Monday, April 6, 2020

Running Around

It was one of those days at work that unexpectedly got crazy.
Which under normal circumstances is rather expected.
But with the virus and such...the store getting busy isn't that welcomed at all because people should be staying home.

In any case.

I believe it started with someone calling the store to see if their order was ready. wasn't.
Because they had placed the order a few minutes ago....and like...we hadn't picked it yet because we hadn't gotten to it yet.

Which ended up being the recurring theme of the next hour of me frantically trying to pick orders that customers had come to pick up with our curbside pick up but we hadn't picked them yet. 

Which is extremely frustrating because when customers order online, they usually receive two emails.
The first saying that their order has been submitted.
The second saying that their order has been picked and is ready to be pick up. 

And yet, so many people are unfamiliar with the ordering system apparently 
And obviously don't know how to read.

Because they see that their order has been submitted and assume that that means it's been picked.
It hasn't. 
It just means that you've placed it. 
Doesn't mean we've received it or picked it. 

But yah. It happened like three times in a row to me.
Where I would be trying to catch up on the influx of online orders we suddenly got and a customer would call to say that they were here for their order and I would have to go find their name on the picking list and go pick them because they were here already, which is stressful especially if I can't find the items listed on the order right away. And like I'd be in the middle of trying to pick one order when a customer would call with the same sort of situation. >_<
And then we had two customers in a row who ended up placing two separate orders and coming in early so we would have to go find and pick both orders before being able to take them out to the car and like....GAH.

It was stressful.
Especially considering I was the only one running around like crazy because three of our managers were distracted with other tasks, the fourth was helping customers and then it was just me and the cashier.

It got to the point where I went to one of the other managers and was like "Look you gotta help because it's crazy and there's seven online orders that need to be picked and I've been trying to go on lunch for an hour."

And the manager was like "Oh, just finish picking those orders." 

And I was like "There's seven of them and it's already 12:30." 
As I take my lunch usually around 11 or so. 
And the manager was like ()_() because they hadn't realized what time it actually was and so took over the picking of the orders -because I would probably be picking for another hour if I had to pick things and try and help people in my department and such. 

So yah.
It was a frustrating moment.
To have to be answering dozens of phone calls, picking orders, and trying to help customers in the store all at the same time. Like I had a customer waiting to be helped in my department for a good 15 or 20 minutes before I was able to get to them because I was busy running around trying to pick orders for people waiting outside. 

Hopefully tomorrow is less crazy. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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