Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Where'd You Go?

It's been the oddest trend this past week at work.

I've been getting a lot of customers who have told me that they're going to be "right in!" or "I'll be coming in later tonight at this time!" and have me put a temporary hold on an animal or set aside a product for them to come grab that day.....

Only for me to come into work the next morning and see that the customer apparently never came in.

There was a woman who wanted me to pull down a 46 gallon tank and set it aside so that she and her husband could come in that night in their larger car to buy it.

They never came.

There was a woman who asked if I could return dead fish (it was in our policy) if she didn't have the bodies. (usually I say no, but apparently another coworker had told her she didn't need the bodies) And I said I'd only be able to do the return if she came in before I left work that day.

She never came.

Or the customer who placed a cat on hold the night before so our adoption group could confirm that the cat was healthy, came in on his lunch break to tell me that he definitely was going to come back after work that night to adopt out the cat.

He never came.

And it always leaves me slightly concerned when I leave work expecting the animal or product to be gone when I come back in the next day.
Only to find it still there.

I mean....
What happened?
Were my coworkers unable to find the item/animal and so the customer left empty handed?
Did the customer find the product on the shelf and so didn't go to the register to ask for the one we'd set aside?
Did the customer forget to come in?
Did they find a better deal elsewhere?
Did they come in, look at it and change their mind?
Did they misunderstand something I said? Or did I misunderstand their meaning?

It's a mystery that I really wish I knew the answers to.
Because I want to know what happened.
Why did you not come in?!
Why did you not get the product/animal you said you were going to come get?!

*shakes head*
I'll probably never know.
Though I desperately want to. lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

P.S. I'm doing a lot better today, so if yesterday's post has you worried, I'm recovering well. It was just one of those bad days. :)

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