Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Attempting to Bowl

Don't get me wrong.
I actually like Bowling.
It's a fun activity that I participate in all too rarely.

I think the last time I bowled was like....four years ago though... :S *shakes head*
And I haven't actively sought out to go bowling for one reason in particular.

The last few times I've gone bowling...I've always ended up breaking a nail or two.

It sounds so girly to say that.
"Ah! I can't bowl! I might break a nail!"
But considering it's the type of tearing of the nail that could draw blood.
Yah...you'd understand why I'd want to avoid causing such torment to my fingers.

The obvious solution, is of course, to not have longer nails so that my fingers stay safe and uninjured....
And so I do try to keep them on the shorter side whenever I have to participate in such activities...
Doesn't always help, but it lessens the risk....

In any case.
I was less than enthusiastic when a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go bowling.
She'd brought it up before, and so I knew that she really wanted to go, even though I would rather not have.
Just again, because of my nails.

I thought....
Why not?
I hadn't been bowling in years.
Perhaps now things would be different
My nails were on the short side.
Short enough I didn't think it would be a problem.
So I agreed.
To meet up with my friend and go bowling.

Which was a ton of fun! ^^
We had a great time teasing each other. Celebrating our strikes and laughing at our gutter balls.
lol. *shakes head* dunno what was up with me on my game though.
I must have been subconsciously unwilling to win, because I would get near strikes/strikes, and then suddenly the next two turns I'd roll gutter balls or hit one pin, before going back to near strikes.
*shakes head*
I'm so weird.

lol. But I had a ton of fun! And I kinda want to go bowling again. lol.

However....the game wasn't without it's causalities.
Yep. you guessed it.
Halfway through our first game.
I somehow tore my thumbnail off. Far enough down to knick the skin and draw blood. >.<
It wasn't like my nails were that long in the first place!
Barely being longer than the thumb pad underneath!
But somehow it was long enough.

Honestly, there must be something in how I'm throwing/releasing the ball that just has my nails catching in the wrong place.
Because I don't understand why it happened again.
And now I have to deal with a sore thumb. Foo.
Ah well....
Maybe more games will mean more improvement and less broken nails...

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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