to chat with Ali and Brad. Helped out at my last institute publishing meeting for the year. Gave Alyssa and Matt (co chairs) chocolates and Bro K chocolate and a marker as a Christmas present (he loved that marker lol it was a clicky one.) Went to the "contours of Knowledge" thing. A waste of time as it was a panel. Hung out with Kristin for a bit until she went home and hung out reading until the Play Much Ado About Nothing started. Once again I was by myself XP and no john to sit by. :( The play was good. Funny, but it probably would have been better if somebody had come along with me. Afterwards I had to wait half an hour for Kristin to come pick me up. :( I could have walked home twice! Grr. She was baking so she couldn't have come earlier. :( Oh least she came. :)
Saturday, December 4th 2010
-Woke up with a headache XP It hasn't really gone away. Took a shower to try and get rid of it. Spent the day reading and watching a Harry Potter marathon instead of doing homework like I should have been doing. ... Grr...I need to stop procrastinating my ASL teacher's 10-15 page research paper.
Sunday, December 4th 2011
-It was Fast Sunday in church. Had BLTs for lunch. I caught up on the scripture reading for Council, took a nap and worked on writing while watching Treasure Planet. The 2,000 stripling warriors and Alma the Younger's conversion. I didn't go over to the Neffies tonight. Instead I watched the Christmas Devotional and went to ward prayer. :)
Tuesday, December 4th 2012
-Work went pretty well today. It was a bit odd coming in at six instead of five as that put everything back an hour. I nearly managed to get small pet bedding changes done by the morning meeting. I just had to put everything back into the cages, but... that didn't happen for like another hour as Reth wanted me to try and put the single robo hamster in with some others. It didn't work and I had to help some customers as well with crickets and questions about geckos. I fed birds and most of the reptiles, but when I was nearly done I got bogged down with more customers and it was a bit more time consuming as our new shipment of crickets were basically all dead and we were running low on small crickets (oh what a familiar story, happened yesterday to me.) Now we're really low. Also I had to clip a parakeet's wings today. The bird pinched me like crazy and it really hurt! The bird was lucky I had enough self control to not fling it about trying to shake it off my hand. I finished reptiles and went straight from work to institute where I got a cinnamon roll. I read conference talks while waiting for Brother Kno's class to being and had his class. :) I played the piano, not very well, as I haven't done that in a bit. After class I walked home and ran into my career/education cochair alex and talked with him. Paid Rent and took a 2 1/2 hour nap. There really wasn't anything on TV so I turned to reading a book. :) New Spring -the prequel to Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series. I also go to talk to Jess one last time as she goes to the MTC tomorrow. Its rather emotional for me as she's always been there -online- to talk to and for the next 18 months she won't be. :( I feel kinda bereft right now. An Anchor is gone and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to fill that void, though I will wit something. :S
Wednesday, December 4th 2013
-We got word today, that my Brother is coming home tomorrow. We don't know why. Hopefully the whole family can come out of this stronger and that everything will get sorted out soon.
Thursday, December 4th 2014
-Had work this morning. It went well enough, I actually got things done before 1pm which is good. Hopefully the small animals I accept in today stay healthy. Had a bit of an accident with a couple of pitchers of water, they came tumbling off my cart on two different occasions. Requiring a mop up. Otherwise things went well. :) Laurie even got me a drink! Which was super nice of her. It was a raspberry smoothie of sorts. Pretty good. :) It was sweet of her to get one fo rme. :) I ventured down to the school but ended up just sleeping there for a bit before coming back home to write and read a lot of random facts on this ultrafacts blog I found.
Friday, December 4th 2015
-It was one of those busy days at work. Where there were actually customers in the store first thing in the morning. O.o So. Weird. I managed to get everything but Reptile opening done by the time we opened up, which was good because I got stuck with a customer for like half an hour right after that point helping her adopt out a cat for her mother as an early Christmas present. I managed to take a break, then helped my coworker with our fish shipment. It was huge! Like 5 levels! I haven't seen our fish shipment come in that large in a long time. like a year or so. As most of the time it's only twoish levels of boxes. Though in my first year of work it was common to have large shipments of Fish. In any case. We managed to get the fish shipment done while helping out customers. My new manager BB randomly asked me How I was doing today. O.o Uhmmm that's such a general question. I was like "In general or at work?" Because in general I hadn't been feeling well. But at work I was fine. She wanted to know about work...but was still being vague. I think she's thinking about the new manager situation? I have no idea. I'm pretty used to the changing of the guard. So in that retrospect I was fine. In other areas not so much, not that I got to tell her what the other areas were because it was such a quick conversation. And my automatic response is to say that everything is fine. But if you give me time to think on it, then I can tell you what isn't fine. Mostly its annoyance at the managers because each one is expecting something different of me and are putting responsibilities on me that I'm not sure I should be getting and I hate that they're putting everything on me when I'm just supposed to support my manager, not do their job. >.< Yah...complicated all around. *shakes head.* In any case. Work was good. Busy, but good, we got basically everything done. What wasn't so good was that I went a bit crazy spending money today at work. Its our Double Discount Weekend. So instead of our usual discount...its now doubled which is great if you want to buy presents! lol ^^;;.... And I went a bit crazy buying stuff, for me (like soft blankets that are amazing.) and stuff for other people/animals. I get into a very giving mood this time of year. ^^;; haha. But yah...probably should have reigned myself in a bit, though I don't regret it. :) Just means if I want to keep my money goals I'm going to need to be more careful with shopping....even more difficult as I was planning on spending the weekend finishing up my Christmas shopping....soo we'll see how that all turns out. :S Came home to packages! Yay! ^^ Got some more presents for friends/family. Bad news though is that I've 'lost' a package as it was apparently delivered yesterday, but I never got it. :S I just hope it ended up in the wrong mailbox. Thankfully it wasn't a major expensive present...but still....I bought the thing...I kinda want it. We'll see if it ends up turning up. I chatted with my Amazing Roommate for a bit, before taking a brief nap, then I ventured out to Walmart to buy stuff I needed to buy, figuring out wants/needs when it comes to food is hard.... :) Came home to relax, though my other roommate is making it difficult to do so with her "Attacking" Questions. "Why do you always sit in your room?" She asked me today. >.< I hate being put on the spot. The answer is a) I'm not feeling well. b) I do like my alone time. c) I'm more comfortable in my room than the rest of the apt at the moment. d) To surround myself with good energy. And since I'm not feeling well, my energy levels are low, which means I'm less able to deal with the vibes other people are giving off so I'm being antisocial in order to conserve my energy. I basically told her "Well. I'm comfortable here. I sat down, and haven't gotten up yet." Yah...I don't like on the spot questions. >.< That's why I like writing, writing I have time to actually think up a good response instead of fumbling my way through an answer.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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