Saturday, September 28, 2019

Where's the Tag?

So, the past couple of weeks at work, we've been getting in new fish.
Which woot! New fish!

Only....our planner for the Fish wall? You know the schematic that tells us where all the fish go (and I only partially follow because some fish just shouldn't be in certain tanks despite what the schematic says) 

None of the planners that I could find for our fish these new fish.
There's no spot for them.

Which is...troublesome because like...where are we supposed to put these guys?!

I mean, I did find a planner, but even that one is odd in that we're missing half of our cichlids that we currently carry. O.o So like...not sure that one is accurate either.

In any case.
The first week it was the African Leaf Fish.
Which I'm kinda excited we got because carried them before and I wanted to buy them for my fish tank when I got my giant fish tank....only we stopped carrying them right before I got my tank.
So I was happy to see the little dudes back in the store!
Plus. We had the tag already ready for it. So yay! :D 

The only problem was finding a good tank to stick them in that wouldn't harm while they're considered semi-aggressive....they are pretty mellow when babies and I didn't want other fish harming them.

Thankfully we had a tank that was empty of its usual fish and so stuck them there.

But Friday.
We had a slightly bigger problem.

In that we got in a fish that we hadn't had before.

A Red Tailed Varaitus Platy. 
Which oooo pretty!
But we had no tags for that one.

-We probably did at one point because there had been a whole booklet of old fish tags....that had gotten mostly thrown out I believe like five or six years ago because 'we weren't using the tags'

But that left us in a bind.

No tag....mean we couldn't sell them.
My Manager tried to find a way to get a price tag for them though.
Only the UPC that came with the fish...was missing a digit....and so they couldn't print out the tag.

That's where I came in.
I was like "Okay....well let's go try and find the tag online." Since there is an online data source where we could order new tags for our animals if they got old, broken, or lost. 

And we found it! wasn't available to order.....and there was no picture provided so we couldn't even cheat and just look at the picture on the website. Bleh.

And after a couple other again looking at the planner to see if it updated and checking a couple other spots....

I was like "Maybe we could call our Sister Store?"

Because each store in the company carries slightly different fish.
So maybe they already had those fish at that location and could give us the UPC for the fish so that we could plug it in and therefore be able to print out a price tag at least until we could get a picture tag ordered.

So I grabbed the phone, called our Sister Store....

And had luck!
They'd gotten the fish in yesterday as well and just happened to have a picture tag in their binder of tags (because their manager didn't throw theirs away lucky them.)
So tada!

I was able to get the UPC in like a thirty second phone call. XD 

Lol The manager was shocked.
He'd been looking at his phone and when he looked up I had the UPC all written out for him to go print the tag out. XD haha.

It was great.

And we were able to go place the platys with their new price tag into a tank so we could sell them.

So yay for perseverance on my end. ^^;; lol. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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