Thomas S. Monson-
- It's not enough to merely believe, but we need to work, serve, pray, repent and improve.
- Plant your feet on a path that will lead you safely home.
- "Let us live the truth, that we might merit all that the Father has for us. He does nothing save it be for our benefit."
Russell M. Nelson
- You will know opposition, heart ache, pain sorrow, but will that stop you from having Joy? From proclaiming the happiness you know?
- Life is full of trials, where stress and sadness have almost consumed us, but we are here to have JOY!
- You can be happy under any circumstance. You can feel joy even when you're having a bad day/week/year.
- It's not about the circumstances of our lives but the Focus of our lives.
- Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our Faith in Every Thought.
- If we Focus on the Joy that comes to us, what Can't we endure that seems overwhelming?
- What will you and I be able to Endure if we focus on the Joy set before us? What weakness will become a strength?
- "If we look to the world and follow its formulas for happiness, we will never know joy."
- Joy is a gift that comes from intentionally trying to live a righteous life as taught by Jesus Christ.
- Set the Lord continuously by thee. Stand on his Right side and Be Not Moved.
Peter F. Meurs
- Arrive early. Experiences can be enhanced if given the time to ponder and consider the Spirit. Invite inspiration.
- Don't tune out the familiar words of the sacrament prayers. New Inspiration can be found if we take time to consider them.
- Are willing to serve. participate, address our weaknesses, help others, to be Blessed by the Savior?
- The Fruit of the Spirit is Love.
Linda S. Reeves
- When we have sinned, Satan often tries to convince us that to help others we must keep our sins secret to not bother others.
- Unselfish to keep the burden of our sins away? No, the christlike thing to do is confess and repent.
- Will you Embrace and Dedicate yourself to helping others suffering from sin?
- Are you happy, confident before the Lord, and anxious to share his Gospel?
- Are you trying to circumvent Gods plan and create your own happiness ? Or do you have Christ there to help you work through the problems?
- Whatever the cost of repentance, it is swallowed up in the joy of forgiveness.
- In order to Progress, we need to Repent. Then move forward.
- However late you are, however chances you've missed, or mistakes you've made. You haven't traveled beyond the reach of God's love.
M. Russell Ballard
- Our relationships with family, friends, the Lord, & Church are among the things that matter most in life. They should be protected.
- Will ye also go away?
Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life and Believe you Are the Christ. - Focus on what you Do believe and Do know, and remain with Christ.
- Even if you struggle to understand, don't loose the faith, stay strong, answers will come in time.
- If you're Faltering in your Faith, ask yourself, To Whom Shall You Go? Where will you Go? What will you Do?
- Never abandon the revealed the truths. Never stop reading, pondering, applying the Doctrine of Christ.
- We must not assume, that just because something is unexplainable to us, that it is actually unexplainable.
- Stop and Think before you Give Up.
- Think of the Savior as your Best Friend. He's always there for you no matter where, when or what your need.
- It's natural to stop and catch our breath, recalculate, and consider our pace.
- Life is like a Hiker climbing a steep trail. It's natural to occasionally stop, catch our breath, recalculate and reconsider.
- Faith to Believe comes easier to some than to others. But the answers are there. You just need to seek to find them.
- We must never neglect any of our brethren and sisters. We're all on different places on the path, and need to help accordingly.
- Remember that Christ is at the helm and the winds and the seas obey his will.
- The Savior is on board the Good Ship Zion, and can Rebuke any Storm that we may encounter.
- The Lord will Never Abandon Us.
Dean M. Davies
- Are we doing things by route? or are we actively seeking to feel the spirit and act upon the spirit?
- Worshiping God is an essential element in the Disciples life, that if we do not let him into our Hearts, we seek for him in vain.
- Far from being an accidental happy occurrence worship is essential should be a central part of our spiritual life.
- Every day we have the opportunity to experience the wonder and awe of heaven.
- When you let the Holy Spirit fill your hearts, Doubts and Fears will Vanish.
- When we worship in Spirit, we invite light and truth in our souls that strengthens our faith.
- True Worship transforms us into Sincere Disciples of Christ. We become more like God.
- You can't proclaim to love God if you hate the people around you.
- Spiritual experiences have less to do with what's happening around us, and everything to do with what's happening in our hearts.
- The Lord is Good, his Mercy Everlasting, His Truth Enduring.
Lynn G. Robbins
- Avoid emotions to condemn, but rather to love and save.
- A righteous Judge would respond with compassion and understanding to confessions of others.
- Compassion doesn't nullify the need for Discipline.
- If Children are being difficult, be patient with them until you can mold them by love.
- The Holy Ghost and Anger are Incompatible.
- Unkind things aren't usually said under the Inspiration of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord is a Spirit of Kindness.
- Kindness is the power that God has given us to unlock hard hearts and stubborn souls.
- The way you treat another is what they become.
Henry B. Eyring
- The Sabbath day is a day of Gratitude and Love.
- Thou shalt love thy Lord Thy God with all they heart, might, mind and strength. And shall serve him.
- When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed, count your many blessings & it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
- Of all the Blessings we can receive, the greatest by far is the Feeling of Forgiveness we receive.
- Even the Simple services of the Lord are mighty in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the lives of those you serve.
- We can't always see the end result of the services we give, but have trust that they are helping to build the Kingdom of God.
- What you can't see clearly then, you may be able to see clearly soon.
- Be of Good Cheer, I will lead you along, the Kingdom is Here, the Blessings are Yours.
- The Lord God does visit his People in their afflictions. He will strengthen you so you can bear your burdens with ease.
Sunday Afternoon:
David A. Bednar -
- Do we only know About the Savior? Or are we increasingly coming to Know Him?
- True Faith is focused In and On the Lord and leads to Righteous Action.
- Exercising Faith in the Lord is a necessary Preparation in following him.
- The Path we follow will have Challenges we Encounter, but Also Resources to Help us Press Forward along the Path.
- How can a Man know the Master that he Has not Served?
- Selflessly serving others counteracts the Selfish Tendencies of the Natural Man.
- We come to the Lord when we come to Believe not only IN him, but also Believe Him.
- We believe and come to know the Savior as we follow him and faithfully honor him and his ordinances.
- Trust that the Lord's bounteous blessings are available and applicable in our daily lives.
Brian K. Ashton
- We can obtain mercy through Christ's Merits.
- Stop worrying about what others think of us, care about what God thinks of us.
- Repentance is not a backup plan. It's the only path that can bring us lasting joy.
- We desperately need the Savior's Grace to make necessary changes in our lives.
Carl B. Cook
- We are all gears striving to work together to make the whole machine work.
- We accomplish much more together than we do on our own.
- "Gear down, power up, and move."
- All Church Callings come from God. The assignment you get is inspired by leaders from God for you To Help in His Work.
- You will be blessed as you serve. If you recognize God's hand as you serve you will receive additional power to serve better.
- Whether we are scared to death or bored to death, God wants us to Gear Down and Power Up and Serve.
- Put your shoulder to the Wheel and Push!
- Every calling is important. None is too small in the work of the Lord.
- Every Member is Needed and every Member Needs an Opportunity to Serve.
- All Contributions and Sacrifices are Valued.
- Just SERVE!!
Ronald A. Rasband
- When you're experience a crisis in faith, seek counsel from those who can help you.
- Listen carefully, pray earnestly as another confides their problems in you.
- No mistake, sin, or choice will change God's love for us.
- Remember that it is upon the Rock of Our Redeemer, that ye must Build your Foundation, so when the Devil comes you will not fall.
- Build upon a Sure Foundation, where if you build you cannot fall.
- I encourage you to recall, especially in time of crisis, to recall when you felt the spirit and the light was strong.
- You will feel the safety and warmth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as you recall past testimony building experiences.
- We can always bless and lift others no matter our own personal circumstances.
- Do not Forget your Past, as you can use it to learn and create a better Future.
- Remember your Heritage. Remember the sacrifices your ancestors made for you.
- Despite the hardships and heartaches, Don't Let Your Faith Ever Waver.
- Never Forget, Question, or Ignore those Sacred Experiences you receive.
- I already told you what you needed to do. Now. Do. It.
- Remain faithful and steadfast, even if storms of doubt invade your life through the actions of others.
- Please. Do Not. Forget. Keep the Light strong in your life.
Evan A. Schmutz
- There can be Godly Purpose in our Suffering.
- God invites us to respond with Faith to our own unique trials in order to receive blessings from them.
- We can Know in the midst of our Afflictions, that God has provided an eternal compensating reward.
- The Lord may not always remove the Thorn, but he will speak peace and understanding to you so you can accept the Thorn.
- Just because you're living a pleasing life in the sight of the Lord doesn't mean that you won't experience trials and sorrows.
- Take Courage. Have Faith. Believe in the Promises of God.
- Suffering in and of itself, doesn't teach or grant unto us anything of lasting value, unless we choose to learn from the trial.
- When we can link our suffering to an assurance of a purpose in our mortality, our faith in Christ Increases and we receive comfort.
- God shall wipe away all the tears from our eyes.
K. Brett Nattress
- If you will Read the Book of Mormon to your children everyday, you will not lose them.
- You are worth saving. You are worth it.
- Motherhood is near to divinity.
- "[Christ] forgave the seemingly unforgivable. He loved the unlovable. He did what no mortal could do."
- The Gospel truly is about the One.
Dale G. Renlund
- Repentance involves being put back on the road. A mistake can only be fixed if you go back to where the mistake originated.
- The Atonement leaves no tracks no traces. What it fixes it fixes. What it heals stay heals. There are no scars.
- Minimizing our mistakes gets in the way of repentance.
- Don't turn yourself into a hapless victim. Instead be agents of actions striving forward.
- God does love us. What we do matters to Him and to Us.
- Instead of making excuses, let us instead choose repentance.
- Who buys a Minute of Mirth to Wail for a Week?
- Guilt can be swept away. We can be filled with joy. Have peace of conscience. We can be filled. So long as we Repent.
- Repentance is always possible, and can be joyful.
- Find More Joy In Your Life.
To watch/listen/read General Conference please visit this site:
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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