Friday, May 27, 2016

The Day The Music Came Alive

I heard it in the distance.
And it confused me.
The music.

I could hear music playing at work.

but I couldn't tell where it was coming from.
At first I thought it was someone's cellphone going off.
But it was too loud and long to be a cell phone.

My next thought was that someone was throwing a party outside the store.
Which was....inconceivable really....
I mean, who'd be throwing a music party outside the store? An ice cream truck? It would be random.

But then I saw one of the manager's walking away from the registers.

Had we decided to start playing music from our little portable radio?
It would be random as it was midday.
And our portable radio is only used to give us music before the store opens. To play while the stockers worked really.

To have it playing midday...too seemed odd.

But then I realized.

The music was coming over the speakers in the store.

Was it a fluke?
We haven't had music playing in the store for over 2 years.

I mean, when I first started at Starsmet nearly 4 years ago.
We had music playing over the intercom.

Then like a year and a half later they started putting Starsmet commercials in the middle of the songs playing >.< Which made it annoying.

And then....the music stopped.
We were left in silence.
Because the company decided that they didn't want to waste money in providing music. As apparently no one listened to the ads there anyway.

So in silence we worked while the store was open.
Only having music on the portable radio for a few hours.

But then.
Half an hour before I was to get off.

These Tech guys came in.


Oh. Very. Happy Day!!

I'm so excited you can't understand. lol :D
The best part.
Is that so far...there've been no commercials! :D

 I hope it stays that way.
Never have I looked forward to going to work more than this.
Yay for music!! Yay for getting it during the day!
I'm so excited. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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