Friday, December 13, 2019

Book Be Gone

It's a fact of life that things are always changing.

But that doesn't mean I always have to like these changes.

And I ended up getting an unpleasant surprise today while I was out shopping with Daddoo in HomeTown when we went to the local strip mall place that I've gone to for as long as I can remember.....

Only to discover that the Barnes and Noble that had been there for my entire childhood and probably long before I was even born--


Totally GONE.
Store blank, sign taken down.

Like last time I'd been up I'd noticed that they were doing some enough sales that I was wondering if they were closing.

But like there was no announcement or signs to indicate that their sales were closing sales. 

So it was quite the nasty shock to come see a piece of my childhood....Gone.

I mean...technically the bookstore just moved locations.
But they might as well have just gone out of business because the new location is somewhere like 20 to 30 minutes north of Hometown. XP 

Where apparently the city there is booming and such.

So like...yay that Barnes and Noble moved to a more popular location.

That was my childhood!
We would go to that bookstore constantly when I was growing up.
Whether it was after dinner, or after seeing a movie in the nearby theatre, or to kill time, or to hang with friends--I spent a lot of time in that store.

And now it's just...empty.
And will probably become something depressing. *exhales* 

So yah.
I know things change.

But that was one change I wasn't expecting. 
I mean Barnes and Noble?

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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