Saturday, March 4, 2017

Before The Open

So, I may have mentioned a little bit ago, how my managers got smart and started scheduling me to work evening shifts on Saturdays.

And I, being a bit of a chameleon, have already adapted to this new schedule. Even if I don't like it, I know how to handle eighsomeodd hours of straight customer service.

It really appears that my coworkers don't know how to handle being the openers on a Saturday.
Because for the past year...I've been the opener on Saturdays. No one has really done it unless I've requested the weekend off.

So my coworkers don't realize that no one comes in to 'back them up'...until around lunch time.
Which means....they haven't been able to take their first break.

-As longer shifts you get a break, a lunch and then if you work long enough, another break.

And said first break usually happens around the 2 hour mark of your shift.

While on Saturday's....the next person in my department usually comes in anytime between the 4th and 6th hour of your shift.
-Which I've never understood because we end up getting busy with customers around 10am and yet a second person is hardly ever scheduled before lunch...

Now me...
I tend to plan ahead.
I look and see who's on the schedule, see who's coming in when and see if there are other people trained in my department working other areas in the store that may be able to cover me. That way I know when I could take breaks and such.

I usually try to take a break before the store opens.
Usually...that's about an hour or so after I arrive at work.
So I can have a bit of a breather before the crazy and so that I can survive until my coworker shows up and I can go on lunch.

My coworkers who have been given those Saturday Morning shifts....
Haven't apparently realized it was possible to do that? O.o
I don't know.
I've just come into work and they're always like "Oh! You're here! I can finally go on break! I haven't had a break at all!"

I have mentioned to them that they can take a break before the store opens....because you don't need someone to be in the department if there's no customers in the store. ;) lol

*shakes head*
At least I'm able to give them their lunches... :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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