Saturday Morning:
Dieter F. Uchtdorf-
- Sometimes what other people can see easily, you can see only through a difficult transition that takes time.
- Don't let a delay of a few seconds get you upset and frustrated.
- We have been given so much, do we truly appreciate all that we have?
- You are Truly a Child of God.
- Don't let your heart harden to the point where you can't accept gratitude and can't feel awe.
- Don't be distracted with the imperfections of our fellow members.
- Don't be so distracted with the pebbles along the path that you can't see the diamonds under your feet.
- We tread a path covered in diamonds. But we can scarcely distinguish them from ordinary pebbles.
- Time. Patience. Repetition. Prayer.
- As we become more familiar with something, we loose our sense of awe and treat it as commonplace.
- The essence of who you and I are will not be destroyed upon death. Our spirit will live on until it's reunited with our body.
- What shall we give in return for so much?
- Live by the truth that we have received.
Robert D. Hales
- If I Loved you More....would You Hurt Less??
- Even in our trials we can experience joy and peace.
- We tend to bemoan the state of the world, but there is much we can do to change that by teaching our families the right way.
- As you Share your Testimony of the Gospel, your faith will grow and your confidence will increase.
- Help our children to care and share.
- Whenever we raise our voice in anger, the Spirit leaves. When we speak with love, the Spirit is with us.
- Don't loose patience and Don't give up.
- We cannot pray away another's agency.
- If you are suffering, I urge you to let the Savior to be your caregiver. Lean on his arm for he will not leave you alone.
Carol F. McConkie
- Men ought always to pray and not to faint.
- When the Son of Man cometh, shall he find Faith on the Earth?
- If we expect to receive, we must ask. seek. knock.
- God needs Brave Sons.
- When we pray in faith, the Holy Ghost can guide our thoughts so that we harmonize with God.
- In times of trouble our prayers become a lifeline of love and tender mercy.
- Be Still. And Know. I Am God.
- Prayer is a gift from God. We never need to feel lost or alone.
Craig C. Christensen
- We need not be timid of testifying.
- Do not let your Questions paralyze your Faith.
- With simple faith, Act.
- What you learn from the past can help you build the future.
- Look at the great works that the Lord has wrought even in the face of opposition.
- Consider the fruits and the blessings.
- May we fearlessly proclaim our witness and our gratitude.
Juan A. Uceda
- Listen to the Spirit when you feel constrained to not go somewhere.
- Don't give into the Peer Pressure, heed the Spirit's promptings.
- Just because the grass is Green...doesn't meant that there is any solid footing underneath it.
- God pays attention to our voices, but do we pay attention to His?
- When you pray, are you really praying?
- Jesus invites us to Pray Always.
- God sees us with eyes of Love and Mercy.
J. Devn Cornish
- There is always someone who believes in you, even when you don't believe in yourself.
- We must stop comparing ourselves to others. We need to stop torturing ourselves.
- If we must compare ourselves, let us compare only our past selves with our current selves so we can become better future selves.
- Our Heavenly Father intends for us to Make it. That is an Eternal Truth.
- All the Lord Expects of Us is to TRY. and Really TRY!!!
- We cannot Rationalize rather than Repent. Really trying means we keep at it until we meet the Lord's standard.
- When we rebel against God, we reject his Help.
- You are Good Enough. You are going to Make It. You Are going to Receive the Blessings and Glory.
Neil L. Andersen
- Much of the Important work of God goes Unseen by the World.
- Sometimes we must begin completing the puzzle one puzzle piece at a time until the whole picture is revealed.
- We are each a piece of the puzzle, and we each help to place other essential pieces of the puzzle.
- Guilt is like a battery in a gasoline powered car. It can start the engine, but it can't provide the fuel for the journey ahead.
- Guilt can be a motivating factor to change and become better.
- Blessings can come in unexpected ways.
- It is not by chance that you live where you do. You are there for a purpose. To influence and help another.
- The Dream is Certain, and the Interpretation Sure.
Saturday Afternoon
Sustaining of Church Officers
Quentin L. Cook
- What is a stumbling block to one, may be a source of happiness for another.
- Our Testimonies should remain pure and simple.
- Your faith should not stand in the Wisdom of Men, but in the Power of God.
- Without religious beliefs there is no accountability to God.
- Hold out. Don't give up. Endure to the End.
- Sooner or later, everyone has to sit down to a Banquet of Consequences.
- Don't elevate principles to the point where it makes other portions of the gospel seem less.
- Be careful about looking beyond the mark.
- If we are to be valiant in our testimony of Christ, be careful to avoid the stumbling blocks of Men.
- Stumbling blocks can be made into Stepping stones.
Gary E. Stevenson
- As you look to the Book of Mormon you look to the Lord.
- One is never too young (or too old) to seek and receive a personal testimony of the Book of Mormon.
- Reading the Book of Mormon can strengthen you and fill your soul with light.
D. Todd Christofferson
- God's love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve that love. It is Always There.
- God's love is infinite. And will Endure forever. But what it means to us will differ depending on how we respond to that love.
W. Mark Bassett
- Are you so focused on secrets that you do not know, that you completely over look the open information you can know?
- Why would you focus on the unknown when the simple pure truths of the known are there waiting for you to find them?
- Don't try to force an understanding on things that aren't yet ready to be revealed.
- Are you giving more credibility to a source with an unknown author? Or to the Lord who has an established pattern of revelation?
- Do you trust the Lord enough to follow His commandments even if you do not fully understand them?
- Some things can only be learned by Faith.
- We aren't expected to have a perfect understanding of everything here on earth.
- I don't know the meaning of all things. Nor do I need to know it all right now. I can have patience and learn in time.
Kazuhiko Yamashita
- Boys Be Ambitious. Be Ambitious for Christ.
- As you're approaching your physical you murmur and complain or do you continue to serve diligently.
- Counsel the Lord in all your doings and He will counsel you for Your Good.
Dallin H. Oaks
- Are we using all our resources to share the gospel to the maximum effect?
- Missionary work is the major cord in the compelling melody that needs to be played continuously, if we are to remain in harmony.
- We never should set ourselves up at judges as to who is ready and who is not ready to hear the gospel.
- Remember. People learn when they're ready to learn, not when we're ready to teach them.
- Sharing the gospel isn't a burden but a joy.
Priesthood Session:
Jeffrey R. Holland -
- Will you be a Home Teaching miracle to another? When others are in need, will you be there?
- Remember to Watch over the Church always.
- In the best of all worlds, & in circumstances where it can be done. Monthly visits is the ideal the church will still strive for.
- Leaders should do their best to use the resources they have available to watch over and strengthen each member.
- Do the best we can in the circumstances that we face with the resources available to us.
- Lift up your vision when it comes to Home Teaching.
- Establish an Era of genuine gospel oriented concern. Watching over and caring for each other.
- Every good thing you do to another counts when it comes to teaching others. Make connections.
- What matters is that you love each other and work to help each other out.
- "As for what counts... Every good thing you do counts!"
- What counts is How you've blessed and cared for those in your you've loved your people.
- God wants you back on your feet. So I will be here to help. Be ready, because I don't want to come in to get you up.
- Over time I had realized, I had found my strength.
- Are you willing to listen to others in their darkness until the Sun Comes Up in their lives??
- May you be vigilant in tending the flock of God in ways consistent with your circumstances.
LeGrand R. Curtis Jr.-
- Sometimes you may feel like you're in a Freeze. But stay strong. Blessings will come.
- Every time I open the book of Mormon it's like Turning on A Switch. The spirit quickly flows into my soul.
- It's TRUE! Whether our testimony comes the first time we open the BOM or over time, it's still True regardless.
- Discover the Power of the Book of Mormon. Read it. Ponder it's teaching. Ask if it is true.
- You can discern truth through error, and feel the assurance of the Holy Ghost as you study the Book of Mormon.
- Yell to ALL the world! It's TRUE! Even if the world yells back.
- The Book of Mormon is a strong witness of Jesus Christ and his Redeeming Mission.
- The spirit from reading the book of Mormon can come no matter the language or if it's print or electronic.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf-
- Faint memories of happiness can still bring light to a darkened mind.
- Place your trust in Christ's Atoning power to change yourself and become a better person.
- How many times have you been called, yet you have not heard?
- Sometimes we're reluctant to find and ask help from our 'Amuleks' because we think we can do the work better alone.
- Too often we're hesitant to ask others to use their God given talents and abilities to help us out.
- Inspire. Instruct. Entrust.
- To be successful, you Must find your Amuleks. It may be a person you least expect to help, that end up being the best.
- The Lord needs you. I Need you.
- Deep down, we all want to be wanted. We all want to help. But are reluctant to begin, are waiting to be asked to help.
- See with your heart. Reach out. Teach them. Inspire them. Ask them. Share with them. Find your Amulek.
- You may be surprised to discover a valiant servant of the Lord who otherwise would have remained hidden.
- The Lord sees in you the potential of a valiant servant with an important work to do and a testimony to share.
- Listen with your Heart and Follow the Promptings of the Spirit.
- When the Lord Calls....will I Hear?
- Let your Doubts turn to Faith.
- Our Savior knows Where you are. He knows your Heart. He wants to Rescue You and Reach out to you. You just need to reach out to him.
Henry B. Eyring-
- The Lord grants his power to ALL who serve in priesthood offices and serve worthily.
- Life is about faith and overcoming doubt. Return to your first love. Remember the spirit. Repentance is possible.
- The Aaronic priesthood prepares you for a Higher Trust of the Melchizedek Priesthood
- Deep gratitude is essential when you play your part in Priesthood Service.
- Give all you can the same kind of help you once received.
- Will the Experienced reach down to lift up the Inexperienced?
- Expect to hear the Word of God and you'll seldom be Disappointed.
- Sometimes you need daily, even hourly encouragement and correction from the Lord.
- Teaching confidence needs to be cultivated.
- As we are converted, reach down and strengthen our brethren.
- You can work miracles. You can help the Lord fill the Ranks.
- Lift others and help prepare them for their glorious service to the Lord.
Thomas S. Monson-
- When life throws you a Rope. Climb to the Deck!
- When your strength seems to waver, call upon the Lord to help you regain your strength and stamina.
- May we care for our bodies and our minds by observing the principles set forth by the Word of Wisdom.
To watch/read/listen to General Conference in its entirety please visit:
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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