Monday, October 5, 2020

Nesting Dolls

It was my paternal grandma's birthday yesterday.

And for her birthday, we had my family and some of the extended family gather together to eat lunch and visit and such.

Which is stressful in it's own right because like...beyond being around customers at work and venturing into the grocery stores, I'm not usually around a ton of people. 

So to have like around 20 of our family members meet up to celebrate was quite different from our usual gathers. And stressful too. Just because some of these family members I hadn't seen in like a year if not longer.

In any case.
Since it was my grandma's birthday, I've been looking for a gift to get her.

Which is a bit of an adventure in of itself because while I could have just asked her if she wanted anything particular...I also wanted to surprise her and get her something random.

But I was well aware that this year she and my dad have spent quite a bit of time decluttering their homes and getting rid of things that they no longer want or need. 

So it was hard to go find a 'thing' to get her because I wasn't sure how long it would actually stay in the house if grandma was still decluttering things.

For a bit I was thinking I could get her some more bath salts or bath bombs....but I'd gotten her those for Christmas and I had no idea how much or how little of those she had left or if she would even want any more.

So I ended up just kinda surfing through Amazon looking for gift ideas because I wasn't really keen on venturing into physical stores as my state is going through a prolonged spike where we're basically having at least 1,000 cases of Covid reported in our state on a daily basis. So I'm less keen to be around complete strangers.

And I ended up looking at Nesting Dolls.

I mean, they've been on my mind before now as I ended up getting a friend a nesting doll for her birthday recently.

But I remembered that my grandma liked them as well. Though I had no idea if she still liked them, because I'm pretty sure it was a childhood memory I was remembering and nothing recent.

But I figured that that could be something fun and different to get her. 

And I thought it would be entertaining to get one of those nesting dolls that has like...well a ton of dolls within.

As I've always enjoyed the ones where the dolls within get super tiny and there's like a dozen of them inside. 
Though typically there are only like four or five dolls all together.

However, I found one that had like 10 total dolls and figured that would be fun to get her.

Lol I didn't realize that it would be fun for the entire family.
As when Grandma opened the gift I'd thought she would have been like "that's so nice! I love it!" and then set it to the side, but nope.
Lol she wanted to see how many dolls were within and proceeded to open the first one.

And at the fifth one everyone was like "Oh is that the last one?"
Out came a sixth.
Then a seventh.

Daddoo had to take over in the opening because Grandma couldn't quite get the grip to continue opening more.

XD lol my extend family was like "THAT HAS TO BE THE LAST ONE!" and then would go all ()_() !?!?! Whenever a new doll would come out. XD lol.

Like I said, all in all there were 10 together with the smallest one being around the size of a jelly bean if not smaller. Lol. 

It was great. I hadn't realized it would entertain the entire family, but entertain them it did. XD
So glad my gift went over well. :D lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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