Thursday, April 30, 2020


Kikay and I had a craft night tonight.
Which was something I think we both desperately needed.
Just sister bonding time. Girl talk. Where we could talk about everything and nothing and giggle like crazy people over the little things. :D 

It was great. We ended up hanging out in her newly decorated library, which was awesome because the room felt so relaxed and felt like...well home. Which is a feeling that has been missing for a while really. Finding places that feel like home. 

We ended up crafting via doing Diamond Art together as she and I both had pictures that we were working on completing...neither one of us did so. But we made more progress in our individual projects so yay! :D lol.

It was kinda fun to just breakaway from life. Focus on the little things. 

I'm definitely looking forward to doing it again soon. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Closing Early

Working evening shifts is always....interesting.

It's a different vibe working the store later than normal.
Mostly because it gets busier.
And customers can also get grumpier.

Plus with the constant customer service...I usually end up pretty drained.

Today was different though.
Because while I was working an evening was also a short shift. Basically only 3.5 hours.
Super short.

But with our hours cut. I'll probably be working a few more shorter shifts in the upcoming weeks unless something changes.

However, the interesting and kinda stressful change of working the evening shift.
Is that corporate has come down saying that for the next little while (until the pandemic ends) we'll be closing down my department an hour before the store closes.

Which means that in the last hour we're open, we won't be selling any animals.
No fish. 
No reptiles.
No birds.
No rodents.

The only animals we will still sell in that last hour would be the crickets and feeder goldfish.

The reason why we're not selling animals?
Because we're short staffed.
And the last hour of work can get crazy busy. 

And catching fish or filling out paperwork for other animals can take a while....which can tie up our workers which can slow down helping other people which can delay us closing the store....

And we're apparently on "black out hours" aka. We have basically no leeway at all. 
We need to stick as close to the hours given to us as possible.
Which means we need to help customers and get them out of the store as soon as possible when the store closes.

So no selling animals.

Yah...customers aren't too happy about that. 
Had like three today get mad at us because we closed the department down early.

My manager says that they're probably going to print out signs to hang around the department telling customers that our department closes earlier than the rest of the store. 

Hopefully we get those printed sooner.
I mean, customers will still get mad.
But at least we have signs up. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Fish in a Bucket

So at work we have this process.
Where we pull out a certain section of ornaments out of our fish tanks at night.
And soak them in a bleach/water solution over night to kill any potential algae growing on the decorations.
And then in the morning we dump out the bleach water and then fill it back up with water and add in a salt type thing to neutralize the bleach and make it safe for us to put the ornaments back in the tanks once we're done scrubbing and gravel vacuuming.

Overall it works pretty well.
There are occasions when we encounter some tragedies.
In that some of the decorations have nooks and crannies that fish can hide in.
And if my closing coworkers aren't careful and check the decorations before putting them in the bleach water....

We end up having fish that were stuck in the decorations...that die...
Because yah. Bleach is not good for fish. 


And it's always Tuesday's ornaments that give us the most issues.
Probably because that's where most of our plecos are located on the fish wall.
And plecos love to stick to things.

We also end up losing the clown loaches to the bucket as well. Because they love to hide in those decorations too. 

So you can imagine my surprise this morning.

Where after I'd dumped out most of the water and filled it back up to begin the salt look into the bucket and see a clown loach....Alive.
He was swimming around and being active and everything. O.o 

Which tells me that it's quite possible that my coworkers forgot to put bleach in the bucket last night...or else it was in such a minimal amount that the fish was able to survive it.

Unfortunately he darted back into the decorations to hide before I could catch him. 

So I had my coworker go looking for him while I took a quick break.
And she managed to catch him! Woot!

But then.

Like ten or fifteen minutes later. 
My manager was like "Hey are these decorations in bleach or salt?"
And I was like "Salt?"
And my manager was like "Well...we have a clown loach swimming around in here that we need to catch then." 

both my coworker and I were like O_o WHAT?
Because she'd caught the clown loach.

but no. There were TWO that ended up in the bucket and thankfully managed to survive.

Though that clown loach was more difficult to catch than the first one.
I couldn't manage to do so until I'd placed all the ornaments back in the their tanks so there was nothing for the loach to hide behind or in. 

Unfortunately I made the discovery that one of our Cichlids had somehow ended up caught in an ornament...and hadn't made it through the bucket trip. :( 

But woot two clown loaches did!

I saw movement in the bucket again.

And what was it?
One of our Plecos too had found it's way in with the others. *exhales* So note to self. Have my coworkers be even more diligent about checking ornaments. *shakes head*
But he was alive too!! 

Which is amazing. Like out of 4 fish...three of them lived!! Crazy. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 27, 2020


I went grocery shopping today.
Like actual "I need to buy food" grocery shopping compared to the quick 'in and out' trip I took on Thursday to get a couple of small items.

But I was starting to run low on my snack foods that I eat while I'm at work.
So I figured it would be best to stock up sooner rather than later.
Especially considering my schedule is so wonky this week. With me working three evening shifts.

I figured it would be best to venture out this morning, since I was given today off and shop when there were less people in the store.

As I've been told it's less busy in the mornings.
And with how full the store was when I dashed in the other day after work.
I decided to go today after I was sure my roomies were awake so I could check and make sure that there wasn't anything they needed that I could grab their stuff too and limit how many trips we were making to the store. 

So yah.
That was a bit of an adventure.
Thankfully I was correct and the store wasn't as busy when I went shopping.
So I felt less pressure to get in and get out quickly as it was quite easy to avoid people in the aisles and such. Which was nice. I like being in less stressful situations. 

And thankfully everything I wanted was in stock. So woot!! No worries about empty shelves.
Though there were still plenty of spots in the store where shelves were empty. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Small Blessing

It's been like...over a month since we've been able to take the sacrament.
Which is weird to think about.
That it's been over a month since i've been to church.
Gone to a ward meeting.

Maybe it's been closer to two now?
With how weird time is flowing I don't remember if church meetings were canceled in February or March...

But beyond a one time meet up with my family so that we could partake of the sacrament.

I haven't been able to.
There was an effort at first, to serve it in my ward...but with the governor's directive to not have gatherings of more than like 10 people....

They put even small sacrament services on hold.

So's been over a month maybe two since I've had it.

But today, my roomie's parents came down, so that her Dad could bless the sacrament and give it to us since they realized we hadn't had it in a while. 

It was so sweet of them to make the effort to come out. 
We ended up having it in the garage, so that the parents wouldn't be inside the house and we could still social distance.

But it was just like...a balm to my soul to be able to take of the sacrament today. 
Like it's just one of those stressors that you don't realize is stressing you out...until you get rid of the stressor.

it was just. A comfort.
To be able to have the sacrament today.
I'm grateful for that. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 25, 2020

A Sinking Ship

It kinda feels like I'm on a sinking ship.
And I don't like that feeling. 

At the start of this pandemic I was pretty secure in my job.
After all, a pet store is considered to be essential. 

So therefore. We can't close. 

And yet....

As the weeks pass.
And we continue to social distance.

Our store isn't making as much money.
Which is making it difficult to keep people employed.
Because corporate keeps cutting our hours.
Forcing us to have to furlough over half of my coworkers. 

We're running on a skeleton crew right now. 
With only nine people still employed to work the main part of the store.

Because to cover the entire day we need like 6-7 people to cover the entire day. 
Which gives us only 2-3 people to switch off with. So that everyone can have two days off. 

And this week....
I was informed that corporate is no longer able to guarantee our hours.

As a full time employee I should be getting 36-40 hours a week.

And I'm only scheduled for 30 this week. 

We're already running on the bare minimum staff.

The only person still guaranteed their full time hours is the Head Manager because they're on salary.
The rest of us?
I'm not even working my normal shifts currently. I'm just scheduled wherever they can fit me in so I can get as many hours as I can from what corporate has allotted to us. 

Like. Why?
We're barely able to run the store as it is.

Unless they alter the running hours of the store.
Or switch us to doing curbside pick up only and have no customers coming into the store....

It's just.

And I feel's difficult to complain about getting less hours and running on a skeleton crew.
Because like...I still have my job right? A ton of other people have lost theirs due to the pandemic.

I just...can't comprehend how our company can't afford to keep us at our full time hours.
Like I know we're nationwide and such.

But like....surely there could be something done (like having the CEOs cut their salaries so that the workers can continue working) so that we can keep our store fully staffed. 

But no.
They're cutting more hours instead.

And I'm just like stressed out.
Because I thought my job was secure.
But's the six managers, me, and then two other coworkers.

And I have to wonder.
How long will it be before they have to furlough me to? 
When will they decide that they can't keep us on?

Like I want to feel secure.
I want to believe that my position isn't in jeopardy.
I mean, I've been there the longest out of the employees in the store.
And like...they need people to care for the animals. Clean their cages. Feed them. And such.

So position should be safe. As they need someone to care for the creatures. 

But at the same time.
I don't know.
Four of my six managers have all worked in my department at one point. 
So if push came to shove, they probably could still care for the animals.

It's just....scary.
Scary to not know if this is your last week working.
To not know if we'll be cut more hours again.
To wonder why coworker will no longer be coming into the store because they've been furloughed.

It's rough. *exhales*
I really hope that this week is the low point.
That we'll be able to get more hours back in the store. 
That we'll be able to bounce back and get more coworkers back in the store. 

Because running your staff on bare minimum and not guaranteeing their hours on top of having to worry about catching the virus from customers and dealing with grumpy/irritated customers on top of it is not ideal.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 24, 2020

When Do You Work?

Back when I first was hired full time, and took the position that I have now.

I was told that I needed to have an open schedule, so that the managers could place me wherever they needed to, whenever they needed to. 

That was like...I don't know...five or six years ago now? 

I haven't needed to fill out a time sheet...a schedule form? Idk. A form where I indicate when I can/can't work and my preferred times to work. Since that point.

As surprisingly schedule hasn't changed that much.
I mean, I'm not in school. Haven't been in a while. So it's not like I have to worry about getting to class on time. Nor do I have another job where I need to make sure it doesn't conflict with my current one. 


Due to the pandemic.
Schedules have had to be adjusted.
Especially since my job is currently running on a skeleton crew.
Where we only have ten people working in the main part of the store.

:S Kinda scary having such a thin crew. It basically means three people in the morning and three people in the evening with maybe one or two extras. 

It's stressful. Like...if any of us end up sick we're so screwed right now.

In any case.
Because we have such limited numbers.
The managers are taking a closer look at people's schedules. Making sure everyone has theirs updated so that they can work everyone when they're actually available to work.

Which last week my new head manager was like "Soo...I don't have a time sheet for you...when do you usuall prefer to work?" 

I told them. Due to my position I'm available to work any time. But I prefer morning shifts. Because the later I work in the day the grumpier (and more prone to headaches) I am prone to get because I honestly can only tolerate so much customer service before I get drained and/or irritated. 

I figured that the HM would make a note on that since they were in charge of scheduling.

But this week we had a change in that we also got our new VP Manager. 

And usually it's the VP Manager who is in charge of scheduling while the HM only takes charge if like...the VP is unavailable. 

So this afternoon....I got a call from work.

It was the VP Manager.
Asking me what my schedule was like because they couldn't find a time sheet for me either.

lol *shakes head* It's no surprise though. Since it has been years since I've needed to fill one out. Like I've gone through three other Head Managers at least since I last changed it. 
Though at the same time I am surprised that my time sheet wasn't kept in the binder. Like...there isn't really a reason for it to have been tossed since I still work there....

Of course, the computer system used for the schedule had been set up so that my preferred shifts were already preprogrammed into the system. So it was mostly a matter of adjusting how long I worked each day from the already set schedule therein. 

I'm not sure if the new people 'broke' that though or not.
I mean since we're currently only allowed to come into the store an hour before the place opens, due to lack of's possible that my schedule is no longer set in the computer.

In any case.
I told the manager again what I preferred and my usual days of and such.

And then I asked "Do you need me to fill out a new time sheet since mine is missing?"

The VP said it wasn't necessary just yet.
Mostly because things are so screwy right now anyways it's not like it would matter right now. 
But I could see them asking me to fill one out once things 'get back to normal.'
If they remember to ask me to fill one out by the time that happens lol.

But yah.
It's going to be an interesting few weeks coming up.
I wonder how my schedule will differ this time around...

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Liar Liar

You gotta love it when you catch a customer in their lies.
So today I had a customer come into the store while I was working on our bug shipment. He wanted 100 large crickets and then a 50ct Superworms.
I had just got in our shipment of the 50ct but was experiencing a slight problem in that two of the containers had popped open so I was in the middle of counting the worms to make sure there were still 50 in each container. (There weren't) and I had stacked the remaining superworm containers on the cricket podium to later mark up.
As when our shipments come in we mark each container so we know what date they came in that way we can ensure older dates are sold first before the bugs die.
Since the containers were in plain view the customer asked if he could just take one. And I said yes.
Keep in mind this was before I could mark them with the date.
In the meantime I discover that there must have been a goof at the bug company because each container of 50 actually only had 25-30 Superworms in it. So I spend the next hour counting all the containers and combining them so that we're selling 50 Superworms in the 50ct container.
Soon after I finish this task the customer who bought a container calls back saying that when he got home and opened it... It was empty of worms but had a gel inside of it instead. Knowing that the containers were short we said he could bring it back in and we'd exchange it out.
HOWEVER. Instead of the customer coming in here sent his son instead to do the exchange.
And when the son hands me the container I immediately know something isn't right.
Why? Because we mark the dates on the container so we know which ones came in when.
The replacement container should have had no markings though because it had just come in. And I hadn't yet gone through them (so didn't move any lids) to count or mark them. BUT. What do I see when I look at the container?
I see a red 1003 on it.
Meaning that this particular lid was from a shipment that had come in back on October 3rd.
Considering we've been out of the 50ct Superworms for nearly a month, and that I hadn't touched the lids before that point and we don't reuse lids at all... It's impossible that we would still have a lid from October on the MOST RECENT shipment of Superworms.
Ergo. The customer is a big fat liar.
He stuck to his guns though when the son called asking if there was a different container at home he should have grabbed instead. Nope the customer insisted that this was the exact same container he'd picked up earlier. (Liar liar pants on fire)
Despite knowing that this was a fraud case. We took pity on the poor son caught in the middle of a he said/she said battle and did indeed exchange it for a 50ct container that actually has 50 Superworms in it and today's date since the container is only $6.
Still. I hope the man's conscience gets to him. Like how despicable and cowardly to send your son and embarrass him like that when we have proof the container wasn't the one purchased today. Like you can't face us yourself with your lies? Shame on you customer. Shame on you. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What We Don't Know

The problem with going through managers that often the ones who know how to run the store really well...end up leaving before they can pass on their knowledge to the person taking their place. Which means the subsequent person only knows what they figure out on their own, or what situations they encounter.

Til it gets to the point where people don't know what they don't know and just assume the thing has 'always been like that'

It's been that way with our fish system for a while.
I've had managers who've had experience with the system and know how to maintain them and such.
But they ended up leaving before I could learn from them what sort of maintenance needed to be done and how to do it.

I'm aware of things that need to be done...but have no idea how often they need to be done or how to do them.

And like...what I'm aware that needs to be done....I've often only seen done by a maintenance guy who's come in to do all the stuff that needs to be done. 

And it's been like two or three years I feel like since I've seen that done. 

And like I said...I don't know what needs to be done or how often it needs to be done. 

But today I was actually able to learn a bit about our system. 

As our new VP Manager is an old hand at working for Starsmet. With years and years of experience under their belt in a variety of positions including the now defunct PetCare Manager position.
And they happened to work in a sister store that has a similar system to ours and therefore they're aware of just what sort of work needs to be done and how to ensure the system is running well. 

So my current manager and I spent some time with the VP manager as they went through the fish system, showing us a couple of things and noting that we probably definitely need to get the maintenance guy back in to ensure all the parts are working properly and have their components in good working order. 

Which is good. Because like I said...I only know what I know....and the rest...yah it's a mystery to me.

But it's also good to know that our new VP manager has experience in my department, that gives me a bit more confidence in going to them for help or trusting them to know what they're talking about when it comes to animal care in the store. 
So yay. Good things so far.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I'll Call You.

Sometimes I get those customers into the store where I can just tell that they'll be trouble.
Especially when said customer is a new owner of a pet.

Because they tend to be rather...idk...protective? paranoid? about the health of their pets.

Like I had one customer who once called the store every single day, sometimes more, to check in on their guinea pig that had been returned to our care for treatement, despite our assurances that the customer would be called as soon as the guinea pig was better. 

In this case.
We had a customer buy a skinny pig a few days ago. 

Possibly like last Thursday or so? 

And they brought it back to us yesterday. Concerned that the skinny pig may be sick.
Because apparently he was sneezing and had goopies in one of his eyes and the his stomach was making weird noises...

But like upon investigating closer after returning the skinny pig to our and my managers couldn't see anything wrong with the skinny pig.
The eyes. Clear.
Breathing. Normal. No sneezing whatsoever.
And no idea what they were meaning by weird noises the stomach was making.

I had told the customer that I would call them this afternoon.

As we would need to observe it and that there was a potential that we wouldn't be able to get it into the vet right away due to the pandemic---or you know procedure as policy dictates when we need to take the skinny pig to the vet and so far he wasn't showing any signs of illness.

This morning was the same.
The Skinny Pig looked healthy. And after conversing with my manager, as I had mentioned that these customers seemed to be the type to want to know every single detail of what's happening to their skinny pig and that I had already told them I would call them today with an update, it was decided that I would call them this afternoon and let them know that the skinny pig appeared to be healthy, but that we would be keeping him here for a couple more days for observation. That way we could ensure that he was healthy and that in case he did develop goopies/respitory issues we could get him to the vet.

As it was. We saw no reason to take him to the vet.

Before I could call the customer as I had told them I would.

They came into the store. The small family.

I don't know why they didn't wait for us to call them, like...I did say this afternoon and it was barely after 1pm when I had to deal with them. I literally was about to call them as i was waiting until I'd finished with the bedding change I'd been working on all morning. 

And they apparently went straight over to the vet located in our store to check in on their skinny pig.

Again, I don't know why they didn't wait for us to call...or at least called us first.

Unfortunatly for them. 
Our vet in the store had no idea what they were talking about.

Because our vet doesn't see 'exotics' aka rodents, reptiles, birds, etc. 
They only really see cats and dogs.

But for whatever reason, the people at the vet told the customer that the skinny pig was probably up at a vet clinic in the next valley over. 
Which O_o huh???
That's like a 20-30 minute drive away from us.

Why would we ever take the animals that far away??
*shakes head*

The customer then found our Head Manager, who is new to the store, and wanted answers to which they repsonded that no, the vet we go to is closer...

But head manager told them the wrong city. Saying a place like fifteen to twenty minutes south of us. 

Nooo the vet we take them to is a location about halfway between us and our sister store. 

But the skinny pig hasn't been taken to that location yet. Because he seems healthy.


So I had to explain to the customer that we weren't seeing anything wrong with him,
To which the customer was like THEN WHAT COULD BE WRONG?! IS IT ALLERGIES?!

Lady I don't know. It could have just been stress. It could have been dust in the eye. It could have been nothing. Like who knows. Allergies could be a factor but from what triggers I'd mentioned, they didn't seem to have any of them present.

It took like a good fifteen or so minutes to satisfy the customer.

Because nothing seemed wrong they were wanting to take their skinny pig back today.
But I told them that we wanted to watch it for one more day to make sure. As being returned yesterday only to be sold again today could be stressful for the skiny pig and we wanted to make sure no symptoms would show up.

Honestly if I thought they wouldn't be a nuisance I would have told the customer that they could come get it Thursday.
But I could see them coming in tomorrow anyways to check in on the skinny pig.
So I told them that I would CALL them tomorrow morning between 10-11 and let them know.
If he still appears healthy I would tell them so and they could come get him tomorrow.

Considering the fact that their version of "afternoon" is only the hour after 12pm....

I'll probably call them earlier then 10 because I won't be surprised if they decide to come into the store between 10-11am anyways despite me telling them I would call them.

I'm hoping that the skinny pig still appears healthy.

Because I really don't want to have to deal with/reassure customers who keep coming into the store to check in on their pet when I have other tasks that need to be done and a skeleton crew to run the store. 

Guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. *shakes head*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 20, 2020

A Little Gratitude

So in an effort to help customers decrease their potential exposure to the virus. 
We've implemented a curb-side pick up program.

Where customers pull up in their cars, call the store to say that they're here, and then we bring their order out to them so that they don't have to get out of their car.

It has it's moments of frustration.
Like trying to find their order under their name as sometimes customers give differing names than what the order was placed under and we have to confirm that its them.
Some customers end up confusing us with our competitor and show up at our store by mistake.
Others come too quickly. Coming before their order has even shown up in our system which is stressful as we have to wait for it to show up and then quickly pick it because the customer is already outside waiting.

All in all.
It's just another part of the job.

Wait for the call.
Find the item.
Take it out to the customer and place it into their car. 
And then go back inside. 

Only this was different.
I was bringing out three bags of food out for the customer.
And as I was shutting the trunk of the car.

The customer was like "I wish I could give more as a tip" and holds out some cash to me. 

But like...we don't get tips. It's not part of our job. And we're not supposed to accept tips. 
Which I told the customer. "Oh we don't accept tips." 

-I mean grooming does. But the main workers in the store? Nope. No tips for us. 

But the customer was like "But I give them." Or something like that. Like...regardless of if we accept tips or not, they still wanted to give us a tip for helping them out.

Which was rather thoughtful of the customer.
So...I ended up taking the tip since the customer insisted. 

It was rather sweet of them. And definitely a highlight to my day. Just to have another person show appreciation for the effort that we're making to try and help customers have an easier time during this pandemic. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 19, 2020


I spent the day reading today.
Something I haven't done in a while.

It just...was nice.

It's been forever since I've been so caught up in a story that I like...forget to eat. Just stay focused with my eyes on the page, devouring every word, excitement coursing through me as I race to see how it's all gonna end.

It was fun.
Inspiring even.
Because the couple of stories that I read yesterday, totally inspired me to think of some wips I have in a totally different light. Bring a different nuance to them that I've been missing and that has been keeping me from finishing the stories.

And it's exciting.
Exciting to have that spark of creativity ignite where it's just "I want to write a story just as good as this." 

It was great. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 18, 2020


It's been a while since I've watched kids.

I mean, like any other jr. high/high school student, I would babysit for kids around the neighborhood to earn some extra money.

But since that point? I haven't really been around people who need a babysitter. 
I mean there have been times when I've 'watched' the kids. But it's been more of an "entertain them while the parent(s) talk in the other room" sort of watch. 

In this case. 
I volunteered to watch my nephews.

Which it's so weird that I have nephews.

But. Kikay has been semi-complaining about the lack of furniture in their new house.

As they basically bought their house, moved all their current things into it, got married, went on their honeymoon...and returned to find themselves needing to self-isolate and basically all the stores shut down before they could shop for furniture to fill the house with.

Kinda hard to buy furniture when all the stores are closed. 
And it's don't want to buy a couch online when you don't know how it feels or how comfortable it is....

So they've been stuck with the few pieces of furniture that they brought with them from their old places for like...over a month now. 

When Kikay dropped by for a visit and we went adventuring for food, we discovered that there were a couple of furniture places still open.

O.o not sure how they're still open. But I guess selling furniture is important??
In any case, after we established that you could go into the store and actually sit on the furniture and such...Kikay was like..."I need to bring husband here!" 

Since he's rather particular about furniture. Wants it to be comfy and functional and such.

But like...during this pandemic it's not easy to find a babysitter for the boys and it's not exactly the best idea to bring the kids with you when you are searching for furniture.

So I, along with Ash's help, volunteered to take the boys Pokemon Hunting for a couple of hours so that Kikay and Husband could have a chance to go furniture shopping for a couch (and get some probably much needed alone time with each other) 

It was kinda daunting really.
Watching two boys.
As I watched mostly girls when did the babysitting gig.

But overall. We had a ton of fun Ash and I.
We took the boys to the nearby campus as there's a lot of pokemon stops and gyms there plus tons of pokemon themselves. 
Also since it's like...finals week...and basically all the colleges are doing online classes themselves we knew that there shouldn't be a ton of people around.

And since it's basically the boy's first venture out into public since before all the crazy happened, they were quite excited to walk around catching pokemon and later, when their phones died, loved watching the ducks at the local duck pond nearby. 

It fun. And I hope that they had fun too. :D
idk when we'll be able to do it again, but at least Ash and I now know that we can handled the two of them for a couple of hours at least. 

Plus! Kikay and Husband found a couch to buy! Woot!! :D 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 17, 2020

Spit it Out!

One of my goldfish is a cannibal.

Which isn't that surprising goldfish are known to attempt to eat anything that can fit in their mouths.

And I've found my goldfish with fish stuck in their mouths.
Though the fish has often times been long dead. Leading me to believe that the goldfish just found it while picking at gravel at the bottom of the tank and thought it was food it could eat and so tried to eat it without realizing how big the fish would be.


When I came downstairs a couple of hours after feeding my fish.

I discovered that my largest goldfish -a fish given to me from my sister-in-law's work as they took down that tank there and needed someone to take in their fish...Had a tail sticking out of it's mouth.

And when I looked closer.
The tail was wiggling slightly.

My goldfish was attempting to eat an alive fish!! AHHHHHHH

So I quickly grabbed a net -and got splashed a plenty in the process- to catch the goldfish so that I could grab the poor catfish that somehow had gotten into his mouth.

It took a couple of tries, and I tore the tail fin on the poor catfish a bit...but I finally got him free!

Poor thing seemed rather traumatized.

The goldfish too has been acting a little traumatized from me manhandling him.

But hey I was trying to save a life here!


I honestly don't know how the goldfish got the fish in his mouth anyways.
The closest I can figure is that maybe the catfish was just hanging out on the gravel...and didn't move in time when the goldfish came by picking up rocks to see if they were food and accidentally picked up the catfish instead??

I don't know, though hopefully both of them recover just fine.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 16, 2020

A Visit

Kikay dropped by to visit today after I got off work.

Which I think is something that we, -me, Ash, and her- all desperately needed.

Like I'm an introvert overall. So I do love my alone time. But at the same time. Only being able to interact with the same individuals day in and day out...can get tiresome. 
And I think all of us were feeling the strain.

So after getting her car registration updated, Kikay dropped by for a visit. 

And it was amazing.

Just being able to chat in person. To hang out. It was great. 

And yes, I know that we're social distancing and such. But with us all being basically homebodies (except for me since I still have to go to work)...we felt it would be okay to do a visit.

Which turned into a drive out to grab food through the drive thru and eat it in our car at the local park. And it was like...a great mini adventure.

Fun to be able to interact with people you want to interact with.
And I just...ah. I've missed being able to hang out and be face to face with my sister.
I feel the same way with my brother too as he dropped by work earlier this week to pick up a snake and I desperately just wanted to chat the day away with him and catch up....except I was at work on the I couldn't do that.

I think that will be one thing I'm looking forward to, once the social distancing ends.
Being able to meet back up with my family and do dinners and game nights and such. 

Still. I'm glad that we three were able to hang out together, Ash, Kikay and I. 
It was wonderful.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Incoming Shipments

It's interesting how...quick my managers are to well...freak out over things. 

Honestly, I think it's just the stress being caused by the pandemic. 

As it feels like a lot of my managers are two seconds away from going into full on meltdown. 


The current grief -besides our annoyance at customers who are coming in just for funsies-is the fact that after a week of having no animal shipments (besides fish) come into the store as the company had stopped all shipments due to virus that this week we are getting shipments in again. 

As apparently corporate has a contract with the company that breeds/delivers our animals to us...and apparently the 'lack of hours' and general "hey there's this huge pandemic going on" isn't enough of a reason for us to stop the shipment of animals to stores. 

So they had to allow the company to send us more animals.

At least that's my understanding.

Which I get it. If you're breeding animals you kinda need to keep them moving or else risk overcrowding at your facilities. So I get it. 

But my managers and alot of my coworkers are upset about this reversal.

Mostly because having animals in the store means that it encourages people to come into the store to look at them and buy them and with more people in the store it means more chances of us catching the virus.

So yah. 
It's just a general consensus that we shouldn't be selling animals right now among my coworkers.

And I do agree with that sentiment.
Because sure you have time for the animals now.
But what about after the pandemic is over and life returns to normal? (if it ever returns to normal?) 

What are you going to do with your new pet then?? 
Hopefully...still take care of it.
But I can see us getting a ton of phone calls in the future asking if we take in pets because people suddenly 'don't have time' for them anymore.

In any case.

My managers were freaking out about us getting in more animals into the store because they were thinking that we would suddenly be overwhelmed with animals.
Like the breeders would send us so many animals we wouldn't be able to safely care for them or contain them all.

*shakes head*

Stress. Stress makes people not think things through.

The only times we really get overrun with animals is around Christmas when there's a huge buying market for animals. That's when we have trouble finding room for the animals...if they aren't selling. 

But like.
The other big holiday of the year.
Has already passed.
So honestly. There's very little risk of us being overwhelmed with pets.

Because most of the time, the breeders send us replenishment shipments.
Meaning that we only get more of an animal if we run out of the animal.

Like. Mice? Usually the store likes us to have between 3-6 of them in at a time.
If we get under 3? Usually we end up receiving another shipment of them.

Same for the hamsters. Most of the time we only get what we sell.
But if they're selling faster then they send us more of them.
Like Robo Dwarfs. Sometimes we get shipments of only three. Othertimes it's like a dozen. 
Same with the Guinea Pigs.

The breeders aren't just sending us animals willy nilly. They send us animals based on what we are selling now, and probably based on what was selling last year too.

And yet I could just see my manager picturing us having to deal with like 40 guinea pigs and a hundred different hamsters and a ton of birds and just...having no room.


Not gonna happen.
Like we're low on birds now. But they only sent us 4 parakeets this week.
And while the rodent shipment was huge...that was because they were making up for not sending us a shipment last week. 

Every week isn't going to have a ton of animals in it....unless we sell a ton of animals.

It's just a matter of convincing my managers that it's not a big deal that the animal shipments are continuing.
Yes that means that we have more opportunities to sell animals. 
But at the same time. I doubt they'll go overboard.

We'll only get in what we need.

Life is going to basically go on normally for the animal shipments.

Who knows...maybe I'm just not concerned because I'm the one who actively deals with the animal shipments and has seen what's come in week after week after week for seven years. 

So I know how the company works.


But yah. It's just....frustrating to see people getting worked up over minor things.
Like yes it's not great that having more animals may encourage more people to come in.
At the same time's really not worth stressing over it. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter Egg Hunt

I sent my roomies on an Easter Egg hunt today.

As a few days ago, I decided that we may not be able to celebrate Easter on Easter...but that didn't mean I couldn't give them a little bit of fun.

So I went on Amazon and found some eggs that came with some little stuffed animal bunnies in them.

They arrived today.

Though not in the eggs as expected...I had to place the bunnies in the eggs myself.


I waited for a good time when all the roomies were in their rooms.

And proceeded to hide the eggs around the house. 

Before texting the roomies telling them to come join the easter egg hunt. 


Lol I had them search for specific egg colors that way I could ensure they all got the same amount. 

And yah.

I think they all had fun.

A little fifteen minute diversion. 
And they loved the little stuffed animal bunnies inside. ^^;; So woot! :D 

Glad I could provide them with a little happiness this evening and a belated Easter. :D 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 13, 2020


It's so weird how needy customers can be. Or like they can be such sticklers for things. Especially prices. Like it's a sin that a price isn't the one that they want.

And like. It's something we've dealt with hundreds and hundreds of time and it's the sort of situation where it's a *roll your eyes* and move on sort of thing.

But with the gotta wonder why people insist on being difficult. 

Like we had a customer come into the store, who had bought a fish tank earlier on Saturday.

-I'm pretty sure it's the same customer that I actively sought to avoid on Saturday after realizing they were going to be a difficult customer so I went on lunch to give myself a break. 

And so this customer came into the store wanting to get a heater for the tank they had bought on Saturday as they'd gone for our clearance one that doesn't come with a heater.

So pointed out where the heaters were to the customer....
And somehow in the process of picking out a heater...the customer also decided that they wanted to get another clearance tank.

Only they grabbed the wrong one. And that one had a heater already included which I tried to tell the customer, but the customer wanted the tank without the heater because it was cheaper.

But they were wanting to get a cheap heater too.
Only our less expensive ones for that 10 gallon tank...we were out of stock on.
Because customers have been buying a lot of tanks and fish and accessories due to being stuck at home. *exhales* 

The customer was insistant though. To get a less expensive heater. They wanted to try and pricematch online.

Which looking at our online site the heater I had recommended earlier was actually $3 cheaper.

but still more expensive than the customer was wanting to buy.
It seems like they were trying to spend less than $20 on the heater. Probably as low as $13 if they could manage it.
But the ones that they found online were either out of stock at my store or were prices from other websites that I couldn't price match. 

I finally told the customer that if they were wanting a cheaper heater then they would have to wait until later in the week when our trucks came in. Because we didn't have them here.

Which was a frustrating like twenty minute ordeal. *exhales* 

It's frustrating to be helping a customer only for them to end up not taking your help. Or putting the product back and deciding to wait. *exhales* 

I had another customer who was obsessed with prices later on as well.

Where I rang up some bags of dog food for them and the price came up as $16.99 each.
But the customer insisted that it was $15.99 each.

So I went back to verify and the price was the 16.99 spot on the shelf and the spot was empty.'
But like three spots over was the 15.99 price. 

And the customer insisted that they had got the bags from that 15.99 spot.

*exhales* And the remaining bags on the shelf had been slightly askew so it was possible another bag had been there earlier. 
But like....I don't know why the customer was quibbling so over a simple dollar. Especially when we were in the right and it's unknown if the bags were actually in the wrong spot.

Still I gave them the difference after having the customer show me where they'd got the bags from. And they picked out that $15.99 spot without hesitation. 

It's just like....why be difficult?
Us workers are already under a ton of stress. Customers really don't need to make it any harder on us by being sticklers for prices or by being needy and insisting on being difficult. 

I just...I don't get it. Why some people just insist on being difficult no matter what. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Small Easter

It was an odd Easter this year.
I mean, with the pandemic and all...all the social parties and activities have basically been cancelled.
And since I've been avoiding going to the stores and being out in public...
That meant that I wasn't able to grab any Easter things either.
So no surprise eggs or baskets or candy or anything. :(

So it didn't really feel like Easter today when I woke up.

But there was a bit of Easter that happened later today.

One of my roomies gave us each an egg with a Kinder Egg inside of it. :D 
And then when we went on a walk around the block there were people from our ward hiding easter eggs along the street and invited us to find and take a couple.

My roomies and I each only took one egg that we found. 

As we wanted to give others the opportunity to find them too. 

So yah.
It was nice. :D 
A nice mellow Easter. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 11, 2020


It's a known fact that my coworkers and I don't like it currently when customers just come in to 'browse.'

Because like. We don't like that people are being so uncaring of the fact that they're bringing a risk to us workers in the store by coming in the first place to like...not buy anything.

There's this pandemic and you're risking our health and potentially your health to just...get out of the house.

It's frustrating.

Though what was also frustrating was that my managers decided today that they were going to keep a better track of just how many people were in the store.

And it felt like every time the number of people got above twenty.

They would go make an announcement basically saying that we're only open to individuals needing to buy essentials for their pets and if they weren't here to buy essentials then they should reconsider their visit and keep in mind the health of themselves and others around them." 

I think the message was too long.

Like customers don't read, but they also don't listen that well either.

So if a message is longer than like three seconds.
I'm pretty sure people tune out.

Really it should have been left at "Due to health concerns, if you are not here to buy essentials for your pet, please reconsider your visit here today."

Honestly, if it were considered polite I would say "If you are not here to buy something for your pet please leave." 

We can't really be that blunt though.

At the same time.
It did get rather annoying to hear the same message over the intercom like every ten minutes or so at some points. 

I also wonder at what point we would have started limiting people in the store.
As we do have the ability to close our doors and limit how many people come in the store at once.
Though it's not quite clear how many is too many.

Like we were making announcements if there were more than twenty what...if we had 30 people in the store would we have closed the doors? 

I don't know.

There's no real precedent for numbers.
It's more our own judgement if we feel there are too many people in the store.

And like 20 people in our large store...didn't feel like too many.

However, when they tend to all congregate in the same parts of the store, that's when they feel too crowded.

It's a stressful time.

I'm definitely looking forward to things getting back to normal. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Friday, April 10, 2020


Fasting hasn't always been the easiest for me.

More often than not, participating in the fast by abstaining from food for at least two meals often causes me grief in the form of headaches.

Which probably proves that some of my headaches are definitely caused by not drinking or eating enough and that causes my body to protest in the form of a headache or sometimes even a migraine.


There are some Fast Sundays that I end up not participating in because of that.
Though I do try and fast when I can. 

I was wondering just how to do a Fast today. 
I mean. I figured I could handle it. As today was my day off from work. 
So I wouldn't be exerting a lot of energy.
Which would decrease my chances of getting a headache.

At the same time, I'd participated in the fast for the first Sunday of the month....and ended up with a migraine that lasted at least three days.

So I wasn't sure I could do a food fast.

Though it was suggested that I could fast from something else.
Which since I'm always on Tumblr...that came to mind as that would be a bit of a sacrifice for me to stay away from the site. 

Even last night.
I wasn't sure what I would do.
Food fast.
Social Media Fast.

But I try both.

That way if I ended up not being able to stay fasting from food.
I would already be fasting from Tumblr.

I ended up doing both.
I even fasted longer today from food than I did on Sunday.
As I chose to break my fast just after 4pm.

Though I did wait a few more hours after that before venturing onto Tumblr. 

So I'm rather proud of myself for going so long. ^^;;

Now it's the wait and see game.
To see if I end up with a migraine tomorrow like I did last time I fasted.
Or if I did better at preemptively preventing it. 
We'll see.

Still. I'm glad I was able to participate in the fast. 
Hopefully things improve in this pandemic. That the fast helps. Helps those to see inspiration to fight the pandemic. For those effected to improve. And...well so much more. That we can get the world back to normal.

*fingers crossed*

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi