Sunday, April 30, 2017

A Familiar Scene

Have you guys ever had repetitive dreams?
Like where you dream the same dream more than once?
Not like on a daily basis or anything.
But you end up dreaming the same sort of dream?

I do.
It usually only happens a handful of nights in the year.
But there are nights where I dream a dream....and realize that I've been there before.
I've been in this place, had this chase scene, done these actions, found this item.

There was one year where the week after I had my birthday I had a repeat dream every night. Not the same dream, but dreams I knew I had dreamed them before. Which considering that it was like a week of dreams, it was rather interesting that they ended up being I think my brain was probably going through a bit of 'acceptance' or something. Where I was subconsciously coming to terms with the fact that I was a year older...but still didn't feel different....who knows lol.

In any case.
These repeat dreams are interesting.
Because sometimes...they don't stay the same.
I can change a plot, do a different action, figure out how to solve the problem sooner, etc etc.

Most of the time these sort of dreams involve buildings.

The most common repeat dream involves my Jr. High School building...but made of glass and the layout inside is similar to my High School building. lol

But last night.
The dream involved a concept that I hadn't dreamt about in...oh probably five or six years it feels like.

Where you have to have a special stamp to access a maze course.
It has the laser tag sort of feel where you'll basically wandering around in a dark maze with neon designs on the walls and the floors.
And the goal of this maze is to get your way through it as fast as possible. With the ending part being that you leave the dark room to a bridge where you have to step on the right planks to get to the otherside and if you don' fall and have to start all over at the beginning.

I remember this dream place well.
I spent a long while running through those mazes, knew all the secrets, knew how to twist and turn to get through the maze at break neck speed....when I wasn't exploring. lol

But like all dreams...
The one I had last night was different.
I hadn't been invited to this maze challenge and so snuck my way in without paying.
Because I hadn't been in that dream maze in years...I kept bumping into walls and such even though I still knew the way to get out quickly.
lol. I did manage to climb a tower within this maze where I looked at the top and saw the words I'd inscribed there the last time I'd conquered the tower. Along with people's notes fangirling over the fact that they'd found my name lol.
I even managed to cross the bridge easily enough.

But it wasn't the same.
I had a different purpose in this dream even though the set up was similar.
Plus I had Kikay with me to help me out.

Which....since the place was super cool,
When I woke up from the dream.
All I wanted to do was go to Kikay's room and talk to her about it. lol.

....Kinda hard to talk to a real person about the experience their dream self had. lol.
So very frustrating because I wanted to know how she'd done in the maze, what she'd liked, how she'd taken the challenges.
And I couldn't.
Because Real Kikay wasn't Dream Kikay and therefore didn't have Dream Kikay's memories.

*shakes head* lol.
The woes of being a creative dreamer where it feels so real that you could go to a person and ask them about it.

At least I think Dream Kikay had fun..... ;)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 29, 2017


Post forthcoming due to brain malfunction in the thinking realm.

(I'm keeping the line above because it amuses me.)

It happens to me on occasion.
Where I end up so mentally exhausted that my brain basically goes into 'shut down mode' and all it can think is "Close those eyes and let's get to sleep."

Which is always rather frustrating when what I really want to be doing is writing.
But if I can barely string two thoughts together in my head because my brain is so exhausted....there's not much recourse but to go ahead and head to bed and hope I'm more awake in the morning.

It was one of those nights.
Not that surprising actually, considering that I had to work an evening shift.

And as I've problem mentioned before.
I hate working evening shifts.

Because those shifts require me to do 8 hours of straight customer service.
And being the introvert that I am.
I can only do so much socializing before I'm physically and mentally drained.

That's why I prefer working morning shifts.
Because I have a couple of hours or so in the morning before the store opens to be working but not engaging in customer conversation.
I always like tasking more than talking.
Plus, I'm able to conserve my social energy a bit better so I can function a bit better after work.
-Doesn't stop me from taking naps, but I don't die quite so early in the evening.

Evening shifts?
Ugh. So stressful.
So very stressful.
Because it's constant interaction with people. Very little work, just a lot of talk.
And when things go the fact that our fish system was sending off a 'burning rubber' smell that we couldn't place the source for....
Yah....It's no wonder I get home and five minutes after I sit down I just want to crash.

Because it's exhausting.
And I don't like it.
I don't like talking to people for eight hours straight.
Sure it's rewarding (when I don't have to deal with stupid customers) when I can help a customer answer their questions and send them on their way with a brand new pet....but....
I really just want my morning shifts.

My social battery can only take so much before it dies.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 28, 2017

An Early Prank

I'm not always at my nicest in the mornings.
I mean, I still can play nice.
But, I'm more easily irritated and more prone to being snarky/sarcastic.

So when I get a prank phone call early in the morning.
It doesn't end well.

It was 7:45 am at work.
I was in the middle of cleaning cages when the phone rang.
Which glancing at my watch, I automatically groaned.
Hoping that it was just the grooming department ringing out to the main part of the store. (Since grooming opens before the main store opens) or that it was a coworker calling to say they were going to be late or something, I picked up.

It was neither.
A boy.
More than likely a teenager though it wouldn't surprise me if it was some stupid college guys.
Though why in the world either one was awake at that time is beyond me.

Did they stay up all night?
Were they in the middle of getting ready for school?

Did they set their alarms with the soul purpose to call the store and prank us?
I don't know.

I don't know why anyone would ever think to prank call a pet store in the first place.
I mean...what's the point? A cheap thrill? *shakes head*

In any case.
I didn't know it was a prank call at the first.

Because the guy on the other end was like "I'm concerned about my lizard, I think he's sick and might need a vet."
"Okay." I said internally groaning that a customer would call with such a question that early in the morning when most stores don't open until 10am anyways. *shakes head* "What's the problem?" I asked him.
"Well, his tail fell off and I'm really worried."
"What kind of lizard is it?" I asked.
"A Western Desert Lizard."
Yah. I had no idea what type of lizard that was. It could be anything really if not made up. "Well some lizards do loose their tails if they're in danger, so it could grow back I wouldn't be too concerned."
" I should keep it in a safer place?"
Me. "...sorry what?"
"Because I dropped a board on it's tail."
" need to keep it in a cage that is more stable."
"Oh....and should I be feeding him?"

And that's when I knew. Ugh.
Because while boys can be dumb. They aren't that dumb. Still, I played along.
"Yes, you should be."
"Ah, because he's really skinny and such..."
"Yah." I could hear other guys laughing in the background. "But if you feed him it won't be considered animal cruelty. Besides pranking me is there anything else I can help you with---"
He hung up on me.

The conversation left me shaking in...well irritation. It wasn't anger. But annoyance, irritation, etc etc. Because AGH!! Boys are SO DUMB some days. >.<

So I vented to it to a coworker, and was going to call it a day and refocus on work.
When the phone started ringing again.
I glanced at the number with a frown. It looked similar to the number that had just barely called me.
(Turns out it was slightly different)
But I picked up with my usual greeting spiel. Though usually before the store opens I don't tell the customer my name so they won't know who they talked to on the phone if they come into the store later.

"Hey, I have a problem with my frog."

Which was basically the same way the phone call five minutes before had started.
And since the odds for having two phone calls in a five minute period with one of them being a prank call and the other not....are rather low that early in the morning....

I decided to not play their game. Obviously they didn't know that it was the same person who had answered the phone before.
So I said. "Oh, is it the same problem the lizard had?"
A beat. "What lizard?"
"The one missing a tail, that this number called about around five minutes ago as a prank call." I said. If they paid any attention at all they would realize that I just confirmed I had caller ID and knew their numbers.
" guy seems dumb."
I could hear more laughter in the background.
"Yah, it was a bit. So....can I help you with anything else besides dealing with your prank call this morning?"
"Dude." I said barely staying nice on the phone. "It's too early to be prank calling."
To which he said. "oh...I'm sorry about that." And hung up.

*shakes head*
Who knows if the guys actually felt anything like remorse for wasting my time.

Honestly, I wonder if they were actually thinking at all. Perhaps they had stayed up all night and were loopy. *shakes head*

In any case, it left me fuming at the dumbness of boys.
Wishing that I had the power to teleport them to the store and either a) slap them or b) put them to work since they were awake anyway not doing anything productive.

lol. I even tried to understand where they were coming from, by asking a couple of my guy coworkers why boys would do that so early in the morning.
They had no answer. Because their response was. "I would be sleeping." lol. Which I think is most normal guys responses. Why get up early when you can sleep?

I was kinda hoping that they would come into the store to apologize.
They didn't.

But hopefully they'll know not to be stupid like that again.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Music in the Rubble

I recently met a family who is a beautiful example of how we believe Him.
Olgan and Soline Saintelus, from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, told me their story.

On January 12, 2010, Olgan was at work and Soline was at the church when a devastating earthquake struck Haiti.
Their three children--Gancci, age five, Angie, age three, and Gansly, age one--were at home in their apartment with a friend.

Massive devastation was everywhere.
As you will remember, tens of thousands lost their lives that January in Haiti.
Olgan and Soline ran as fast as they could to their apartment to find the children.
The three-story apartment building where the Saintelus family lived had collapsed.

The children had not escaped.
No rescue efforts would be devoted to a building that was so completely destroyed.

Olgan and Soline Saintelus had both served full-time missions and had been married in the temple.
They believed in the Savior and in His promises to them.
Yet their hearts were broken.
They wept uncontrollably.

Olgan told me that in his darkest hour he began to pray.
"Heavenly Father, if it be thy will, if there could be just one of my children alive, please, please help us."
Over and over he walked around the building, praying for inspiration.
The neighbors tried to comfort him and help him accept the loss of his children.
Olgan continued to walk around the rubble of the collapsed building, hoping, praying.
Then something quite miraculous happened.
Olgan heard the almost inaudible cry of  a baby.
It was the cry of his baby.

For hours the neighbors frantically dug into the rubble, risking their own lives.
In the dark of the night, through the piercing sounds of hammers and chisels, the rescue workers heard another sound.
they stopped their pounding and listened.
They couldn't believe what they were hearing.
It was the sound of a little child--and he was singing.
Five-year-old Gancci later said that he knew his father would hear him if he sang.
Under the weight of crushing concrete that would later result in the amputation of his arm, Gancci was singing his favorite song, "I am a Child of God."

As the hours passed amid the darkness, death, and despair of so many other precious sons and daughters of God in Haiti, the Saintelus family had a miracle.
Gancci, Angie, and Gansly were discovered alive under the flattened building.

- Neil L. Andersen -What Thinks Christ of Me -April 2012 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Break Time

Like I mentioned yesterday. I had a short shift at work today.
That actually stayed as a short shift! Woot! lol I wasn't asked to stay late or anything! ^-^
Of course, that left me feeling rather....odd, walking out of the store just an hour and a half after we officially opened.
Lol admittedly I always feel like I'm sluffing from work when I get out before noon. Because it basically never happens.

In any case.
There was a slight problem with me leaving early.
In that my coworker needed to figure out when to take their lunch.
Because I was leaving so early in the day, if another person (like the manager) couldn't cover a lunch for my coworker, they would have to take a lunch suuuupppeeerrr early.
We usually like to try and take our lunches as late as possible. To make the rest of the work day go a bit quicker when we get back to lunch.

So whenever we have to take a lunch earlier than's not a favorite for sure.
lol. Not my favorite thing for sure.

Though I can't always help it.
Sometimes the schedule demands the coworker goes home early.
-As usually it's my coworker leaving early meaning I have to figure out lunches.

Usually I circumnavigate this by taking my lunch first instead of my first break, and I'd take my 15 minute break later in the day. As it's easier for a manager to cover the dept for 15 minutes instead of the 30.

In any case.
On behalf of my coworker, I went in search of the manager to check in with them.
As if they needed my coworker to take a lunch before I left...they would need to do so within the next fivish minutes. But if they didn't need to worry about it...then no big deal, they could take it later.

My manager was in the middle of helping a customer when I approached, (had been helping the customer for at least 15 minutes or so it felt like. which is a long time in retail time.)
And thankfully it seemed like they were finishing up the conversation.

So I started up my conversation with "So I'm off in half an hour."
To which the manager said. "Really?!"
To which I replied. "Yah! I got a short shift today!"
To which the customer was like. ()_() "But the store just opened like an hour ago! Didn't you just get here?"
Haha. I found that rather amusing. And wow, that would have been a super short shift if I'd been only asked to come in for an hour. :S (good thing that never happens unless someone is needed to just cover a lunch or something and usually it's managers that get that happening to them.)

I was quick to tell the customer that I'd been here for a few hours more than that.
"Doing what?!" they asked in confusion.
"Cleaning the cages and such." I replied. "We need to have the animals fed and such before the store opens."
"Ohhhh, they didn't do that when I was here." Was basically how the customer replied.

Which turns out the customer had actually worked at the store before.
like, way before I started lol because I don't remember her at all.
*shakes head*

She kinda confirmed it when she was like "Yah, I only worked here for two weeks. It was awful. The managers refused to train me on the register so I was constantly calling for back up and no one was coming to help me out, or show me what to do so I was winging it, and the managers were all just sitting in their office doing nothing."

Which thankfully, work isn't quite like that lol.
At least when you call for backup the managers will come. (mostly)

So I was like. "You must have been before I got here, as all but one of the managers got fired before I was hired."

She was like. ()_()

Yep. That's how it went. Though I only found out about that a little while later after I'd been working there for a month or so, that basically all my managers were new to the store as well.

In any case.
I did manage to establish with my manager that he would be able to cover my coworker's lunch so my coworker wouldn't need to take a lunch right that moment. Yay!
I like it when things work out in our favor. lol :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Call From Work

It's always a bit concerning when work calls you.

Because that usually means that they want you to come in for a shift or need you to stay longer or something.

So, today I had work call me.
Which was unexpected, as to my knowledge...they had no reason to call me.
*shakes head*
Though they had the perfect timing to call me while I was in the middle of taking a nap.

So the buzzing of my phone startled me awake, and then upon realizing it wasn't an alarm but actually someone trying to call me, I had to quickly 'wake up' enough to be able to sound normal on the phone.
Did I succeed? Hopefully. lol.

I picked up, wondering what work could possibly want, though I was expecting it to be that they were going to ask me to stay later at work tomorrow. Because oddly enough I had a super short shift scheduled. And whenever I have a short shift....I don't usually get to keep it. So I figured that I was now saying goodbye to my short shift.

Surprisingly, I wasn't.

No the manager was calling to ask me about our Canaries.
As we currently have two of them in the store.
And he wanted to know if I knew how to tell the difference between a boy and girl canary. And if I knew what the genders of the two in our store were.

I didn't.

Because I'd just barely put the birds out on the floor earlier this morning. lol.
So they were brand new to the sales floor, which meant...I haven't had time to actually hear if they had sung or not.

Because the easiest way to tell if the bird is male or female is a) if the Male sings. or b) the female lays an egg.

Since the birds had done neither yet....
I really couldn't tell. Heh.

I would guess that we currently have a male and female in the store. As both birds are yellow, but one is brighter and the other is lighter in their shades. And usually the more vibrant the bird...the more likely it is to be a male. Not always a rule of thumb, but close enough.

I didn't tell the manager that. I just told him to tell the customers that we didn't know. Since the birds hadn't sung or laid any eggs.
Sometimes we never know.
Though the longer the birds go without singing, the more likely it is for the bird to be a female....

So we'll see....if the curious customers actually ended up buying one or both of the birds, or if they chose to wait and see....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 24, 2017

October 2014 General Conference -Saturday Afternoon

Henry B. Eyring -The Sustaining of Church Officers

Dallin H. Oaks -Loving Others and Living with Differences
  • Love is the very essence of the gospel, and Jesus Christ is our Exemplar. His life was a legacy of love.
  • We are to live in the world but not be of the world.
  • For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil.
  • Even as we seek to be meek and to avoid contention, we must not compromise or dilute our commitment to the truths we understand. We must not surrender our positions or our values.
  • We should love all people, be good listeners, and show concern for their sincere beliefs.
  • Though we may disagree, we should not be disagreeable.
  • In any event, we should be persons of goodwill toward all.
  • In so many relationships and circumstances in life, we must live with differences. Where vital, our side of these differences should not be denied or abandoned, but as followers of Christ we should live peacefully with others who do not share our values or accept the teachings upon which they are based.
  • Ad difficult as it is to live in the turmoil surrounding us, our Savior's command to love one another as He loves us is probably our greatest challenge.
Neil L. Andersen -Joseph Smith
  • Why does the Lord allow the evil speaking to chase after the good? One reason is that opposition against the things of God sends seekers of truth to their knees for answers.
  • Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers from God.
  • We might remind the sincere inquirer that Internet information does not have a "truth" filter. Some information, no matter how convincing is simply not true.
  • you may understandably question what you hear on the news, but  you need never doubt the testimony of God's prophets.
  • A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. By their fruits ye shall know them.
  • You won't be of much help to others if your own faith is not securely in place.
Tad R. Callister -Parents: The Prime Gospel Teachers of Their Children
  • As parents, we are to be the prime gospel teachers and examples for our children.
  • God will never leave us alone. God never gives us a responsibility without offering divine aid.
Jorg Klebingat -Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence
  • The adversary knows that faith in Christ--the kind of faith that produces a steady stream of tender mercies and even mighty miracles--goes hand in hand with a personal confidence that you are striving to choose the right.
  • The decision to change is yours--and yours alone.
  • Take responsibility for your own spiritual well-being.
  • Spiritual confidence increases when you take responsibility for your own spiritual well-being by applying the Atonement of Jesus Christ daily.
  • You cannot love God without also loving his commandments.
  • Selective obedience brings selective blessings, and choosing something bad over something worse is still choosing wrong.
  • Do the right things for the right reasons.
  • Accept trials, setbacks, and "surprises" as part of your mortal experience.
  • Acknowledge and face your weaknesses, but don't be immobilized by them, because some of them will be your companions until you depart this earth life.
Eduardo Gavarret -Yes, Lord, I Will Follow Thee
  • As you strive to come to Him, you will gain the power to relieve life's burdens, whether physical or spiritual, and experience a positive inner change that will help you be happier.
  • Walk with me.
  • Simply knowing the truth will not change your world unless you turn knowledge into action.
Jeffrey R. Holland -Are We Not All Beggars?
  • She hath done what she could.
  • What we do is nothing but a drop in the ocean, but if we didn't do it, the ocean would be one drop less [than it is.]
  • Rich or poor, we are to "do what we can" when others are in need.
  • Although I may not be my brother's keeper, I am my brother's brother, and "because I have been given much, I too must give."
L. Tom Perry -Finding Lasting Peace and Building Eternal Families
  • Men and women are shaped partly by those among whom they choose to live.
  • Those to whom they look up and try to emulate also shape them.
  • We must never let the noise of the world overpower and overwhelm that still, small voice.
  • The most powerful teaching a child will ever receive will come from concerned and righteous fathers and mothers.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Asked to Speak

I'm going to preface this and say now: It was a dream. (literally)

There I was, walking into a school building because I'd been invited to speak in a few classrooms, though as the usual, I had no idea what I was supposed to be speaking on.
Which knowing myself, I really should have asked for more details. How can I talk to classrooms full of students if I don't know what I'm supposed to be talking about or how long I'm speaking and I haven't even had time to prepare anything cool to say.

But as I sat and waited for my turn, I was told that I was here to speak about dedication.
You know, sticking to a task no matter what.

And as I worried and wondered and tried to figure out why I was even here and invited in the first place.
It came out that I was here because of my blog.
That a few students had found my blog and saw that I updated it daily and that it had good content and the random big words I use on occasion were great teaching moments, and that I was very readable and well...
I ended up with quite the following at the school, with my words being used often to help out in the classroom and cheer up students.
They were so appreciative of what I did, that they even created a little flip book filled with their favorite lines and passages from my blog posts, and left the names of their usernames on the back of the book so I would know who they were.

And awww. Guys it was amazing!! So very literally amazing! To realize that I was helping to make a difference in people's lives and that my writing mattered and wow.

I was more than reluctant to wake up out of that dream. *sighs*
Especially because I woke up before I had the time to speak to the class and such. *shakes head* Isn't that typical of dreams? lol.

In any case.
Since I spent like the whole dream trying to figure out what I was going to say...only to never be able to say anything because I woke up....
I'm going to say some words here.

It's easy to stay dedicated when you're doing something you love.
When you have a passion for what you're doing and love what you're doing, it's easy to stay on top of things to get it done.

I've always told people that it's best to do what you love. Because people can tell if you're actually passionate about what you're doing or just trying to do it for a following.
Make it easy on yourself. Do things because you like to do them.
That way, if you don't become popular, at least you've done something you like to do. But if you do become popular...then it's just an added bonus. lol.

It's no secret (as I've stated it more than once) that I tell people that blogging is basically about you. Blog about what you're interested in, what you want to talk about and set realistic expectations for yourself. :)
People with similar interests will find your blog or your other works in time. It may be a small cult following, or a worldwide following, but still, those who like what you like doing will find you. :)

It's also a matter of setting realistic expectations for yourself.

To know that there are days when things just can't get done. Give yourself room for those moments of failure.
-Like when my blog post consists of "Post Forthcoming." Because I a) couldn't think of anything to say b) was too distracted and obsessed with something else to focus c) wasn't feeling well.
It's okay to take a small break if needed, the readers/or followers or whoever notices you will understand. We all have bad days. We all have moments where we can't fulfill what we said we'd fulfill.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
Give yourself room for those occasional moments when you fail.
But also give yourself room to pick yourself back up.
The main thing is to focus on returning to what you were doing when you can get it done. Or...if you've lost a passion for the thing, to change what it is you're doing in the first place.

I mean, can every person keep up four different blogs on a daily basis? Ha. No.
I recognize I'm crazy for managing to do it so far, and it took me forever to figure out how to do it in the first place lol.
Some of the side blogs had to go through transition phases before I found a rhythm that worked for me.
Like my work blog that was originally going to be a blog where I'd post comics of dating or other random things, but switched into a blog where I write about situations I encounter at work.
Or my writing blog where originally it the characters blogging their side of their stories, but now has evolved into a blog's its own little mesh pop of random things. lol. Short story snippets, reactions to events, random thoughts....

It's a matter of setting realistic expectations of yourself.
Can you keep up a daily blog? If so. Great! If often could you keep it up? Is it a once a week thing? twice a week thing? Once a month thing?
Give yourself room to figure things out.
-And this goes for other things besides blogging as well.
Give yourself room. Like if you want to play the piano, can you practice daily or once a week? If you want to draw can you practice daily or once a month or only on sundays? Let yourself realize that life can get crazy. That sometimes you'll miss your goals. Sometimes you'll have to do a 'post forthcoming' before you can get back to things.
The main thing is to try and get back to it.

But. If you no longer feel a need for it....let it go. Don't force yourself to do something you no longer want to do.
If you're out of the drawing phase, the hiking phase, the taking pictures phase, the whatever phase you're in. Let yourself breathe. You're not a failure for stopping at something if its only causing you more stress.
You're supposed to be doing whatever you're doing because you like doing it.
So if you no longer like it. Step back. Reevaluate. Make changes, and get into something you love doing.

Be yourself. Set realistic goals. And keep at them. Even with life gets hard. Keep at them as you can.

You can do it.
Be confident in yourself, because no matter what, you're amazing!!


And while it may have just been a dream to be asked to speak in a school.
(perhaps it will happen some day to be asked to speak somewhere lol.)
That doesn't mean that I don't appreciate all of you readers anyway who take the time to check out my blog(s) ^-^ Because I do!! I'm aware that you're there, and I love that you drop by to see what's new. :)
Hopefully I continue to post things that are relevant/interesting/fun to read or for whatever reason you started checking out this blog in the first place. ^^

Again. Thanks for being amazing!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Sharing Knowledge

So, this morning at work, I got a phone call from a customer.
Who'd just set up a tank and bought fish at our sister store.
And after getting the fish back to her tank, had ended up doing research on her fish.
Discovering that one of the fish she bought -a gourami- wasn't going to be the type of fish that she was looking for. That it would hide and eat the live plants and such.
So she was hoping to return the fish to our store.
Which since it was a gourami we could do. (there are some fish that we carry that other stores don't and viceversa)
But she didn't want to just return the fish. She wanted to talk to someone who knew a lot about fish. basically me lol.
So I told her so, that she could come in and find me as I would be in the store until such and such a time.

And so she did. She actually came into the store while I was there and came in long before I was due to be off. Which is great, because I tell people what time I'm off and to come before that....yet more often than not they come right at that time or just after it. *shakes head*

In any case.

It turns out that her classroom had done a project where they had raised money to buy their teacher (the woman) a fish tank. (10 gallons) and one of the boys had done a ton of research on the project (not wanting it to fail) and they'd bought some fish earlier in the week.
-The gourami, a couple neons, and an upside down catfish.

And the woman was concerned that the catfish would always be hiding and she wanted to make it more active.
She wanted active fish.
Fish that would swim around, that the kids could see and watch and such.

Which is always a difficult question to answer.
Because honestly, fish react differently to different tank set ups.
Some fish will constantly move in one set up, and will always hide in another.
Plus a ten gallon ....isn't the easiest to get fish to move around in just because it's a smaller space.
*shakes head*
But I did my best to give suggestions on fish that would be active and swim around and be hardy. (Platys and GloTetras/Regular Tetras) that would also be colorful and active.
And as for her Upside Down catfish....there wasn't much I could do.
Even when we had them in the store a couple years ago, they weren't that active or visible. (hence why we stopped selling them, because they weren't selling.)
But since they'd just gotten the fish a few days ago, I suggested giving the fish a week or so to adjust to the new tank, as there are fish that won't be as active when they're first put in a tank or will hide and such until they get comfortable with their new surroundings and then they'll perk up and be more active.
Do I believe the upsidedown catfish will do this?
lol. Not really, *shrugs* But it's always possible. And I've seen it happen with other fish so maybe it will happen with theirs.

In any case.
The fact that I was able to suggest fish and give options on how to help her tank succeed and give her random fact knowledge. :)
Had her super excited that I was so knowledgeable and helpful. lol
To the point where she was like "You guys may be further away than your sister store" (as she lives up by the point of the mountain) but I'm so coming here from now on because you actually know what you're talking about!!
-They didn't believe that the girl who'd helped them at our sister store had been helpful or knowledgeable....
which really, is a matter of opinion and how you portray your knowledge lol.
Like I had no idea that gouramis would go after live plants. (maybe a small inkling of it sounded familiar?) nor that they hid as often as they apparently do....I mean they don't swim around constantly like the danios do, but they're visible.

In any case, I'm glad I was able to help this customer out and provide them with the assurance and knowledge and options they were looking for. :)
Let's hope that they continue to be happy when they visit my store...
as more than likely she won't see me again since I tend to work mornings and she can't come in in the mornings lol.
But we'll see. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 21, 2017

Volume Down?

One of the things I didn't like about living in an apartment....was that the walls were always too thin. The ceilings too.
It felt like you could hear your neighbor playing music, or that the people living above you had bricks strapped to their feet.

So if you're trying to have some peace and quiet and alone time....yah, it didn't always happen.

So you'd think that moving into a house would be a lot better.
And it is.
;) Except when my roommates decide to vacuum above me while I'm taking a nap. lol.
But we're all spread out enough and quiet enough, that the random occurrences of being a bit more noisy are rather tolerable. (unless I have a headache, but then not much is actually tolerable when those come on.)

You'd think....that living in a house, where your neighbor's walls aren't touching your wouldn't be bothered by them unless they were mowing the lawn too early in the morning.

Yet, occasionally one of our neighbors....does make himself heard.
Which...while the houses in my current area aren't wall to wall, they don't have the 12 feet of distance between them like my parent's home does with their neighbors.
It's more like...six feet of space between our walls and their walls?
(why do people build so close together now?)

Which you'd think would be great at keeping sound down.
And it is...
Unless said neighbor decides to watch some sort of action movie in his 'home theatre room' at the loudest volume possible.
( is the guy not deaf?)
Which means all those deeper vibrating sounds that make you feel the explosions and feel the danger?
I can feel them waaaaaayyyy over here in my room. *shakes head*
And considering that's like an extra six feet of space....
It's loud.
12 feet away with walls at least a foot or so thick in both our houses?
And I can feel the deep notes reverberating around me?

It's too loud.
How is he not deaf?!

*shakes head*
Thankfully, at least this neighbor is mature enough that hopefully within the next hour (depending on the length of the movie) the sound will die and I'll be able to sleep....hopefully....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Through the Window

One of the most beautiful modern-day examples of meekness that I am aware of is that of Brother Moses Mahlangu.
His conversion began in 1964, when he received a copy of the Book of Mormon.
He was fascinated as he read this book, but it was not until the early '70s that he saw an LDS Church sign on a building in Johannesburg, South Africa, as he was walking down a street.
Brother Mahlangu was intrigued and entered the building to learn more about the Church.
He was kindly told that he could not attend the services or be baptized because the country's laws did not allow it at that time.

Brother Mahlangu accepted that decision with meekness, humility, and without resentment, but he continued to have a strong desire to learn more about the Church.
He asked the Church leaders if they could leave one of the meetinghouse windows open during the Sunday meetings so he could sit outside and listen to the services.
For several years, Brother Mahlangu's family and friends attended church regularly "through the window."
One day in 1980 they were told that they could attend church and also be baptized.
What a glorious day it was for Brother Mahlangu.

Later the Church organized a branch in his neighborhood in Soweto.
This was possible only because of the determination, courage, and faithfulness of people like Brother Mahlangu who remained faithful for so many years under difficult circumstances.

One of Brother Mahlangu's friends, who had joined the Church at the same time, recounted this story to me when I visited the Soweto stake.
At the end of our conversation, he gave me a hug.
At that moment, brothers and sisters, I felt as if I was encircled in the Savior's loving arms.
Meekness emanated from this good brother's eyes.
With a heart full of goodness and deep gratitude, he asked if I could just tell President Thomas S. Monson how grateful and blessed he and many others were for having the true gospel in their lives.
Brother Mahlangu and his friend's example of meekness truly influenced many lives for good--especially mine.

-Ulisses Soares -Be Meek and Lowly of Heart -October 2013 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Neon Green

I don't know if this is just a thing in my state or not, but we tend to joke that we have two seasons. Winter and Construction. lol. As with the fading of the snow....up pops all these annoying orange cones all over the roads. *shakes head*

Well...there's another thing that has returned with the fading snow and blooming flowers...
It's the Green 25mph signs.

Back into summer of last year, I moved into a new place.
Where some of the neighbors are decidedly crazy.

One of these neighbors is...well...she's a bit of a speed Nazi.
You see, since it's a housing neighborhood the speed limit is understandably 25mph.

However, it's college town filled with college kids....
Plus my street has a nice 'country road' feel to it, along with a nice downhill slope...that makes staying at 25mph impossible without riding the brake multiple times.

But since it's a family neighborhood of sorts, with kids and such in the area. It's understandable that people want cars to drive the speed limit.
They've installed fancy electronic speed limit signs that flash annoying lights in your face if you're going 26 in the 25 zone.

Yet, we've had this one neighbor take it a bit further.
In that on large trash cans, they've place these bright neon green signs with large 25MPH written on them.
You can't miss them unless you're super tunnel vision.

I'd noticed them off and on when I first moved into my new place.
But with the winter storms and tons of snow....
Those signs vanished.
Really, I'd nearly forgotten them.
Until they appeared again a couple of weeks ago. *shakes head*

Maybe the neighbor figured that people would drive slower in cold weather and didn't need these speed limit reminders?
Or maybe the neighbor disappeared elsewhere for the winter and has now only recently returned back to their home?

Whatever the case.
The bright green neon signs have returned.
Reminding all passerbys that they should be obeying the speed limit law on that nice road that begs you to do anything but slow down. ;)
(Don't worry I go the speed limit though I really wish I could drive along it faster.)

However, what caused me to post about it today...
Is that as I was returning home from work.
I noticed that the neighbor had gone a step further.
Adding in bright orange cones in front of the garbage know to draw your attention to those bright neon green signs. *shakes head*

Honestly, passing between the two garbage cans on either side of the street with their cones and felt like I was passing through some sort of fence/barrier. So weird.
I almost expected to get electrocuted or something if I was going over 25mph.

Cementing that feeling further....
Was the woman in black standing on the side of the road. Hands crossed in front of her chest, head held high as she surveyed her domain, daring any to dare drive faster than her homemade signs had decreed.

The neighbor was standing there. Watching cars driving past.
For hours.

I got home, and my roommates got home a couple of hours later to report that she was still standing out there! Who knows how long she'd been staring at her little gate zone she'd created before I drove past, or how long she stood out there after my roomies drove past....

Our neighbor needs to find a hobby that doesn't involve terrorizing passing by motorists.....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

So I'm probably in the minority here.
But out of all the sports to watch....
Baseball is my favorite.

It's not like I know anything about the game beyond the basics.
lol. Nor is it that I'm a fervent fan that knows stats and such on players.
Nor do I have a favorite team.
In fact...I have hardly a clue about baseball team names.

But that doesn't stop me from liking watching it.

It's a variety of reasons....
I like watching the little rituals the players have before they step up to bat or before the pitcher throws the ball.
I like watching the players run, trying to get to base either by stealing it or by dashing to it. Some of the moves they end up doing are rather acrobatic.
I enjoy the slight strategy to the game. Will the pitcher throw a fast ball? a curve ball? a low ball? Will the batter hit the ball hard, bunt it, let it slide?

Strategy. I enjoy the atmosphere.
I mean, I've only been to one local ball game in the past couple of years, but I liked the different atmosphere. It wasn't crazy (who knows it may be more crazy in other parts of the States...) And I liked it...
I just...liked watching it.
Wondering if the ball will get caught, if the batter will strike out, if there will be a homerun.

I need to get myself to more ball games.
Because I always find myself hooked with watching it when ball games come up in shows or movies or even if I catch brief glimpses in the news....

New goal.
Go to more baseball games.
....Now to find out when the baseball season is......:S ;)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 17, 2017

October 2014 General Conference -Saturday Morning

Thomas S. Monson -Welcome to Conference
  • May our hearts be touched and our faith increased.
Boyd K. Packer -The Reason for Our Hope
  • Those who will repent and forsake sin will find that His merciful arm is outstretched still.
  • Those who listen to and heed HIs words and the words of His chosen servants will find peace and understanding even in the midst of heartache an sorrow.
  • The true success of the gospel of Jesus Christ will be measured by the spiritual strength of its individual members.
  • We are at war with the forces of the adversary, and we need each and every one of us if we are going to succeed in the work the Savior has for us to do.
  • Move into the future with quiet confidence.
Lynn G. Robbins -Which Way Do You Face?
  • A Seventy does not represent the people to the prophet but the prophet to the people. Never forget which way you face!
  • We seek respectful coexistence with those who point fingers.
  • When people try to save face with men, they can unwittingly lose face with God.
  • While it certainly takes courage to face perils, the true badge of courage is overcoming the fear of men.
  • Courage is the form of every virtue at the testing point.
  • I seek not for power, but to pull it down. I seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory of my God.
  • If all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have the power over the hearts of the children of men.
Cheryl A. Esplin -The Sacrament--a Renewal for the Soul
  • The sacrament gives us an opportunity for introspection and an opportunity to turn our heart and will to God.
  • Obedience to the commandments brings the power of the gospel into our lives and greater peace and spirituality.
  • Our wounded souls can be healed and renewed not only because the bread and water remind us of the Savior's sacrifice of His flesh and blood but because the emblems also remind us that He will always be our "bread of life" and "living water."
Chi Hong (Sam) Wong -Rescue in Unity
  • Reach out to rescue.
  • Everyone, every position, and every calling is important.
  • We have to be united in our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Our faith will also affect the well-being of others.
  • We can all help one another. We should always be anxiously engaged in seeking to rescue those in need.
D. Todd Christofferson -Free Forever, to Act for Themselves
  • It is God's plan and His will that we have the principle decision-making role in our own life's drama.
  • God will not live our lives for us nor control us as if we were His puppets.
  • Resenting the law of gravity won't keep a person from falling if he steps off a cliff. The same is true for eternal law and justice. Freedom comes not from resisting it but from applying it.
  • Personal accountability becomes both a right and a duty that we must constantly defend.
  • It is God's will that we be free men and women enabled to rise to our full potential both temporally and spiritually.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf -Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth
  • It seems to be a trait of humanity to assume that we are right even when we are wrong.
  • God cares about you. He will listen, and He will answer your personal questions.
  • A personal testimony of the gospel and the Church is the most important thing you can earn in this life.
  • If you want to recognize spiritual truth, you have to use the right instruments. You can't come to an understanding of spiritual truth with instruments that are unable to detect it.
  • The more we incline our hearts and minds toward God, the more heavenly light distills upon our souls.
  • Each time we willingly and earnestly seek that light, we indicate to God our readiness to receive more light. Gradually, things that before seemed hazy, dark, and remote become clear, bright, and familiar to us.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a place for people with all kinds of testimonies.
  • The Church is a home for all to come together, regardless of the depth or the height of our testimony.
  • I know of no sign on the doors of our meeting houses that says, "Your testimony must be this tall to enter."
  • We do not condemn others for the amount of light they may or may not have; rather, we nourish and encourage all light until it grows clear, bright, and true.
  • Most often gaining a testimony is not a task of a minute, an hour, or a day. It is not once and done. The process of gathering spiritual light is the quest of a lifetime.
  • My dear friends, please do not delay the moment to seek and strengthen  your own personal testimony of God's divine work, even the work of light and truth.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Wanting More

I'm in that mindset again.
The obsessive one.
Usually because my imagination has been sparked by something.

It could be a show, a book, a cool picture, something said, something that happened at work.
It could come from anywhere really.

And it's like I haven't yet left my current obsession of Detective Conan.
I mean, I've filled up nearly three full notebooks of ideas of stories relating to that universe.
It's spurred me into actively working on writing, to taking steps to get things down on paper instead of them staying in my head.
And I'm soo excited for it all!!

And yesterday....I came across a fic.
Because I am in that obsessive stage of reading fanfics.
That was just....well Amazing.
The reading caught my interest, the plot is fantastic, and to kick it all together....the fic isn't yet finished. Leaving me hanging in cliffhanger mode.
Which is which sparks the deeper obsession.
Because I'm 'awake' I'm 'aware' I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!
And about the only way to get myself to calm down is to find something to distract myself.
Which usually results in either finding everything that the fanfic author has ever written and reading it then and there. Or finding a different fanfic to read. Or if spurred by ideas, just sitting down and writing ideas into plots that were spurred by what I'd spent the last four hours reading.

It's one of those obsession phases....where it makes it difficult to focus on other things.
So I sit at the computer anxiously refreshing the page. Waiting for an update.
Hoping it will happen soon. lol.
(Told you I was obsessed)
Thankfully this fic appears to be updating daily.
But that makes the 23 hours and 45ish minute wait for the next chapter that much more difficult to deal with lol.

(I'm only partially exaggerating.)
*shakes head*
In any case.
Since it's day two of 'super obsessed'...
I can only hope that I've worn myself out enough that I can focus when I get to work in the morning.
Though considering I can think and work at the same time.... ;) Odds aren't good for me.

Ah well.
I'm excited. I'm happy.
And that's what counts. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 15, 2017

It's In My Favor

It's kinda nice you know.
When 'bad' things work out in my favor.

Earlier in the week.
My coworker had asked me if I would switch shifts with her.
Where they would work my Thursday shift and I would work their Friday shift.

I'm always reluctant to switch shifts with people.
I mean, I like helping people out.
But I kinda already have plans in mind when I get my schedule, and I don't like messing with plans. (it can stress me out.)

So at first I refused. I had plans for Friday and I didn't really want to work it when I wanted to have a day off.
After talking with another coworker....I was asked again if I'd be willing to work Friday if I took a different coworker's shorter shift while they took the longer shift.

Honestly, my plans wouldn't be affected with this shorter shift.
So reluctantly I acquiesced to the request, agreeing that I could cover the shift.
Provided that the managers knew and approved.
-Because I hate it when coworkers switch shifts without informing the managers and I didn't want to get into another 'why wasn't I told you were switching shifts talk' with a manager.
Those are never fun to deal with.

In any case.

It turns out that switching shifts actually worked out in my favor.
Because Wednesday night I came down with a major headache.
More than likely a delayed reaction to the major stress I went through on Tuesday.
But in the end...the headache stayed with me all Wednesday night and into Thursday day
And it left me exhausted, weak, not wanting to deal with people.
Which lucky me.
Since I had switched shifts and had the day off.
I could stay home, sleep, rest, work on relaxing to get the annoying headache gone.
And not deal with people.

lol. And Friday's shift also worked out in my favor, allowing me to crash early. And again not use up my energy reserves so that I could be at full function mode on our crazy Saturday shifts. (sooo crazy today)
-It usually takes me a couple of days to recover energy wise from a major headache.

So once more, something bad. Like getting a headache. Worked out in my favor because I was able to deal with the headache and not have to either a) miss work (which I never do anyways) or b) deal with a headache at work (which is never fun.) Because I happened to switch shifts with my coworker earlier in the week. lol. It's a blessing for sure.

Plus. I was able to help out a coworker in their time of need!
So pluses all around. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 14, 2017

A Ray of Sunshine

It was a fleeting moment.

I'd gotten off work earlier than usual, as I'd switched shifts with a coworker.
And since I hadn't been able to go to my favorite writing spot (Wendy's) yesterday due to feeling ill....
I decided to drop by there today to grab food.
Though not to write, as I'd bought fish from work and needed to take them home.

Yet, for whatever reason, even though I'd told the cashier that my food was "to go" twice....
My order wasn't placed in a bag so I could go. But on a tray, so I could stay.

*shakes head*
For the most part, when something happens to try and delay me, I take it as a sign that I shouldn't try to force things my way. *shrugs* and that in all likely hood, by being delayed, I'm being lead to avoid somethin that would make my life more difficult.
Or being lead to run into something that can make my life brighter.

So I chose not to correct the cashier for a third time, and just took my tray of food to my usual eating spot. I could hang out there for ten or so minutes without my fish suffering in the car.
And so, I sat and ate and scrolled through facebook. (as I'd left my writing stuff in the car since I hadn't been intending to stay in the first place.)

Then, as I finished my meal.
I stood up and turned around.
And saw this girl sitting nearby.

Usually it's nothing to remark on. People come and go all the time at Wendy's. It is a food spot after all.
But there was just something...'happy about her' Like you just saw her and wanted to smile.

I walked to the trash can to throw my stuff away, thinking to myself. "I should say something to her."
So when I turned to walk out the door. I told her. "I like your shirt! It's really sparkly!"
And her smile really seemed to light up the room. "Thanks!!" She said.
I smiled back as really, she seemed to radiate happiness. "I wish I had that shirt." I responded before I continued out the door, to my car, and drove home.

It was a fleeting moment.
But ah.
Just that brief interaction had lifted my spirits immensely. I don't even know why. She just had that...happiness about her, that you couldn't help but be really happy too, you know?

Honestly, I'm wondering if I missed out on some opportunity there lol.
A potential new friend, a new roommate? Who knows.
I should have tried to stay and talked to her longer.
But I didn't.

*shakes head*
Honestly, I get too focused on things on occasion.
And more than likely I won't ever run into her again. :(
Still...if I do. Note to self; Be sure to actually stay and TALK!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi