Saturday, January 19, 2019


I find it easiest to do things when I'm in my work uniform.

I mean...since I spend like 8 hours a day in said work uniform...doing work and such and being proactive.

It makes sense that if I need to do something....I'm more likely to do it while still in 'work mode' as I call it.
Because once I switch to comfy's time to relax and chill and you  know....not do anything crazy lol. 

So when my roomie texted me right before I got off my shift, for help in some chores.
I was in work mode.
So I was like. Sure. Why not? I can totally do that.

Plus, I'm trying to be a good roomie as my standards of cleanliness aren't as high as other people's. So I usually rely on them for when things get 'too bad' and clean appropriately. Because like...their definition of bad is often my definition of 'yah its still clean. We're good here."

In any case.

Once I got home from work, I made sure to stay in my work clothes just because it helps me keep the mindset of "do this and clean that" a bit easier.

Thankfully it was only like a fifteen  minute process to get my half of the chores done...

And then I could relax, change, and go eat dinner lol. 

So yah.
I tend to be more productive in work clothes.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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