It's that time of year again guys!!
The time of BYU Vocal Point's Spring Concert!!
Ah. Can I say how much I love this group?
Because they're an amazing awe inspiring group.
I'm really sad I only get the chance to see them like twice a year. Y_Y
Because it's just such a highlight to be around them you know?
They're infection energy, the happiness they have at seeing each other, the songs they perform.
Wow. Just.... Wow.
I look forward to their concerts.
And this time around,
I decided to switch things up and invite a couple of friends with me instead of going solo like I usually tend to do.
Ha. I'd actually thought I'd taken these friends with me to a vocal point concert before...
but apparently I haven't. Oops. I'm a bad friend. Y_Y ;)
In any case.
They loved the concert! Pretty sure I've set them firmly on the VP Bandwagon. lol.
And...they may also be my good luck charm.
As you see.
In more recent concerts, Vocal Point has taken to holding a social media contest during the first part of their shows.
Where the audience posts pictures and such from the show to a social media page -Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
And during the intermission Vocal Point goes through the 'entires' and picks a winner from each of the social medias used.
Said winners are announced once the group comes back on stage.
And the winners then get to choose a prize -an item of merchandise once the concert is over.
Like two or three years ago, when I took my brother to a concert, he managed to win! Woot!
But me?
I love the concerts, however I'm not really about aggressively competing to win a prize.
(considering I already own all the CDs that takes out half the prize options for me. lol. ;) )
Tonight was no exception.
I was there to enjoy. lol.
And before the show even started, I posted something like: "I love this time of year!!
Vocal Point concerts are much needed sunshine for my soul."

With a picture of the group's logo below. :)
I ended up posting/tweeting a couple more times, kinda just to get my voice out there.
Idly I thought it would be fun to win. But my tweets were just expressions of Joy. Happiness. etc.
And excitement!
Because guys! Vocal Point has filmed a music video of a medley of Beauty and the Beast songs and they showed us the unedited version during the concert and IT WAS SIMPLY AMAZING!!
Back on topic.
So intermission happened. People posted like crazy.
and then the group came back on stage to announce the winners.
Could you imagine my excitement when my name popped up as one of the winners?
I mean. I WON something!?!?
This like hardly ever happens to me. BUT TONIGHT IT DID!
I won!
I won!
And the post that made me win?
lol the first one I did before the concert. :D
The one I'd done on a whim. lol.
^-^ Ah.
So excited.
I ended up picking out a VP shirt because I don't own one yet.
But ah.
It was a great day.
A great concert.
I'm so excited.
I was brave
-thanks to my friends being with me and wanting to get their own merchandise signed-
And I braved the line to chat with the group members and get stuff signed.
So you can say I'm totally on cloud nine that so many things went well for me tonight. ^^
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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