Thursday, January 3, 2019

Think It Through Next Time

So this guy came into work.
With the look of "I have a brilliant idea" on his face.
And by brilliant I mean "Completely stupid, I didn't think this through yet I'm gonna do it because it will be socool/funny to do!" 

What was his brilliant idea?
He wanted to get a pet mouse.

Which I'm always leery when customers want mice because I have to make sure they're not buying the mouse as food for a snake or a prankgift etc. 

And he wanted to get it as a workplace pet.
Thought it would be 'cool'

…..Not sure where he was working.
But I doubt most places allow pets in their places.
You know unless it's like a betta in a bowl or something. 

In any case I was like "Do you have a cage, do you have food, do you have a wheel?"
To which he replied in the negative at first.
And then stated that his friend has a cage he can borrow. 

Not quite sure he had that cage actually, but I can't really say "No you don't." because I had no just cause to deny him the mouse.

So I got it for him, 
Showed him the food and the bedding and such. 

And like....wasn't thinking much more on it.
When he was like "So what does it take to work here?"
And I'm like "Well you got to be at least 18" 

...and the slightest of grimaces crossed his face as he said "of course" 

Which I'm like....
Dude....are you 18??

Because he looked old enough that he could pass as an 18 year old. 
But with that reaction....I was doubting that he was 18....

I should have been like "Are you 18?" 
To see if he said yes or no.
Because if he said No.
Then I could have stopped the sell of the mouse then and there.
Because I can't sell live animals to people under 18 without an adult with them. 

I didn't.
Because it could have been the face of "Of course you gotta be 18 duh. What else?" 

Honestly I don't know what I was thinking.

So I let the sale happen. 

And spent the next couple of hours or so wondering if the mouse was going to be alright.

I didn't have to wonder for long though.

Because towards the end of my shift I get called up to the register.
Because the guy had come back into the store, now accompanied by another guy to return the mouse.
When asked why he was returning it he simply stated "I didn't think things through." 




I don't even think he got the mouse out of the box.
Because like...the bedding wasn't touched and I don't know if the food was opened....
But yah.
Full of foolhardy ideas.
Dunno if it was a friend/sibling/coworker/orboss that convinced him otherwise.

But hopefully he thinks things through a bit more.

Because like. 
A live animal isn't a toy.
You can't just put it in a cage and forget about it.
You have to actually care for it.


I'm just glad the mouse got back to us safely. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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