Tuesday, August 27, 2019

I Can Lift It :D

It's always interesting when I come up to the front of the store to help out with a carryout for a customer.

Because usually I get some sort of comment along the lines of: "Are you sure you can lift this?" 

Which I usually shrug off with a smile because I know how skinny and young I look.
My arms basically look like skin and bones. Very little muscle.
And weighing as little as I do.

It's very understandable that customers are skeptical of my ability to lift the bigger bags of dog/cat food or the cat litter or the cat towers because they can be heavy. Especially that Cat Litter.

But I don't usually have an issues with it. 
The heaviest thing is like maybe 50lbs? And I can lift that alright. If it's awkward like a fish tank then yes of course I need help with it because it's too long for me to carry alone.

Today though.
A customer asked for help with a carry out.
It was a some cat litter that they needed help with.
And at first glance I thought it was one of the 40lb ones. 

Which makes sense as to why the customer would be skeptical of me being able to lift it.

The customer was like: "You have to be the smallest person in the store! Are you sure you can lift this? It must be like a quarter of your weight!" 

Which at the time I just kinda smiled and shrugged. "Yah I got it."

And when we got out to the customer's car?
I easily lifted it from the cart into the trunk. 

Only then seeing that it was 20lbs of cat litter instead of the 40lbs I'd been expecting.
*shakes head*
the "Quarter of my weight" made more sense now because yah...20lbs is like a quarter of my weight.
But seriously I'm not that weak. 
I'm pretty sure almost anyone could lift a quarter of their weight. (unless told not to by a Doctor or they're like...really young or really old...) 

So like...doubting my ability to carry 20lbs? 
Not that weak. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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