Wednesday, April 5, 2017

A Lil Beef

It's interesting, how we, as people, can let one small thing influence our entire perception of a person.

For example. I have an older ex-coworker who still drops by the store on occasion. And it's been like two or three years since they've worked with me.
But without fail, the last few times that they've come into the store. They've asked me the same question regarding my Sign Language. The "Are you planning to do anything with that?" Even though even before this coworker had left, I'd established that I wasn't interested in pursuing that path anymore. *shakes head*
Though it's better than the one coworker who seems to only to be able to remember the one time I got kinda snippety at them. (because the managers were on my back to get on their back to go take a break.) Which is like....that was a one time thing with extenuating circumstances.

In any case.
Back to the small things concept.
It's interesting that we can base our entire perception and our interactions with a person a small detail that we don't truly comprehend.
Like back in High School when one of the cute popular guys in the school wrote in my yearbook....and I perceived his writing as saying "You're Annoying!" Which made me rather distant towards him after that point even though I'd liked him before. When....a bit later, looking back at that, I realized that it actually said "You're Amazing!"
*exhales* Still feel bad for thinking bad about the person. I should have known better back then then that person would write something mean.
It's like...thinks could have been different if perceptions had been perceived differently.

This whole thought process, of course, didn't come up out of the blue.
While I was on break today, I had a coworker come in also to take a break.
And they asked me what one of the new hire's name was.
And when I told them.
They responded with "I don't like them much."

To which I was surprised. Because I couldn't see why they wouldn't like the newkid. This coworker has been over the top in performing their duties, doing more than their predecessor had ever done and with a smile. The newkid who never fails to ask me "How's it Going?" "What's up?" "What's happening?" "Things still Good?" whenever I walk past. Who always seems to smile, and be happy, even if they sing off tune. impression of newkid has been good.

But the reason why my coworker doesn't like them?
Is because while they were on break, new kid came in and saw that there was food on the table.
New kid asked coworker if it was theirs. Coworker said no. So New Kid took a bit of the food and ate it.

And this made my coworker mad because "what if that was someone's lunch! What if that was all they'd had to eat and now they would starve because new kid had eaten a portion of it."
Which...yah. I can see how that is a possibility. And yes, newkid probably shouldn't have eaten the food since there was no explicit sign saying "HEY EAT ME!"

But.... I didn't see it as a reason to get upset and dislike the newkid.
After's pretty common for there to be random food on the table. Usually donuts, pizza, or random treats that representatives of certain food brands bring into the store and leave for us.
It's a "All up for grabs" Sort of thing.
If people don't want things to be eaten they usually leave a note. Like "Don't eat me!" or "This pizza is only for people in one department."
Otherwise, if people bring in their lunches, they usually put them in the fridge or in their lockers. People don't just leave food on the table.
Because they know it will be eaten.

So I could see, how the new kid would think that the food left on the table was up for grabs. Because if it wasn't the coworker's who was in the break room, and there was no one else in said would make sense that the food was up for grabs.

And perhaps the newkid was having a bad day, maybe didn't get food themselves, and seeing food apparently up for the taking, couldn't resist.

You never quite know why people do what they do. Who knows the motives behind an act?

It's interesting how we can let these small acts influence how we react and see people.
How, even after time has passed, and we've seen the people do different things and give off better impressions...we still hark back to that one little moment. It was one moment. But it's like our foundation stone for the person now. "Well, they were good at this thing, but remember that one bad thing they did?"

I feel like I could probably be that way with one cashier at my Wendy's. A guy who -in my perception- has a slight disliking for me because I'm liked by the other cashiers -and in so being liked, give me a discount.
He doesn't comprehend why I'm special enough to deserve a discount that shouldn't be given to me in the first place.
Doesn't comprehend why "being a regular" is a valid reason.
And it doesn't really help that my first interaction with him was to correct him on how to do my order, and have one of the cashiers who knows me show him how to do it.
Which consequently, most of our interactions have been....well....*shrugs* Overall he would probably fail the 'customer friendly' aspect. It's not quite full out hostility, but you can tell he doesn't think I deserve things.
It doesn't mean that I've treated him badly. If he doesn't give me the discount I really don't care. I came in for the food. I know the price it costs. If I pay less than the price...then bonus! Woot! If I pay full price. Woot! I got food regardless.
Which I think has helped a little bit in his perception of me. Because I don't demand the discount. Nor have a made a fuss since the first time (as he didn't know how to ring it up the first time) So everytime I continue to 'let it slide' that he's not giving me a discount...he gets friendlier, especially since I stay friendly as well.
...Only for his friendliness to slide back a bit into the 'frosty' side whenever he catches another cashier giving me said discount. lol

It's an ongoing battle I suppose.
Sometimes we fail in making that good first impression.
Sometimes we can overcome it. And sometimes we can't.

Regardless....I think it's always good to give a person the benefit of the doubt. Especially when it comes to first impressions, either the first time meeting them, or the first time they do something you don't think is right.
Giving a person the benefit of the doubt in such probably a good idea.
Especially if you have to work with said person. ;)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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