Monday, April 8, 2019

Insects Abound

There was a ladybug on my windshield yesterday.
I noticed it as I was driving to my Daddoo's home after picking up my Grandma.
It was on the outside of the front windshield. 
Dunno when it got on there. Possibly while I was grabbing Grandma.
In any case it stayed on the windshield, hanging out by the wiper blades until I got to Daddo's home.
Not sure where it went after that. 
But the ladybug survived the journey to my knowledge.

On the flip side.
As I was driving back home in the dark.
On the highway.
You know going 75mph.

I saw this shadow on the inside of the glass.
On the windshield.

And what was it?

A spider.

A large spider.

One that with the legs was at least the size of a quarter. :S :S :S

And it was on the INSIDE of the car.
And I was going SEVENTY-FIVE MPH!!

Like. There was no way I could stop.
No exit nearby.


I don't even know where it went.

It walked along the inside of the windshield down to where glass met dashboard....
And vanished after that point.

I can only hope it crawled into a vent or something and eventually left.

Because I have no idea where it is.
If it's still in the car.
Or out.

But yah.

Ladybug on the outside.
Spider on the inside.

Wonder what that says thematically....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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