Friday, April 24, 2020

When Do You Work?

Back when I first was hired full time, and took the position that I have now.

I was told that I needed to have an open schedule, so that the managers could place me wherever they needed to, whenever they needed to. 

That was like...I don't know...five or six years ago now? 

I haven't needed to fill out a time sheet...a schedule form? Idk. A form where I indicate when I can/can't work and my preferred times to work. Since that point.

As surprisingly schedule hasn't changed that much.
I mean, I'm not in school. Haven't been in a while. So it's not like I have to worry about getting to class on time. Nor do I have another job where I need to make sure it doesn't conflict with my current one. 


Due to the pandemic.
Schedules have had to be adjusted.
Especially since my job is currently running on a skeleton crew.
Where we only have ten people working in the main part of the store.

:S Kinda scary having such a thin crew. It basically means three people in the morning and three people in the evening with maybe one or two extras. 

It's stressful. Like...if any of us end up sick we're so screwed right now.

In any case.
Because we have such limited numbers.
The managers are taking a closer look at people's schedules. Making sure everyone has theirs updated so that they can work everyone when they're actually available to work.

Which last week my new head manager was like "Soo...I don't have a time sheet for you...when do you usuall prefer to work?" 

I told them. Due to my position I'm available to work any time. But I prefer morning shifts. Because the later I work in the day the grumpier (and more prone to headaches) I am prone to get because I honestly can only tolerate so much customer service before I get drained and/or irritated. 

I figured that the HM would make a note on that since they were in charge of scheduling.

But this week we had a change in that we also got our new VP Manager. 

And usually it's the VP Manager who is in charge of scheduling while the HM only takes charge if like...the VP is unavailable. 

So this afternoon....I got a call from work.

It was the VP Manager.
Asking me what my schedule was like because they couldn't find a time sheet for me either.

lol *shakes head* It's no surprise though. Since it has been years since I've needed to fill one out. Like I've gone through three other Head Managers at least since I last changed it. 
Though at the same time I am surprised that my time sheet wasn't kept in the binder. Like...there isn't really a reason for it to have been tossed since I still work there....

Of course, the computer system used for the schedule had been set up so that my preferred shifts were already preprogrammed into the system. So it was mostly a matter of adjusting how long I worked each day from the already set schedule therein. 

I'm not sure if the new people 'broke' that though or not.
I mean since we're currently only allowed to come into the store an hour before the place opens, due to lack of's possible that my schedule is no longer set in the computer.

In any case.
I told the manager again what I preferred and my usual days of and such.

And then I asked "Do you need me to fill out a new time sheet since mine is missing?"

The VP said it wasn't necessary just yet.
Mostly because things are so screwy right now anyways it's not like it would matter right now. 
But I could see them asking me to fill one out once things 'get back to normal.'
If they remember to ask me to fill one out by the time that happens lol.

But yah.
It's going to be an interesting few weeks coming up.
I wonder how my schedule will differ this time around...

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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