It's not always the easiest thing to shop for your Mom for Mother's Day.
Especially as you get older.
Because you feel like you've already gotten her everything.
And she usually ends up feeling the same way....
lol. Because the last few times I've asked my mom what's she's wanted....
It's rather hard to pin her down on things she still needs or wants.
So when my Mother Dearest actually says she wants something.
I jump on it as quickly as I can before she changes her mind. lol
Last year, My Mom decided that she really wanted a Betta Fish.
^^ Which, since I work in a Pet Store, is really easy to get for me lol. The fish the tank, some decorations.
Well this year....
My Mom decided that she wanted another Betta Fish.
O.o lol. I was like "...Didn't I give you one last year?"
But she had a tank that had had a fish in it die recently, and betta fish usually live longer.
The difficult thing this time around was finding the colors she wanted lol. :)
She wanted a black betta with blue/green shimmers to it.
Which we do carry, but they're not as common as red bettas or blue bettas.
(Strangely enough, we've gotten a lot more black bettas in the past couple of weeks. O.o Weird.)
I managed to find one!! Woot!! lol.
And so, I had my mother's day gift!!
Woot. ^^
She decided to name him Vader lol. ^^
In any case, I got him a couple of weeks before Mother's Day, so she got him earlier.
Then, the day Before Mother's Day.
My parents came down,
As my Daddoo is into fish as well, and he was looking to get some Goldfish.
lol Since I work at a PetStore.....and I get discounts at work....
They decided to come down and check out the fish.
It just so happened that I had in like 200 bettas. (that's not much of an exaggeration. I had four locations of bettas in the store, all with like 50 bettas in each location.)
And it so happened that I ended up getting caught with customers.
So they had to wander around for a bit before I could go clock out.
And Mother Dearest found two more bettas that she really liked the colors of.
One ended up being a dark blue and white.
The other is more of a silver grey with red edges.
Both super pretty.
And it so happened that we sell this tank called a "Betta Falls"
Where it's basically one long tank.
But its been divided into three sections, with water flowing between all three sections.
So you can have 3 bettas in one area. :)
So she got (as a mother's day gift from Daddoo) two of the bettas and the tank set up with the intention to add Vader into the third tank when we got back to their home. :)
Such happy fishies. :)
She ended up naming the Blue and White one Loki.
And the grey/red one's name is Khan. :)
So she now has Vader, Loki, and Khan in her room. lol
Hope they don't end up causing trouble. ;)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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