Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I Know Someone Famous

I remember thinking it was a disappointing gift.

But White Elephant parties are like that.
You have a couple super amazing gifts.
And the rest of them are just....well....random.

It was Christmas time.
About 4 years ago.
When I was on the LDSSA Institute Council at school.
Us, the council, decided for fun to do a Christmas Party.
It was to be an ugly sweater party....though nobody had told me it was an 'Ugly Christmas Sweater" party. So I just found a sweater that was red/brown/orange that looked like it had been the carpet from some grandma's house.
We were to do the White Elephant exchange during the party.
I don't even remember what my own contribution was.

I just remember sitting down.
Doing the whole pass it back and forth thing.

And finally it was time to open mine!

And what was inside?
A picture frame.
With a photograph of a little boy holding a guitar with a signature on it.

What in the world?

Turns out one of the council had decided to autograph a picture of himself and give it away as a White Elephant gift.

Which like I said before....I thought it was a disappointing gift.
I mean...what use would I have for a picture?
Why would anyone want to give away a picture of themselves?
In my mind, back then, I thought it was rather conceited. Heh...
But then he explained his thoughts behind it.
And it became rather cool.

He did it. Signed a picture of himself.
To give to one of us.
So that when he became famous in the future.
the signature on that picture would soon be worth a ton of money.
A signature of 'so and so' before they were famous?! Ah! $$$$$ everywhere lol.

Which, I liked the idea of.
And since the picture was mine now.....if he ever did become famous.... ;) I could get rich off of it. haha.
You know, those random day dreams where you come into a ton of money. Yah. Fun times.

I'm sure, At some point. Anyone else would have just tossed the picture and frame away, or given it to the D.I. or something.
I've kept it.
Granted, it's not usually on display. Usually put away, somewhere 'safe' (aka in a closet or under my bed depending on the move) where I could pull it out when the fancy strikes me.
Mostly when someone goes "Hey do you remember...."
and I can go "yes! I still have it!" *pulls out picture*


In any case.

Like I said that was fourish years ago that I got that picture.
All of us were still in college.
No one had really made a career out of anything yet....
And we probably never really took it seriously that he was going to get famous.
I don't know if he did himself....at least not then.
We all dream of being famous, but only a few take the steps to actually become famous.

My friend,
Stuart Edge did that.

He's become a YouTube sensation.
Posting videos of various things.
Charity work, magic tricks, pranks, etc.

Tons of things, that just skyrocketed.

To the point where he was asked if he would write a book about his experience.

A book.
That just came out.

I'd seen that he was writing a book, seen that he was going to get it published.

I thought "that's cool! I'll have to get it when it comes out...." if it comes out in a hard format like paperback or hardback. And then didn't really think about it again. (I have difficulties buying E-books it's just not the same)

But tonight,
As I was in the middle of making dinner.
I happened to check facebook.
And see that Stuart had posted he was doing a signing in the bookstore nearby my place.
But the times of his event....was going to end soon.

Me, being me.
I want to do my part to make things a success, to help people out.
And I know that book signings, especially when you're unknown....can be a rather lonely thing in the beginning.
A handful of people to drop by, lots of time sitting there looking pretty surrounded by your book.....

I didn't want him to be alone, as it would be the worst thing to go to a signing and have no one at all show up.
So I decided I would show up and support him.

....Of course, he could be surrounded by a ton of people...he is a famous YouTube sensation after all. ;) lol
But at least I would show up and show my support.

So, I placed my just made dinner (ramen, nothing fancy) in a container hoping that it may still be warm when I got back,
And changed out of my t-shirt into a slightly fancier shirt, just to give off a good impression. You know...girls gotta do that. ;) lol.

And went.
I was right.
His event was basically empty.
Tons of books stacked all over, but only a couple other people besides myself in the store.
...perhaps marketing should have been better.....as I wasn't aware of this event until it was halfway over....

But in any case.
I got to see Stuart, reminisce, chat, get his book signed....

And then.
He mentioned the picture.
The one he gave me a few years ago.
Double checking to see if he'd used that picture in his book. (he hadn't, he chose a similar but different one.)

And then decided to include me in one of his Vlogs, telling his audience about the story I just shared with above. About him giving the picture as a joke, and it actually become true. lol.

Good thing I decided to wear that nice shirt huh? lol. ;) yay for that inspiration. So I didn't look too bad in the video.
Must say, I didn't like being put on the spot like that.
I didn't know what to say or do or where to look.
So hopefully I don't come across as....well pathetic....in that video.
If he posts it.
I'm more than likely not going to look at it. lol.
Still. I'm really grateful I changed into a nicer shirt. lol.

And when I got home, (and ate my still warm dinner) I dug around and found that picture.
And took that picture with a picture of his book next to it. lol.

It's good when dreams come true. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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