Sunday, September 1, 2019

Prolonging the Suffering

There are times when my mind tends to get more paranoid/worried than others.
Usually it coincides with nuclear migraines that I get.
Where my brain just kinda...stutter skips around or gets stuck in endless loops of simple phrases.
But basically it's like the mind chooses to focus on and worry about things that really shouldn't be an issue.

Which...yesterday? Yesterday I think, I opened up a new bottle of Excedrin because I'd used up the last of the other one I had....only to discover that instead of buying the tablets, I'd ended up buying the capsules.

Not really the end of the world.
In normal cases I probably would have been like "awwww....well next time I'll get the other kind." 

But in this case, not so much.
As the brain is being a bit more paranoid.

And remembered a couple of episodes of Forensic Files that I'd watched recently.
Involving poisoned medicine.
And my brain automatically was like "YOU CAN'T EVER TAKE THOSE MEDS THEY'RE POISON!"
Which, who knows, may have been the whole trigger to this migraine in the first place. *shakes head*

In any case.
I tried to not think about it. 

But I did end up avoiding the Excedrin for like...all of yesterday and into the morning of today.

Because of that random thought.
Because it wasn't my usual type of Excedrin that I took.

And I'd been hoping that the other meds.
The Tylenol, Aleve, and Advil would help to get rid of the stupid Migraine that plagued me through the night.

It didn't.

So. Finally I was like "Well, we'll just try this because at this point I'm going to die either way if the migraine keeps up." 

And wouldn't you know it.
The Excedrin was actually the ONLY medicine to HELP the stupid thing go away.
So like I totally sabotaged myself yesterday by refusing to take it because of something that happened one time in a show I watched that originally aired years and years ago.

Gotta love it when that happens.

But at least the migraine has faded more now.
It's still slightly present.
but I can function again.
So yay.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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