Sunday, April 21, 2019


It's the weirdest thing.
Being in a place that drains you of energy.

I had so much energy when I was on vacation.
But this week of being back?
Been so exhausted. 

So. Exhausted.

I don't know if I'm just...readjusting to the stresses of life after having a week away from them.
Or if I have other reasons to be exhausted.

But I've been so tired and lethargic this week.

And I halfway wonder if it's being home that is causing the lack of energy and motivation to do anything.

Which. Possibly, may be caused by a roommate?

As I hadn't placed my finger on it until earlier today.

But the feeling is pretty similar with one of my roommates as to what I experienced in my last apartment before I moved out.

And it's probably from me not liking that people are home all the time.
As honestly, I need some 'me' time.
Like official me time where there is no one in the house.
No one at all.
As even if the roomies spend a lot of time in their rooms.
Their energy can still be felt.

So like. 
Me time.
Where it's just me and my energy?

It can be hard to keep that in balance and on the more energetic side of things.
Especially when it feels like someone is always home.
Especially when the energy they give off is...well depressing/stressed etc. 

But now that I've placed what may be causing this exhaustion....

I just need to find ways to keep my own energy up and from being drained by the roomie.

*fingers crossed* That it goes well.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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