Thursday, September 5, 2019

More Coverage

The holiday season is one of those love/hate seasons at work.

I hate it because customers get more cranky and it gets more crazy with everyone coming in to get things for Christmas shopping.

But one thing that is nice about the holiday season is that we get more hours at work and the ability to hire more people as we get more seasonal workers. 
which is nice because apparently work doesn't get penalized if a seasonal worker leaves early like a regular worker would be if they left in the first 90 days or so.

It's nice.
To have people in the department and not having to scramble to find coverage if someone calls out.

Which I'm looking forward to having more people.

Because today I realized that we only have and two other people in my department that are currently considered 'reliable' 

There are three others. 
But right now it's unknown how long two of them will be they've been struggling to show up to shifts the past couple of weeks. *exhales* 

In any case.

To function department needs well at least 6 people, though 8 would be better. 

Two openers. Two closers. Maybe a mid. And then two or three others to switch off or call in in case someone else got sick.

Right now?
Not the case. 

But i'm told that we'll be able to hire seasonal people in the next little bit.
Which will hopefully help our rather thin coverage right now. 

*fingers crossed* 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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