Thursday, October 22, 2020

Going Out

You know. It's kinda stressful being in public spaces right now.

Like...I have kinda gotten used to it, working retail and such. I'm usually around a lot of customers and such.

But when I'm out of my familiar work area...yah.

It gets rather stressful to be around other people like when I'm grocery shopping and such.

So I was rather hesitant, especially with the rising covid cases in my go to a wedding reception that my friend was holding.

Like yes it would be outside.

Yes masks would be most people.

But like I would be near a bunch of strangers I've never interacted with before....along with some friends.

And it was stressful. But

Being able to see friends/acquaintances again. Like being able to catch up and talk. There were people at this reception that I hadn't seen in like a year.

And it was great! I could nearly forget about who was or wasn't wearing masks and such when talking with my friends away from other people.

But it's rough for sure.

Going to be social right now...there's always that wiggling worm of paranoia that 'something' is gonna happen. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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