Saturday, August 17, 2019

Another Note

There's something definitely going on with my coworker.
As they've gotten a lot more paranoid over things at work the past month or so.
And this past week have been driving me a bit crazy with all the notes being left.

Like I'd grown to expect the paranoia over reptiles and wanting them to be healthy and such.
But this past week before the Big Visit was paranoia over the bird cages.

And today.
It was Crickets.
Specifically the dishes we place the cricket water (clear jello cube things) into. 

So I came into work this morning to find that said coworker had written a note Thursday evening at some point.
As I had worked Thursday morning, but left before they came on shift.

I didn't work Friday.
And so didn't see the note until today.

And the note basically said "We need to change the cricket water everyday as it's breeding flies like crazy." 

Which in of itself, is a good policy to have.
And it IS actually a policy we have. It's PART of the opening procedure we have. You have to check the food and water and replace it as necessary.
Usually with the water I end up replacing it daily especially for the large crickets because they can go through it pretty quickly when we have a ton of them in there.

And guess what I had done Thursday Morning?
Exactly that.
I'd checked the crickets and given them fresh cricket water. 

So the fact that my coworker possibly found maggots in odd.
Since the water itself was fresh.

And that's why I got irritated.
Because I HAD changed the water.
I HAD done it.

And the note made it seem like I wasn't properly doing my job.

Because guess what? Since I'm basically the ONLY one who opens.
I'm really the ONLY one who consistently changes out the cricket water as I know it's not usually done on my days off because I come in after my days off to see the cricket water looking like it hadn't been touched.

So yah.
irritated that my coworker keeps writing notes about opening procedures because like....I KNOW THEM already. I KNOW what to do. 

I'm not in a good mood over that. Not at all.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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