Sunday, October 23, 2016

There in the Dark

I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise.
To realize that people see things differently.

I mean, I need to wear contacts in order to see things clearly.
While other people don't.
They can look at a tree and see the individual leaves.
While I would see just a blur.
-Granted my vision isn't as bad as others vision is.
But it definitely was a surreal experience the first time I put on glasses and realized that I could see the individual leaves on a tree. It felt so wrong then. You shouldn't have been able to see that clearly. lol.

In any case.
Knowing that people struggle with seeing things clearly when the sun is out.
It shouldn't come as a surprise.
That not everyone can see the same amount in the dark as well.

To some people, darkness is just that. Darkness. Pitch black. Not being able to see a thing.
To others, they can make out shapes, see differences in the shadows, can see what they can with what little light is given.

I'm one of the latter people.
I can see pretty well in the dark I suppose.
I can tell where the paths are, when objects are in my way.
;) most of the time.

So it boggles my mind a bit when people can't see those paths.

Like the other night when my friends and I went to the corn maze.
We went when it was dark.
Because why not? ;) lol.
I didn't think much about not having a flashlight with me.
After all, I could still see the paths made between the corn stalks.
-From the stars and moon above.

So I had no issues wandering the paths without a light.
I thought it was part of the adventure.
But one of my friends, didn't like that.
She complained she couldn't see.
And so pulled out a flashlight to light our path.

I've had friends say similar complaints in the past.
The most memorable one was when I took a bunch of my friends to Arches and we hiked back from Delicate Arch in the dark. They said they needed flashlights, but the path was pretty clear....

It's weird when people say they need flashlights to see in the dark.
lol. Or I suppose I'm the weird one for thinking that the others were weird for wanting light.

My roomies already think I'm weird, for wandering around the basement without turning the lights on.
-But come on, when it's late at night/early in the morning and you have roommates around....turning on the lights could a) wake them and b) blind me if I'm not expecting to go from dark to light so quickly lol.

In any case.
It was intriguing to be once again reminded....
People can't all see in the dark the same.
Just like all people can't see in the light the same.

Go figure.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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