Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Lot

So in our store, we have this row of tanks filled with the comet goldfish (aka feeder goldfish) 

There can be hundreds of them in the tanks at a time. --so long as our supplier stays on top of the demand.

Today, I had multiple people ask me just how many goldfish they could purchase.
Like there's a limit. 

*shakes head* 
There isn't really.
The limit is a) how much money you have and b) the amount of fish we have.

So if we have 2,000 goldfish, you could theoretically buy all 2,000 goldfish. 

Usually though I try and check what type of environment the people are going to put their fish in.

Like a small bowl? You don't want to shove 50 in there.
While a large pond? Yah sure, go ahead and buy multiples of 100. 

Right now our tanks are a little more on the empty side. 
Which makes customers think there aren't that many fish.

The last customer I helped of the day was in that boat.

She came into the store wanting to buy goldfish for her pond. 

And was staring at our small goldfish. --Which those tanks were pretty empty.

She wanted to know how many goldfish she could buy for her pond.
I told her however many she wanted.

So she was like "I'll take all of them then." 


….I hesitated.
Mostly because I know all too well that appearances can be misleading. 

What you think looks like fifty goldfish could be two or three times that number.

And the small goldfish?
I could tell that we had at least 200 in there.

I didn't want to fish out 200 goldfish if the woman was thinking more along the lines that there were only 50 in there.

So I double checked. "All of them? There's around 200 in there." 

()_() was her reaction lol.

I was right. She hadn't thought we had that many in the tanks.

She ended up only wanting half of that.
100 goldfish. 

Which I could easily grab.
Though it took a bit longer because with less fish in the tanks, there's less chance to net out a whole slew of them.

And at the end of fishing out those fish?
Yah. Still probably 200 in the tank lol. So we had like 300 before I grabbed her 100. 

^^;; Good thing I double checked.

Though at some point she probably would have been like "How many do you have now?" if I hadn't questioned her and just gone to fish out the fish.

Other customers have done that lol. 
Wanted 'the lot' and then stopped us early when realizing just how many fish there are in those tanks. ^^;; 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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