Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Porch Visitor

I found an unexpected visitor outside last night.

I had come upstairs to grab a package that I'd been notified was delivered.

And when I opened the door...there was a wide eyed tabbico kitty cat staring back at me. 

lol I was like !!!! KITTY!!!
So I slowly sat down, kept the door open and was like "here kitty kitty it's okay." Because I didn't want to scare her off and wanted to see if she would come closer to let me pet her.

Which surprisingly she did.
She was all too happy to get petted a couple times before she decided to wander inside the house.

:S :S :S
which I was like!! YAY NEW PET!

But at the same time I was like "CRAP" because my roomie is allergic to furry creatures so it's not like I could actually keep the kitty cat.

Who had to belong to someone because her fur was really soft and she was quite fat so she was very well fed. 

Thankfully, she only made it as far as underneath our coffee table before deciding that she preferred the outside.

But yah, I tried to convince her to let me pet her for a bit longer, but the silly kitty would only let me brush my fingers against her fur before she'd plop down just out of reach.

*shakes head*

It was nice to have a visitor for a bit. :D I love kitties. 
Can't wait to get one of my own.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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