Thursday, December 8th 2005
-Today was another school day. And it was very cold too. In school I learned to make excuses and play go fish in sign language. Had a sub for seminary named Yurkio? Smith. She likes to talk. English we read and watched Othello and math learned more about some graphs and I finished my homework in less then 10 minutes. Today my family and I went to a Christmas Concert with the tabernacle choir and a girl named Renee Heming. I didn't like her. She sang almost every song! She had a very annoying voice. During one of the songs she was singing called "Deck the Halls" during the Fa-la-la part I would sign it. My mom started laughing and my dad too. I also heard a very sad story about a girl that was killed and her father was sad. I started crying.
Monday, December 8th 2008
-Today my eyes were being buggy, especially my left eye. I had to take my contact in and out this morning like 5 times before I bagged it and went to school. I ended up taking my left contact out during my sculpture class and ended up leaving it out all day because it dried out beyond repair because I left it in a dry environment too long so I ended up walking around the school with only one contact in. That was a weird experience. Especially when I was looking far way and everything would seem...I don't know. Lopsided? Fuzzy. I don't know how to explain the feeling. Today I also bought 6 handmade pottery items for $25. One was thrown in for free. I bought my Dad's Christmas presents there. I bought him a big bowl, a couple of soup bowls with handles and a couple of mugs for $20 and I got myself a pot with a lid that looked cool. I hope dad likes them. :) Today for FHE we went shopping for 3 poorer families today. We had like $1,000 or so to spend and by the end of the night we had #1.95 left. Amazing how close we got. :) Then we helped a girl who's car had died before eating Frosties from Wendy's.
Tuesday, December 8th 2009
-Today went well. It snowed some more during the night but it ended up being sunny by noon. Went to Institute then met up with Ali and chatted with her until I had to go to class. In Lang we performed our skits. lol the teacher and half the class were worried I was going to fall of the teachers desk when I got on top of it. (we had to create our own language and perform a skit speaking in it. Our skit involved hiking and climbing a mountain i.e. the Teacher's Desk.) I was perfectly alright lol. There was no chance of falling. (my family doesn't nickname me the 'mountain goat' for Went to BoM and delivered the last of my T/Th (tues/thurs) presents. Went to Walmart to buy sponges for our skit tomorrow. (skit in my voicing class where me and a partner had to act out one of Shakespeare's sonnets if I remember correctly. Ours involved 'cleaning' with sponges and my partner would squeeze out a very wet sponge onto my head.) Also bought Mom's present -Harry Potter 6. Came home and relaxed for a couple of hours before bucking down and completing my V&D, Biology, ASL 3030 and ASL History homework. Now its time for bed.
Wednesday, December 8th 2010
-Compared to yesterday, today has felt more peaceful even though I had a lot of stress today...I didn't feel stress. (looks like I was stressed because I lost a favorite necklace and found out I had a research paper due on Thursday, I'd thought it was due later.) I worked on homework in the morning before going to school. I dropped by Brother P's office to give him his Christmas Present. :) He gave me a bunch of candy canes and a paper to fill out for the LDSSA. Went to Anth and took the test. Came to Bro P's class 15 mins later. lol the test was really easy. :) Played the piano -Joy to the world- went to Legal Interpreting for a practice test. :S I would have failed that, but now I know better what to expect for the actual test. Came home and played Stratego with Kikay before going to my ConsectInterpreting class where we had food. I brought sandwich stuff and gave Dug his present -Dr. Pepper- lol He told me that he really feels blessed to know me. :) Gave my other teachers and Esteban presents as well. Now, staying up late to finish homework.
(I only got three hours of sleep, but managed to finish the research paper for the class on time the next day, by the tips of my fingernails.)
Thursday, December 8th 2011
-Today was the last day of my Tues/Thurs classes. Classes felt pretty normal. (as in it didn't feel like we'd never see each other again after today.) Have a headache though so I'm heading to bed now.
Saturday, December 8th 2012
-I spent most of the day reading Eye of the World ad finished it in the evening. :) I ventured out twice to Starsmet to figure out what to buy with my doublediscount. (twice a year we our discount is doubled from our usual discount.) I bought a few things, but mostly I enjoyed talking with my coworkers. :) Tried to deposit a check at the bank as well, but the ATM system wasn't working. I also went to the Neffies for dinner and hung out with them for a bit. Which was different because Kikay wasn't there due to her wanting to finish her various projects. I actually had a good time with the Neffies. We talked a lot about the Guardians movie. ^^ Love it. (Rise of the Guardians.) Also spent time with Kikay while I read in the living room and she watched more movies.
Sunday, December 8th 2013
-I went to church today. I wore heels -open sandal things- which was totally crazy compared to all the boots and warm shoes everyone else was wearing. I don't have any church winter shoes and honestly it wasn't that bad of a walk. I wasn't cold. ^^ Love the feeling actually. I went to tithing settlement at 6, but it took me like 35 minutes to get in. But I'm a full tithe payer! :) Came home had dinner watched Once Upon a Time and Talked a bit with Andrea. Twas fun.
Monday, December 8th 2014
-Had a 6 am shift this morning. Overall it wasn't too bad. Though bedding changes took a while we still got them done at a good pace. Sirch spent most of the time, while I was doing the bedding changes, bringing out animals from our back rooms onto the floor to try and make room tomorrow for the bedding changes then. Overall it was a good day, though after work Sirch texted me the news that Kendra had put in her 2 weeks. ()_() For some reason she moved to SLC. This is horrible news as we're really short handed and with her leaving it will get worse if we don't find someone before she goes as Sirch and I are the only ones who can open in the mornings. Katie is only evenings and Alecya only works twice a week! With another coworker for weekends only. I hope we hire quick! I went shopping for food, came home took a long nape and set up my Christmas tree. :)
Tuesday, December 8th 2015
-Well, the pattern for struggling to get all my morning tasks continues onward from yesterday's struggle to get everything done. For some reason this is the week where customers have decided that they need to come into the store. >.< It doesn't help that we have extended hours right now either where we're open an hour earlier and close an hour later than our normal schedule. It sucks even worse because I came in only half an hour before we opened for customers! >.< Grr. Thankfully usually only like 3 or 4 people come in in that hour that we're open before normal hours. Today though I had to answer at least two if not more phone calls from customers asking about certain animals, and then help them a few minutes later when they came in. *sighs* It made it difficult to get opening done. Thankfully my new Greenie is actually on top of things and started doing the bedding changes -as she came first this morning- so she was already in the process of doing that when I came in. Which is great. I like coworkers who take initiative when I'm not around. I helped her out a bit with the back rooms by playing Ring around the Rosie with animals in the back with animals on the floor putting new hamsters in with old hamsters and seeing if they would go together. So far so good, but we'll see if it stays that way when I come in tomorrow. :S I opened up the small pet and bird habitats, but got caught up with customers and register help, and talking with BB about this and that. So new coworker had to open up the reptiles while I took a break. Tried to work on fish while she took her lunch, but ended up stuck on register/helping customers for most of that. Then actually got stuck on register for another half hour to cover register while one manager went on the lunch and the other was out on the floor. Did a bit with the crickets (sweeping/counting dead) before taking my own lunch while New coworker finished the fish tasks. Then helped with more customers/register/more talk with BB. Managed to finish odd and end fish tank tasks, and get our new cricket shipment put out....and by then it was 4 pm and I was I didn't get to finish the last tasks of changing out the water in the Beta Cups. I dropped by Wendy's for food and came home and took a two hour nap. Spent some time on the internet and watched the newest episode of the Flash. It was the midseason finale (aka Christmas Break.) tonight, so now I'm without flash for over a month! >.< Boo. But it was a hearttugging episode for sure! Now, to work on some Work related tasks as BB wants me to create a 'task sheet' for work (which we had when I first started) so we can initial which tasks we did which day and hold people accountable for their work....yah....should be fun.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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