Monday, August 20, 2018

Kitty Kitty

I had a trend in cat calls this morning.

Which is semi antagonizing mostly because I was scheduled to open by myself and I was trying to get all my tasks done....when like 10 minutes before the store opened....

A customer called.

Wanting help with her cat.
A kitten that's like 5 months old.
Recently fixed.
And is now being a 'butthead' and is peeing on clothes and jumping up on shelves and counters when he knows he's not supposed to.
So the woman was basically thinking "He's doing this on purpose to be annoying! He knows better!" 

I ended up spending fifteen minutes on the phone with her.
Though the potential solutions to her problems only took like maybe three minutes to go through?
No it was one of those calls where the customer felt they had to over explain and tell all this unnecessary background information.
It was like two minutes into the call before I discovered what the 'behavioral issue' was that the woman didn't want her cat doing. 

Not only that...but she had this vocal tick where she would let out nervous laughter like every fifth word it felt like.
So the conversation was like "So I have this problem. "nervous laughter." It's my cat, he's like five no, six "nervous laughter" he's five months old I just checked. "nervous laughter." and we just got him fixed earlier last month. "nervous laughter." but now he's showing behaviors I don't want him doing. "nervous laughter" and he's being a butthead about it. "nevous laughter" and I know he knows he shouldn't be doing it but he does. "nevous laughter." 

*eye twitch* 
I'm pretty sure the cat was acting out because the woman had totally thrown his life into chaos.
First with getting fixed. -he's still dealing with hormones.
But then she'd gotten sick and neglected to clean his litter box as often.
And funds had been tight so she hadn't been giving wet food with the dry food as often.
Plus she apparently ran a daycare but doesn't do it as much during the summer.
And had let the house get a bit more messier than normal because a) she isn't running the day care and b) she's been out of the house more taking her kids outside to play and go places as well as c) she's prepping to start up day care again and has been interviewing people to help her, as well as reorganizing the house to be better set up...

Like animals can be just like people. Not all of them react well to change.
And will act out. Especially if everything familiar disappears.
Suddenly their humans aren't around as much.
Suddenly their food isn't as tasty as often.
Suddenly there's more things on the floor to investigate and potentially mark as his....

I gave some suggestions, as well as recommended a couple of sprays and devices to use to keep the cat away from where she didn't want him to be.
And finally hung up....fifteen minutes later.

Only for my next phone call...
To also involve a cat.
A kitten. Where it was 8 weeks old....and had recently gotten it's shots. Specifically the Parvo shot.
But the guy on the phone was like "It ate good the first day but now doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't poop, it's lethargic and just wants to lay on it looks like it might be parvo and want to know how long it takes before the shot kicks in." 

….Dude I don't know.
I'm not a vet.
I don't deal with shots in the store. We're not allowed to sell them. So therefore I know nothing about them. Call a vet. 
So I transferred him over to the one within the store.

….but personally....the odds aren't great for the kitty. If it's that's not a good sign. Y_Y;; I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't make it because hearing how weak the kitty is....yah not a good sign. 

Which I don't like dealing with possible bad news. 
So I was not happy when my third phone call of the morning....
Also involved a cat.

One of our own.
The caller's daughter had come into the store a month or so ago to adopt a cat for her friend.
Only the friend ended up abandoning the kitty.
And the family wanted to take it in.

-Which that was the surprising part. Normally if people call about pets they've adopted it's because they want to give it back --which they need to talk to the adoption group about that. 

But no.
The family loved the cat, and he's getting along well with their other cats.
They just wanted to 'officially adopt him.' because they didn't want to get in trouble if they said on the paperwork that the cat was living in one location with one person....
When the cat wasn't living at that location anymore.

I'd actually never dealt with that question before.
So I struggled with a way to politely phrase "I don't think the adoption group cares where the cat ends up as long as it ends up in a good loving home." 
Like I know they care.
But I don't think they call and check up on people. 
That would be a lot of phone calls.
So I think they assume that once the cat is sent's all good.

But the daughter who'd adopted the cat for her friend...had placed her name on most of the paperwork.
So I was like "Well if she signed, then I would consider her a co-owner of the cat because her name is on the paperwork therefore you're good."
The only concern really would be if they adopted her from our one group that microchips their cats because then you'd want to change the microchip information.
But I was pretty sure the cat had come from the other group that doesn't microchip.

So they should be safe and such.

But yah...
*shakes heads*

It's always weird how there are trends in customer needs.
This morning it was with cats.

Tomorrow it might be plecos or birds or bearded dragons. 
*shakes heads*

But needless to say....
I was glad I didn't get any more cat calls today. 
The first three were difficult enough as it were....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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