Have you guys ever had repetitive dreams?
Like where you dream the same dream more than once?
Not like on a daily basis or anything.
But you end up dreaming the same sort of dream?
I do.
It usually only happens a handful of nights in the year.
But there are nights where I dream a dream....and realize that I've been there before.
I've been in this place, had this chase scene, done these actions, found this item.
There was one year where the week after I had my birthday I had a repeat dream every night. Not the same dream, but dreams I knew I had dreamed them before. Which considering that it was like a week of dreams, it was rather interesting that they ended up being repeats....lol. I think my brain was probably going through a bit of 'acceptance' or something. Where I was subconsciously coming to terms with the fact that I was a year older...but still didn't feel different....who knows lol.
In any case.
These repeat dreams are interesting.
Because sometimes...they don't stay the same.
I can change a plot, do a different action, figure out how to solve the problem sooner, etc etc.
Most of the time these sort of dreams involve buildings.
The most common repeat dream involves my Jr. High School building...but made of glass and the layout inside is similar to my High School building. lol
But last night.
The dream involved a concept that I hadn't dreamt about in...oh probably five or six years it feels like.
Where you have to have a special stamp to access a maze course.
It has the laser tag sort of feel where you'll basically wandering around in a dark maze with neon designs on the walls and the floors.
And the goal of this maze is to get your way through it as fast as possible. With the ending part being that you leave the dark room to a bridge where you have to step on the right planks to get to the otherside and if you don't...you fall and have to start all over at the beginning.
I remember this dream place well.
I spent a long while running through those mazes, knew all the secrets, knew how to twist and turn to get through the maze at break neck speed....when I wasn't exploring. lol
But like all dreams...
The one I had last night was different.
I hadn't been invited to this maze challenge and so snuck my way in without paying.
Because I hadn't been in that dream maze in years...I kept bumping into walls and such even though I still knew the way to get out quickly.
lol. I did manage to climb a tower within this maze where I looked at the top and saw the words I'd inscribed there the last time I'd conquered the tower. Along with people's notes fangirling over the fact that they'd found my name lol.
I even managed to cross the bridge easily enough.
But it wasn't the same.
I had a different purpose in this dream even though the set up was similar.
Plus I had Kikay with me to help me out.
Which....since the place was super cool,
When I woke up from the dream.
All I wanted to do was go to Kikay's room and talk to her about it. lol.
....Kinda hard to talk to a real person about the experience their dream self had. lol.
So very frustrating because I wanted to know how she'd done in the maze, what she'd liked, how she'd taken the challenges.
And I couldn't.
Because Real Kikay wasn't Dream Kikay and therefore didn't have Dream Kikay's memories.
*shakes head* lol.
The woes of being a creative dreamer where it feels so real that you could go to a person and ask them about it.
At least I think Dream Kikay had fun..... ;)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi